
Chapter 33 I Found My Daddy

Michael held onto his mom's hand, looking serious beyond his years. "Mommy, women need to cherish themselves. Just shop, go for a stroll and take care of yourself sometimes. Leave the burden of providing for the family to us men."

"But …"

"Mommy." Michael was particularly grave, not at all like a six-year-old child.

He nodded at Victoria. "I will support you."

"Oh, my second beloved Michael," Victoria was so touched she became a blubbering mess.

She hugged Michael, "Darling, you are really a man worth entrusting my whole life to, but mommy can't stand by watching you begging. You're still so young, even though if you were a beggar, people might give more money…"

"Hold on, hold on," Michael interrupted his mom quickly, "Who is begging?"

My god, how did those people explain things to my mom?

I simply took Mr. Kong to apply for a job as a gardener at the Clegg family home. Who said I was begging?

So angry!
