Zichri didn't sleep long, waking to movement around him. The hunters were back to try something else, but he didn't want to wake Sibbecai. He was surrounded and each carried a stick. Sibbecai growled softly and as he started to move, she jumped to her feet and faced her fellow hunters. The hunters ran at them as Zichri stood. It was harder to face more than one of them and almost went down, but Sibbecai was right there for him and gave him enough time to get up and tackle the next hunter. Together, they were able to get all but two before Sibbecai was knocked down. It distracted Zichri enough and they knocked him down as well.
"You've all gotten better," he congratulated them. He got up, but as he turned to Sibbecai, Panther-Sanrid was kneeling over her. "Sibbecai?" He hurried to her side. "Sibbecai."
She was still breathing, but unresponsive.
"What happened?" Zichri asked.
"I don't know. She had started to get up, but then lay down again. It shouldn't have been from the fight, since she was only tapped once."
"Where was she tapped?"
"In the shoulder."
"Alright. Thank you, Panther-Sanrid."
"You're welcome, Tiger-Zichri."
The hunters left as Zichri took Sibbecai to the healers. They could find nothing wrong and just assumed she was tired. He took her home and lay beside her, running his fingers through her furry cheeks. A small smile spread across her lips and she purred. It was a welcome sound and he pulled her closer to kiss her forehead.
"Zichri?" she mumbled. "What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, just can't stay awake."
"Then get some sleep. Thanks for your help today."
"Mhmm," she said, snuggling closer to him.
He rested his forehead against hers.
"Zichri?" Anaya asked as she came in.
"Yes, Mother?"
"I just wanted to let you know I will be staying with the widow, Coyote—Heather."
"…Thank you for coming back to me, Zichri."
"You're welcome, Mother. I hope you are okay with the change."
"I will enjoy learning from Supi. You're wife is a strong woman; stronger than you would have found in our village."
"Thank you."
"Goodnight, Zichri."
"Goodnight, Mother."
The sun was high in the sky when Zichri woke up. Sibbecai was gone already. As he stepped out of the tepee, he could hear shouts coming from the trees behind him. He wandered into the trees and found the hunters fighting each other. Some carried sticks and others were without. Off to the side, Sibbecai stood and watched. She gave a shrill whistle and he saw those with sticks change how they fought, which forced the others to change as well.
"End!" she yelled.
The mock battle stopped and all of them drank from the nearby stream.
Sibbecai greeted him with a kiss. "Sleep well?" she asked.
"Better than I have in a while."
"I'm glad."
"What's this?" Zichri asked, as the hunters with sticks gave them to the hunters who had been without.
"They are practicing the moves you told them about yesterday. Begin!"
Zichri watched in awe at how well the moves were performed. Every few minutes, Sibbecai would give one of their calls. When this battle ended, the hunters left for a break and to eat.
"How long have you been out here?" Zichri asked, as she sat and pulled out some jerky.
She held out some for him. "Dawn. They've improved quite a bit."
"How have you done it?"
"What?" she asked.
"Reproduced the moves to be able to teach them?"
"What good is knowing how your enemy fights unless you practice what you see? By practicing what I was able to observe, I have been able to find where and how they have left themselves open. Once the openings are found, you can change the move to close it or use it as your attack point."
"How long have you been doing this?"
"Since I was little. How old were you when you became a hunter?"
"About twelve. After the manhood ceremony."
Sibbecai nodded and pulled out a corn cake. She ate part of it and let her gaze wander around the meadow where they practiced.
"What are you thinking, Sibbecai?" Zichri asked.
"Do you think the Zuled Tribe will settle for peace now that they know what has happened to you?"
"I don't know. Why do you ask? Are you worried?"
Zichri kissed her and she shifted closer to him. "Do you think the hunters will be ready if they don't?" he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"That will entirely depend on them."
"How much more do you have to teach?"
"Only a few more moves. The rest will be up to them."
"Will you continue to help me even when you can no longer teach?"
"I can only try, but no promises." She turned to look at him and he kissed her again.
The hunters returned and lined up behind Sibbecai. They followed her as she performed more attacks and defensive moves. Then she added the call that was usually heard before the move was executed. It took a few times to get it down. The hunters then demonstrated the moves she had taught them before the two mock battles followed. The new calls were interspersed with the older ones and they had the moves down to a somewhat satisfying degree. Then the hunters lined up once more.
"My fellow hunters, I have taught you what I can. Now you must do what you can with what I have given you."
"Surely there is more you can teach us," the Raven said.
"I have given you all I can. The rest will come as you study and practice; looking for openings that can either be closed or used to take down your opponent."
For several minutes, the hunters stood in silence before they disbanded and retired for the evening. Sibbecai watched them go, but didn't move until Zichri wrapped his arms around her waist.
"They've caught on quick," he said.
"That they have. Now the rest is up to them."
"Is there something bothering you?"
"Only that I can't do more."
"I'm sure you'll find ways to help." Zichri nibbled on her neck and purred.
Sibbecai turned to him and an evil grin spread across his face. She ran.
"Hey, wait up!" he called, chasing after her.
He caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. They wrestled for a little while. Sibbecai squealed and laughed which only encouraged him even more. Zichri smothered her with kisses until she could push him off and run to the tepee.
Lying side by side, Zichri's head rested on Sibbecai's bare chest. Her claws combed through his short hair. He pulled her a little closer, raising his head to rub it against her neck and chin. Then he sat up to kiss her. They kissed many times before Sibbecai took a deep breath. She rolled away to dress. Zichri dressed also, but held her close as she selected a few vegetables and rabbit jerky to make a soup. As she mixed the ingredients in a bowl and built a small fire to cook it, Zichri rubbed his cheek against her shoulder and lovingly bit her left ear. She turned to him and he kissed her.
"I love you, Sibbecai."
She smiled. "I love you, too, Zichri."
The soup warmed and Sibbecai separated it into two bowls. Zichri ate then laid his head in her lap. Her fingers rubbed his ears and occasionally moved the two earrings that dangled from his right ear. Sibbecai rinsed out the dishes and put out the fire. The stars came out and they watched them, with only an occasional voice from the village breaking the silence.
"What brings you here tonight, Supi?" she asked softly.
Zichri's head turned in her lap towards the Tiger.
"The usual," Supi responded.
"What is my next task?"
"You are to stay here and perform your duties."
"Yes, Supi."
"And if I need her help?" Zichri asked.
"Then that is your choice, but her fighting days are over, now that the jewels hang from her ear." Then he left.