
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Ice Phoenixes

"Chip ..."

Accompanied by the flapping sound of the Ice Phoenix's wings, countless feathers made of ice fell down freezing the entire place. Each feather's power is no weaker than a C-level skill. Each feather freezes the place where it lands, this is another chance that the Ice Phoenix is giving, even being frozen. If before the next round of attack you manage to break the ice, you can continue the challenge.

Faced with such a situation, many young people were frozen on the spot without knowing how they were hit. Only two survived the first round.

The Ice Phoenix realized that between the two survivors.

One had a great affinity for ice, though it barely noticed the attack. With its resistance to the ice element and using all its strength it barely survived.

The other one was a little hazy to know its affinity with the ice element, but when the feathers would touch it, a wind barrier would appear on the spot compensating the ice element with the wind produced on the spot.

Ice Phoenix couldn't help but like such a defense mode and started to be interested to see how it does in the next attack.

Seeing that he had survived, Filipe Wind released his breath and relaxed. With his Elemental affinity, it wasn't difficult to notice the feathers. The difficulty was in offsetting such an attack, so he could only use wind.

Despite standing out from the masses it seems too early for me. But he wasn't hiding and it was a good thing if the people of the Kingdom noticed him from now on.

The youths were all removed from the scene. When they realized that they had failed, they couldn't help but speak in a low voice about the difficulty of this challenge. But nobody went to complain, they know that in the face of force majeure, everything is the cry of the weak. Then after getting the consent of the team on the spot, they went to the seats to continue watching the challenge of the last two.

"Chip ..."

The Ice Phoenix flying high in the sky took a look at the last two challengers. And as a warning to start the next round of attack, it let out a sound like a beautiful melody. With a flap of wings, an ice storm formed, rolling like waves towards the challengers.

As the Ice Phoenix wanted to test the attack strength of these two challengers. His attack is now slightly higher, but can be compensated if attacked in one spot. After all, she would leave one more chance this time, it just remains to see if they notice the weakness in the ice storm.

As predicted by the Ice Phoenix.

Only one managed to make up for the ice storm and attacked its weak point.

That it was Filipe Wind, the young man that the Ice Phoenix took an interest in. He still used his wind element, but the storm was opened by the wind sword he created. Very high affinity in the wind element, to compress the Wind into a sword and cut through the frozen storm.

The second was carried away by the ice storm, and is now frozen in place.

He tried to attack the ice storm head-on. But because of his lack of strength, he couldn't withstand the attack, and was frozen despite his affinity for the element of ice.

"Then how is there only one candidate left."

"It ends here, this Academy challenge."

"Everyone can go."

James after receiving a warning from the Ice Phoenix, rose from his seat and announced the result.

Although he found it strange, it was fortunate that one participant managed to pass the challenge. But since it was already approved by the Ice Phoenix, he can only announce the result and end this Gym Challenge and send everyone away.

Seeing that someone got the medal worth ten of the same level.

The young people in the stands couldn't believe it. Someone survived two Ice Phoenix attacks.

Now a guaranteed first place in this Kingdom test has appeared. His sum of points is far ahead of the second place. So these young people who witnessed this, can only try to make up the difference in points over time and fight until the end of the test which lasts for a year.

"Chi ..."

The Ice Phoenix looked at everyone leaving, and was left in place with just her and James.

"Welcome Second Princess, this Gym challenge has been done as you ordered."

James bowed slightly to greet the person who suddenly appeared at the scene. She was the Second Princess of the Realm, Delia Snow who was 25 years old and already a gold level mage. Her appearance was impeccable, with her silver white hair and her blue eyes. She was hailed as the ice flower of the Kingdom.

"You did good, you can go. I got to see what I wanted."

Delia Snow accepted James' greeting, and dismissed him as she stroked the feathers of the Ice Phoenix that was somehow already on the ground.

"Alice, the person you chose badly is acceptable to go to that place. Let's see when he reaches the silver level. For you at least I will give him a chance to compete."

Delia Snow rambled, while thinking about her conversation with her sister Alice Snow. On the day she arrived at the secret to investigate the occurrence of an unknown Legendary level of the element of ice, she met her sister. After a conversation with her, she learned of her choice for the person chosen to occupy a place at the entrance to that place.

But how important is this matter. And there's a lot of people with funds, wanting a spot to come into the place. She couldn't let her sister joke about that subject. She then she decided to take a preliminary test for this vacancy candidate.

As a result, bronze level warrior is still a very low realm. But he has a very high affinity with the Wind element, reaching the silver level is a certainty. So I'll give him a chance, what if he can make it to the royal city under his own power. I will invest in choosing my sister.