
Lost cause

My final move that won the game"FUSE"...nothing happened laser boy sits there confused then he charged his energy in the bat and propelled himself forward by jumping and shooting lasers from his feet ripping his shoes that were really just trash bags /MELTING CRŠH\ his bat connects with my rib sending me crashing into a giant tree cracking one of my ribs and sending a burning sensation all throughout my body I started crying but it was evaporated on my heating skin I decide running is the only option I ran into the cave taking pieces of some of the mirror like pillar and booking it I ran through many tunnels too many to remember the way back I turn and a red light can be seen in the distant as quick as I can I twirl dodging a red laser that looked aimed at my neck that was so not epic but I need to survive I take the glass and set up like a baseball player getting ready to hit the ball however this game is a bit different with a laser instead of ball...great the laser is sent flying by as I step to the left another one this time hitting its target straight on my knee my right leg collapsed and the boy showed himself and a giant laser

/well finally your done last words or whatever\

"We-" /don't care die\ rude a giant beam of energy crashes into the glass making a giant deadly rave he gets angry and gives it all he got...perfect I throw my glasses in the direction of the laser it bounces over and smacks him in the head you hear a melting and cracking sending flying toward the hard rock wall another pleasant cracking noise screaming pain and agony if anyone saw they would say it was horrifying.