
Pale Flame

Kenzō was returning from his work happen to discover a brunet sitting in the snow. Poverty was not uncommon in Osaka, but Kenzō started to talk to the stranger. Image is hand drawn.

Ade_Xenko · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Stranger

1st of January, FridayA glint of the bright, welcoming sunlight peeked through the drifting clouds, warming the cold, snowy scene. The people of Ōsaka hurried through the crowded streets, each minding their business. A short, male sat patiently in the snow, waiting for someone's arrival. His black, messy hair soaking with cold snow, while his warm orange eyes darted nervously. A plume of small, misty smoke wafted as he exhaled quietly, watching it disappear.Kenzō swiftly made his way through the crowd, grumbling under his breath. He brushed his short, umber coloured hair out of his hazel eyes, accidentally realising a person sitting silently in the blanket of snow, wearing an oversized, white shirt.Poverty wasn't common in Ōsaka, but then again, every so often, "street rats" would beg for money along the pathways. Kenzo gazed haughtily at the person, but still a small instinct encouraged him to talk with the loner. Stupid curiosity, he mused silently, but without knowing he strode forward.The wanderer watched the suspicious stranger approaching confidently towards him. Surely he mistaken him as a different person... As the mysterious, dark amber haired newcomer opened his mouth, he realised he was directly talking to him."Hello..." Kenzō started to speak, "What's your name?"The ebony haired foreigner eyes widened with surprise, not expecting Kenzō to have such a pleasant voice, when his personality was clearly the opposite."I-..." the unknown stranger's voice faltered slightly, *coughs awkwardly* "Sorry... my name is Hikari" he mumbled shyly, ducking behind his long, messy hair with embarrassment. Which kind of new arrival would talk to a random street stranger?"Hikari..." Kenzō murmured slowly, pronouncing every letter in his name deliberately, as if to remember the name."Alright." Kenzō spoke, focusing on Hikari, "So... what are you doing sitting in a pile of snow?" His eyes narrowed slightly, seeming a little cautious."..." Hikari fell silent, unsure how to reply. It was just... a feeling to do. "Uhh..."Kenzō viewed Hikari with amusement, as the brunet wouldn't utter a single sentence, probably unsure how to answer."Haha!" Kenzō burst out laughing as he cast his attention to Hikari's bewildered expression. "Geez, I haven't laughed that hard for such a long time..." *cough* "Okay, no need to answer me for now." Let's just go back to my apartment for now..."Confused, the flustered brunette nodded obediently and followed him to his residence. He shivered as the cruel, freezing wind blew against his body, but he didn't complain. Kenzō glanced at him, his eyes softened. Kenzō yanked off his hoodie and pulled it over Hikari. "There, not cold anymore?" "N-no! You keep it on, don't get sick please...""Ha! I'm not cold anyway, your shivering, not me.""Alright, fine! If you get sick that's not my fault! Hmph..."Kenzō studied Hikari wearing his hoodie. It was slightly larger, but it looked pretty nice on him.Kenzō averted his gaze away. "Looks good on you anyways..." he mumbled as they reached his apartment. He fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door, dragging Hikari in with him.