

Do you ever get that sudden wave of nostalgia? A quick sinking feeling in your heart, realizing that things you had before either no longer exist, are out of reach for you, or have grown past recognition. It could be a favorite childhood book, a friend you met on the playground, or even an old video game.

A lot of things change in our lives. Nothing truly stays the same forever. But sometimes, regardless of whether the change is good, bad, or somewhere in between, we can't help but miss the good old days.

Such is the case with a man named Mario, in the far away Mushroom Kingdom. Mario has been on many adventures, and has met many people. Been to many places. Collected many coins. You get the picture.

One adventure had him collecting Power Stars from across many paintings in the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom's castle. The evil King Bowser had used a dark magic to bring the paintings in Princess Peach's collection to life. Along with them, the dangers they depicted within themselves were also brought to full realization in their own isolated worlds. Only accessible through those paintings.

Mario had traveled from Bob-Omb Battlefield, to Jolly Roger Bay, to Tall, Tall Mountain and beyond, all to save his precious princess and all of the Toads stuck within the castle walls from King Bowser's clutches. Along the way, he made fierce enemies, and some great allies. Most of all, he saw some of the most amazing places he'd ever seen in his days. It was an adventure for the history books.


When Mario had stopped King Bowser and saved Peach, having collected all the Power Stars, Bowser's dark magic faded away. The paintings reverted back to just ordinary pictures in their frames.

It didn't bother Mario at first. But as things changed, as Mario himself changed, he met new people, and went to new and scary places. He felt a sense of longing for the way things used to be. Before the adventures through time and space, before the new galaxy, before any sort of cursed music boxes or tragedies in the world of the Mushroom Kingdom. He missed back when it was just him, some friends, an evil dragon, and a beautiful princess.

Mario was happy where he was now. He had formed unbreakable bonds since then that he wouldn't trade for the world. He wouldn't trade them for the past. It was a strange feeling. Like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too... if that's the right analogy? He didn't know.

One day, after a long party at the castle, Mario diverted himself from the crowd. His excuse was to get a napkin for his messy eating habits. But it wasn't exactly true. As soon as he made sure nobody was looking, he tiptoed to the leftmost room on the first floor. Opening the door, he saw it. Bob-Omb Battlefield. Or at least... the painting that represented the place.

Mario wondered... did it still exist somewhere out there? Or did it not...? Could there be a way back? Mario knew it was Bowser's magic that gave the painting depth and its three dimensions. So... without the magic... the battlefield and the people within it... they were just dry paint on a canvas.

Mario had a sudden impulse. He ran to the painting and jumped into it. But he bounced right off, feeling minimal physical pain. Before, he would go right through the painting like a portal. But now it was just a closed gate. Like one blocking you off from a since closed park you used to go to when you were young.

Mario fell to the ground. He got right up. Looks like there was no way back. He guessed the same was true for every other painting. It was all gone. Mario realized... he still had the memories, right? Even though they hurt a little to think about. Even though he'd never be able to go back, he still remembered the worlds he had been to. And he still had many more places to go in future adventures.

"Mario?" Luigi, Mario's brother asked from the other side of the door. "I know you're in there. It's late, we should go back home."

Mario realized he had been staring at the painting for a prolonged amount of time. He got up from his seat on the floor, from which he had been ogling the painting in wondrous bliss. "Ah! Coming, Luigi!" Mario exclaimed. He ran out the door, leaving the painting behind.

As I said before, nothing stays the same forever. Sometimes, you just have memories. So, you know what? Cherish those memories. Never let go of them. But be sure to make new experiences at the same time. If you ever have the chance, read that book again. Give that old friend a call. Let them know you've been thinking of them. Maybe even start a new save file on that game.

You never know what feeling or experience will become a distant memory someday. The future is a scary thing. So live each day in the present. Live each day making those memories, so that you don't regret not doing so later.

Make your own painting.