
Pain (Naruto Fanfic)

"You are the reincarnation of the Sage of the Six Paths, who dreamed of world peace and stability. Only the villages of large nations are showered in light, leaving your small country's shadow, dying. That is why I came here. Wherever light strikes, there will always be shadows. So as long as there is a concept of victors... the vanquished will also similarly exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates wars. And hatred is born to protect love. These are all nexuses, causal relationships that can't be separated. But a world of just victors, peace and love... such a world can be created too. If you allow us to collaborate, we can teach you how. As soon as you gain the true power of the Rinnegan... you can create such a world. Now come with me."

Aleksorks · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

It was a completely normal and inconspicuous day but to me, it would be one that will be remembered.

As I walked through the halls towards the mission desk where all ninja besides Anbu and jonin receive their missions, I was talking with shisui about what he would be picking for our mission.

3rd Pov

Tobi: "What will be our next mission? another D rank or perhaps a C-rank?"

Shisui: "Now wouldn't you want to know that hm?"

Tobi deadpanned at shisui, clearly understanding that he wouldn't be getting an answer from the 'annoying' 15-year-old.

As the two finished their short conversation, they had already arrived at their destination.

A medium-sized room with windows on the left side and a blank wall on the right, in the middle of the said room, stood a large desk that separated the room in two halves, on the other side stood a few chunin ninjas as well as most noticeably, the third Hokage himself.

The old man was looking through a bunch of papers while rolling his tobacco pipe and smoking, while this was something that most wouldn't consider strange, Tobi seemed to think differently.

Tobi: 'Isn't it such a coincidence that the only other time that I have seen the Hokage, doing such menial work as giving missions to ninjas, is when I got my first C rank? as well as Shisuis behavior earlier was much too strange for us to get a D-rank, this means it's a high probability that its at least a C rank mission but I have been under the tutelage of shisui for a few months now and while that was ongoing, he hasn't been able to take any missions of value for the village, this wouldn't mean much in a normal Genin team with their jounin sensei but as I am under an apprenticeship, and have shown that I am clearly above what a normal genin should be able to do, with me being at chunin level currently... it could be my first B rank mission.'

The whole thought process took merely a few moments and Tobi returned to maintaining his perfect facade.

The third chose that moment to lift his head and greet the two.

Hiruzen: "If it isn't the little shinobi that has been causing waves recently, how have you been Tobi?"

Tobi: "Im fine sir, thank you for asking."

Shisui: "Stop being so rigid will you? hahaha!" said shisui as he attempted to shake Tobi's shoulder only for him to take a step back and out of his reach.

Shisui:"Insufferable brat, clearly ungrateful to his sensei, just like that emo"

Hiruzen stared at the interaction and laughed causing the two to remember where they were and get back in line.

Tobi: "I'm sorry for causing such a scene, third Hokage-sama"

Hiruzen: "It's all right, this is what the village was created for, to keep the laughs and smiles of children such as yourselves, such antics merely show us what we have to fight for, what the will of fire strives to protect"

Shisui and Tobi nodded in acknowledgment.

Hiruzen: "Let's get back to your mission, I have decided to give you a B-rank, as i have determined that Tobi has already reached such a level from the reports given to me by shisui, all the details of the said mission shall be in this scroll"

Said Hiruzen as he tossed an amber-colored scroll at shisui.

Shisui took the scroll bowed down together with Tobi to show respect and vanished from the room with a shunshin.

a few hundred meters away on a tree, shisui and Tobi stopped and shisui having already read through the scroll with his Sharingan started explaining the details of the mission.

Shisui: "The mission consists of attacking a group of mercenaries on the border with the country of rice, they have been causing problems to the villages near there, this mission would have been classified C rank if not for the leader of said mercenaries being a known B rank threat in the bingo books. I expect you to be ready and be by the gates in 20 minutes"

Tobi: "Yes, sensei"

Both disappeared again with a masterful showcase of shunshin.


A bit of a smaller chapter for today but I might release another later on, that isn't a guarantee though so please don't pitchfork me if it doesn't happen.

Hope you enjoyed it and the first B-rank mission is coming, as well as the first really extensive fight scene.

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