
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Silver Tier Battle

The weather in this Ice world doesn't seem to change the deeper you go into it. Only the Ice element gets stronger. Filipe Wind realized that he had already encountered many bronze level magical beasts along the way. But as it was getting late, he decided to find a place to spend the night.

When suddenly a strong wind came towards him. While not threatening him, he can sense that this energy is an aftermath of an attack using the Ice element. From the distance he can't even see the fight. It must be a fight between two beings who reached the silver level, and awakened their elements.

With the awakening of the element, the mage can communicate with the world, and use more powerful abilities. His abilities are blessed with the corresponding element he has awakened. As a result, the Elemental mage has a wide range of uses to specialize in using their element. As in battles, the scope of its attacks reaches an area of kilometers, being able to change the location in just one fight.

Then Filipe Wind realized that it must be two silver level strong men fighting. Since he decided to come to this world to get experience, he headed straight towards the direction he felt two Ice element vortexes, gathering two kilometers away.

Arriving more than a kilometer from the battle, he didn't dare go any deeper. He doesn't know if these two who are in battle have already noticed his presence. But if I cross a kilometer, it can feel like I'm invading your fighting space. Now he is climbing a mountain, frozen over a kilometer away, to watch the fight.

"My god, it's an Ice Titan."

"And he's fighting a mage specializing in concealment, who also uses the Ice element as an attack."

Filipe Wind saw a fifty-foot-tall creature facing off against a female mage who was farther away, and he couldn't see very clearly. He only realized that the Ice Titan was surrounded, what appeared to be mirrors made of Ice and being attacked by spears that rained towards him stopping his steps that tried to reach the Ice Mage.

Despite incredible strength and the use of the Ice element blessing his attacks, the Ice Titan is on the defensive in this fight.

Why are there many Ice spears coming out of each mirror like a ripple in Water. Filipe Wind doesn't seem to understand much, but he can see the use of the Water and Ice element in these mirrors.

Of course Filipe Wind wouldn't understand, that's Alice Snow's Gift [Frozen Portal]. At silver level, this Gift granted Alice Snow a means to use the element of Water and Ice and create a portal, which can be used for various uses.

As in the attack, she summons [Ice Spear], a B-level skill. And uses her Gift the [Frozen Portal], in the skill [Ice Mirror], another B-level skill. and use it as a means to attack the Ice Titan with more Ice Spears and suppress it on the spot.

Filipe Wind learned a lot how silver level mages fight from this battle. And seeing an Ice Titan, a magical beast at the top of the strength type being suppressed, he understood that there are monsters among humans. Thinking that the battle had already been won, by this Ice Mage.


Suddenly, the Ice Titan seemed to go berserk and used a roar filled with the element of Ice. It was like a cannon of blue light that froze where it passed, and it was heading towards the Ice mage. That was his strongest innate skill, [Frozen Roar], as his name freezes everything it touches.

Seeing that the Ice Titan that was on the defensive still had the strength to attack, Alice Snow didn't care. Though it felt a pity that she couldn't win the battle, just with the use of her mirror skill. But this beast was very resistant to his spear attack. If she was another beast with a lower defense, she would already be full of holes in the spot by now.

"Let's get this over with then."


Alice Snow created a mirror in front of her to ward off the attack. And she created a bigger one underneath the Ice Titan, swallowing it on the spot and being taken to a place full of mirrors. In these mirrors, ice spears no longer come out, but ice and snow freezing the entire place. The Ice Titan was no exception and was transformed into a frozen mountain.

Her ultimate skill [Snow], was the signature skill of her Snow Family.

Seeing that the Ice Titan was frozen and the battle was over. Alice Snow took a quick look in the direction where Philip Wind was, and left the place disappearing among the snow and ice, like a mirage.

Filipe Wind was surprised by the turn of events in the battle. The exchange of attacks between the two sides was very quick, and then the ice Titan disappeared from the place and appeared in another frozen place in a mountain. That surge of attacks from the Ice Mage was too powerful. And he cannot even imagine how to defend himself, if he is the target of such an attack.

But as an experience, this was a battle that broadened his horizons and his desire for a battle of this level was his goal at the moment.

It was only then that he realized that the Ice Mage was gone, and now it was tonight and he decided to sleep on this mountain anyway. Using his affinity for the element of ice, he created a hole in the middle of the mountain, where it doesn't catch wind. Its size is very spacious, it looks like the room at the Inn he was sleeping in those days.

So, after making sure he doesn't have any danger near this mountain. He lay down on a bed he took from his space ring and slept quietly, like this frozen world that blows and stays the same.