
Chapter Twenty seven

"Go on," I said eventually as Hinkle kept silent to try and place any expression I made. He had expected me to get angry, to scream at him that lunge at him. But I did not. I had to keep my cool that would be the thing that would give me my answers.

"Tribble and I had been ina relationship. It was frowned upon by my community as she is... " He quieted down not wanting to say the words. The lesser species. "Goblins refuse to serve the wizards without getting a profit. We hate the wizardkind and the thought of serving them. So when we heard about the eagerness of the house-elves to serve wizards we despised them just as much if not more than wizards for lowering their worth," Hinkle continued.

"But when I met Tribble she captured my gaze, her kindness and caring personality made me fall, hard. We had kept our relationship a secret but when news came out my community were threatening to shun me. Throw me out. I begged our leader-" I cut Hinkle of again and asked.

"Who is your leader," I asked. Hinkle looked away from my gaze before answering again. "I do not know, I have been here for a long time, it could have changed," He said softly guilt heavy in his voice. I merely nodded and did not ask further, it was not a question I needed to be answered right now.

"It was what you could call a forbidden love. My leader told me to proof myself and if I freed Tribble I would be able to be together with her in peace. I told them I would have to infiltrate from the inside out and used my marriage with Tribble as an excuse, which they accepted. Tribble was bonded by your mother. If..." Hinkle stopped talking and shook his head.

"If you killed my mother you could be with Tribble. But it backfired because?" I asked. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "you," Hinkle said softly.

"You were the mistake in the whole plan, I poisoned your mother, but I did not know she was pregnant. Instead of the poison carrying on to her fully it carried on to you. Your mother made Tribble your future house-elf so she could take of you when she died. Your mother knows she would not have enough strength for pregnancy, that she would die," Hinkle looked at me his eyes trying to say he was sorry but I knew far too well that it was useless to say that now. My mother was dead my second mother was murderd.

"When you survived like a miracle, you chained Tribble to you and your father found out what had happened. He had Tribble hurt me for my betrayal, chained me to you dungeons. At least I can be with my wife every day now," Hinkle signed sadly one single tear streaming down his face.

"You did what you thought would save you, but your leader led you in a trap even if you freed Tribble they would have never accepted you," I said emotionlessly. Hinkle let out a tired sigh. "You only notice afterwards right, till then you're blinded, "Hinkle let out a sad smile before turning back to his book. "You should head back you have been here for too long," Hinkle said.

I left without another word and back to my room. From there I silently entered the tutor room and was surprised to see Ms Sewle not there yet. My mind was heavy with thoughts once more and I decided to sort into files.

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I have exams in two weeks and need to really study, so I won't update for a while if you have the money I suggest becoming a patron because I am unsure about when I upload (although I will next week once I have the chance!)

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Have a great day and wish me good luck

Timiscreators' thoughts