
Mirror cavern

Finally I make it to the forest of mist for the tiomen a ore so clear its like a mirror or ice so I shined my laser and it bounced back after a bit "alright we're pretty far so anyway how your da- huh I didn't shoot my laser again did i then a beam of pure light and mass fly past my face and straight through a tall oak tree "DAM-" and the tree landed on nom nom (my giant dog) as I barely jumped off and escaped "SHOW YOURSELF" (Ok then come on loser) a green eyed black haired delinquent with a bat made from the tiomen MY TIOMEN "GIMME THAT BAT" (HA come and get it) I ran up to kick the bat from his hand however I tried but some shield blocked my kick he raised his hand and was immediately pushed up by a pillar of a ice like mirror thing then he jumped and shot a laser through his bat creating a ray of destruction I jumped to another pillar as the one below had been shattered he raised his ice and shot lasers through

(LAZER MINIGUN bet your wishing you didn't come here) "Uh y y yeah right" time to fight back I jumped down and through webbed everything then I had an idea.