

So today I found a gameman and started playing chuōmon and chose bulbarar a grass lizard and he is the best out of all of them he can use absorb hmmmmmm and like five hours later I'm at the boss and I'm walking down the stairs and slip on a toy and first thing I say "FUC- AGHHH" and down the stairs I go worst part I looked at the screen and guess what it broke >:( so I'm legit crying and hear snickering from upstairs and look who it it the kid I freaking saved laughing at me the whole rest of the week I was devastated and I couldn't even eat I was depressed so what happened was the little girl went to wall mart and got me a toy bulbarar and I loved it so nothing happened everything was just fine BuT ZEE you must be saying SomETHing hAD to HaVE HappeNED nope well UNTIL the fire nAtiON attacked Nope not kidding well I'm kinda joking but there was a gang called the fire nation they obviously knew what they were doing with that kinda name but they came to the city while I was at the store going house to house threatening people so I ran home told everyone "THE FIRE NATION IS ATTACKING"and set up some traps dis bought to be lik home alone 3 then they came to our house their last mistake so they knocked on the door then banged on the door and finally broke down the door "alright now y'all better saddle up an gimme dem jewelry's k pardna " great county well so he stepped in and hehe BOOOOOM A CANNONBALL RIGHT TO THE GOD D#### FACE I WOULD SAY HE'LL BE FEELING THAT TOMORROW BUT HE'S DEAD SOOO YEAH ekrm sorry about that anyway the other fire nation gets ready to what are are ARE THEY RUNNING WHAT THE H### OMG WE SET ALL THIS UP AND THEY'RE RUNNING JESUS CHRIST REALLY I CANT BELIEVE IT WORST GANG EVER um well goodbye we gotta unboobytrap the house that will take awhile So um bye friends