
Chapter 28 Before the Wedding

Chapter 28

Before The Wedding

It's finally the D-day,and oh boy,I was so nervous,I could die. Today makes it two weeks that I haven t contacted home and I was not happy about it.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and thought,'this is supposed to be the happiest moment in a woman life but ------ thanks to this ugly situation it has become the worst for me.Who would have thought that the first marriage I would ever have in my life would be fake? Gee... If mom and papa came to know about the path I was taking,they will bring my head down if not disown me at right.

No matter what the case may be,I would never disclose to them my reason for the choice s I have made so far,it will destroy them. I mentioned my family being a chronicle Christian with a strict personality,so strictly to the point of not taking any shortcuts,just like this,even if it means their death.