
Cursed Flames (Part 2)

Exile hummed as he studied the other issues with his new spell. 'The cost is insane, and that's just for a touch spell. It would be impossible to sustain a fighting style using only the cursed flames element at this level.'

A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his mouth as he wondered if it would ever be viable. 'I'd need to push a lot of Authority enchantments on my gear.' Exile frowned as he studied his new gear that still had the same enchantments as his royal armour.

'With my level going up, I can create stronger enchantments now. I should wipe these enchantments and wear my enchanter equipment.' Exile smiled as he swapped out his equipment. The enchanter's set was something he created in his spare time to help prepare equipment for the war with Nar'Kozz.