
Painted Hearts

Painted Hearts is a gripping young adult web novel series that explores the complex relationships and emotions of three high school seniors: Ava, Jack, and Max. As Ava's talent as an artist begins to attract the attention of both Jack and Max, a heart-wrenching love triangle develops, forcing the three friends to navigate their passions, ambitions, and personal struggles. *** Updates every Wednesday and Sunday

JiaWeizhi · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Brushstrokes 004

Friday, January 15th

Ava sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast, her heart heavy with worry. Her mom was at work, her dad was out looking for a new job, and her younger brother was playing video games in the living room. Ava knew she couldn't burden them with her worries, so she kept them to herself.

But the truth was, Ava had just learned that her family was struggling financially. Her dad had lost his job a few months ago and despite his best efforts, he hadn't been able to find a new one yet. Her mom was working long hours at a nursing home, but the pay wasn't enough to keep up with the bills.

Ava had always dreamed of going to art school, but now she worried that it was an impossible dream. How could she ask her parents to pay for something like that when they were already struggling to make ends meet?

She looked down at the sketchbook in front of her, filled with drawings of her friends, her family, and the world around her. It was her passion, her escape, her everything. But now it felt like a luxury she couldn't afford.

Ava's phone buzzed, interrupting her thoughts. It was a message from Sophie.

"Hey, what's up?"

Ava hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should burden her new friend with her worries. But then she typed out the truth.

"I just found out that my family is struggling financially. I don't know how I'm going to afford art school."

Sophie responded immediately. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. Have you looked into scholarships or financial aid?"

Ava sighed. "I have, but it's still so expensive. And I don't want to put more pressure on my family."

Sophie's next message surprised Ava. "What if I told you I have an idea?"

Ava couldn't believe her ears. A full scholarship, housing, stipend, everything? It sounded too good to be true. "Sophie, that sounds amazing!" Ava exclaimed.

"I know, right? It's called the Young Artist Showcase and it's open to all high school students in the area. The winner gets a full scholarship to the prestigious Bayview Academy of Art."

Ava's heart raced with excitement. This could be her chance to achieve her dreams and make her family proud. "When is it?" she asked eagerly.

"The submission deadline is in June, just at the end of the next quarter", so we have plenty of time to work on our pieces," Sophie replied.

Ava couldn't wait to get started. She had always loved drawing and painting, but she had never taken it seriously enough to enter a contest. But now, with a full scholarship on the line, she was determined to put all her effort into it.

Ava walked into her art class and saw Jack and Max already seated at their desks. She took a deep breath and walked over to them.

"Hey guys," she said as she sat down next to them.

"Hey Ava," Jack said, looking up from his sketchbook.

"What's up?" Max asked, putting down his pencil.

Ava took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "I heard about a scholarship for the Bayview Academy of Art," she said. "The winner gets a full ride to their program."

"Really?" Max asked, his eyes widening. "That's amazing."

Jack looked skeptical. "How hard is it to win?"

Ava shrugged. "I don't know, but it's worth a shot, right?"

Max nodded eagerly. "Definitely. You have to apply."

Ava smiled. "That's what I was thinking. The deadline is in a few months, so I have plenty of time to prepare."

Max chimed in. "And we'll help you practice. We can have mini art competitions to prepare."

Jack grinned. "Sounds like a plan."

Ava felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was grateful to have such supportive friends, especially given her recent worries about affording art school. With this scholarship opportunity, she felt like there was a glimmer of hope.

After class, the three of them walked out together, discussing potential ideas for their applications. Ava felt a sense of excitement in her chest, but also a tinge of nervousness. The scholarship was their chance to make her dreams of becoming professional artists a reality, but the competition would be tough.

"Do you still want to hang out on the weekend Ava? Max reminded her.

Ava smiled at Max's invitation, feeling grateful for his and Sophie's company. "Sure, I'd love to hang out. What do you have in mind?"

Max shrugged. "Maybe we can go to the park and sketch or something. I don't know, we'll figure it out."

Ava nodded. "That sounds great. What about you, Jack? Do you want to come?"

Jack hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry, I can't. I have to work at my dad's store."

Ava tried to hide her disappointment. She had been hoping to spend more time with Jack outside of school, but she understood the importance of work. "No problem, maybe next time."

Ava walked home lost in thought, her mind racing with ideas on how she could improve her artwork and make it stand out in the upcoming art contest. She knew winning the scholarship to Bayview Academy of Art would be a game-changer for her future. She could finally pursue her passion for art without the financial burden on her family.

But as much as she wanted to focus on her art and winning the scholarship, Ava couldn't shake off the thought of Jack, Max, and Sophie. They were her new friends, and she didn't want to lose them in the process of pursuing her dream.

She had never felt this close to anyone in a long time, and she didn't want to jeopardize that for anything. But at the same time, she knew she had to give it her all if she wanted to win the scholarship.

As Ava walked through the familiar streets of her neighborhood, she couldn't help but wonder if she was being selfish by chasing her dream. Her family was struggling financially, and she felt guilty for wanting to pursue something that could potentially make their situation worse.

But Ava knew deep down that she couldn't ignore her passion for art. It was a part of who she was, and she couldn't deny it. She needed to find a way to balance her dreams with her responsibilities and her newfound friendships.

As she reached her house, Ava resolved to work hard on her art while also making time for Jack, Max, and Sophie. She would find a way to pursue her dream while also being there for her family and friends.

The thought of the upcoming weekend with her new friends filled her with excitement, and she couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited her. Ava knew that with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck, she could achieve anything she set her mind to.