
Pandora's Legacy: The Accursed Soul

Williams a 23 year old man died in a car accident because of a break up with his girlfriend. A man who in is past life was a coward, weak-willed and irresponsible man. Now that he has a chance at a new life, would he grab the chance and live a new life with 199 women in his established harem like he imagines or would he keep on the useless lifestyle of his past life? Let's follow Williams or should I say Yukiharu on his journey in his new life.

Mystic_Walker · Khác
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16 Chs

Heart Demon (3)

When yuki saw this scene playing in front of him, he couldn't resist moving over trying to help her even though he very well new it was not real but just a memory of his.

He tried taking a step forward but no matter how much he tried to move he couldn't go anywhere. Then a frown started forming on his mouth but before he could erupt and lash out loud, he heard a voice just right beside his ear. "What are you doing? Getting blinded by emotions when you know it's not real? Wanting to erupt when things are not going your way? These are nothing but signs of weakness!!!

You need to be collected at all times and know what you're doing no matter what, seal away your useless emotions when things are getting serious, and mostly become stronger so you could make things go the way you want no matter what it is" said the voice.

At first it just sounded beside his ears but towards the ending of it's speech it started coming from all areas.

"Look again, tell me what you see. Look deeply at them and tell me" said the consciousness once again beside his ear. But then a crow materialized on his right shoulder after the voice faded. Yuki immediately knew it was faunus who imposed as the crow, he knew it was him since the beginning.

Yuki followed faunus words and stared intensely at the people who were there. Then he noticed something, something which was trying to conceal itself but at the end of the day it was still a flaw, a flaw which had to be identified.

"They're not truly integrated with the real people. They're fake and lifeless, with further studying of the flaw, it will become obvious. The flaw is the programming instilled in them." Said yuki, then turning to the crow, faunus on his shoulder he said "A truly marvellous test. This is not the limit of your ability right? It can't be this weak."

"Of course but my strength now is limited, you see why you need to get stronger now right? Besides I believe you can feel the suppression on your soul, it must still be weak. As you get stronger, it'll also get stronger not weaker until you're able to ignore it or if possible fight it till the end." said faunus.

After yuki heard his words he was surprised, not because of the suppression faunus mentioned, he clearly could feel the suppression on his soul but what he didn't expect was that it was still considered weak to him. For him to think of this as something weak, it was obvious he had faced worse but yuki just didn't know what he could've faced, though no matter how surprised he was, he made sure to not allow it to show on his face.

"Yes, I can feel the suppression, is it perhaps because I'm from another world? Or is it because my soul is defying the laws of the universe by transmigrating instead of going through reincarnation?" yuki asked looking at the suspended characters of the high school girl and the delinquents.

Not hearing any response from faunus, he looked at him then became startled as he saw a very serious expression on his face even thought it went quickly just as it appeared.

Looking deep into yuki's eyes, the crow seemed so solemn and serious, yuki felt he shouldn't interrupt his thoughts but be patient and endure the silence.

"I just wonder why this guy is these smart. Well even though I know I would have become a lost cause just like the others without his wits. Sometimes I wish we could just switch our roles, it surely must be interesting and captivating playing his role" thought faunus. Breaking him out of his thoughts were yuki's words.

"Are you alright faunus?" asked yuki in a monotone voice signifying his indifference. Then he also added just before he was going to forget and ignore it. "You still haven't answered my question yet by the way" he said while looking at the crow deeply.

Faunus just ignored yuki's inquisitive look and shook his head at him before saying "It's not yet time for you to know all that, when it's time for you to know naturally you'll know but now just focus on getting stronger. Somethings are better kept a secret from people to protect such said people."

Yuki just looked at him for more than a minute, then he backed out of the staring competition. "Okay, I'll believe you for now." Then he said the thing that has been tormenting his mind for a long time now.

First of all, mentioning the crow's own name straightforwardly for the first time, he said "Faunus, tell me exactly who you are awhat exactly is this place and what you want from me."

 Faunus just looked at him And said something that served as a motivation for him "Defeat your heart demon and I'll tell you. Deal or not?"

As expected, yuki then felt motivated as he really wanted to know what exactly faunus was. So of course, he agreed to the deal.