
Pact with the Devil CEO

Sophia stood in the cold Yakwen City, watching the LED screens on the skyscrapers display the news of Yuna and Ryan's impending wedding. Her heart was filled with agony because the man she deeply loved was none other than the heir to Stellaris Industries, Ryan. Despite knowing that she was merely a tool for bearing his child, she remained stubbornly in love with him, lost in the depths of her passion.

Hamady · Võ hiệp
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16 Chs

Chapter 014: My Ryan's tactics are not a legend!

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, William half came back to his senses, he turned his head in some disbelief: "Sophia, are you crazy?"

You actually admitted it?

After understanding what she had said, Sophia's hand, which was tugging at the corner of William's coat, finally dropped helplessly, and her eyes looked at Ryan, whose face was dark and gloomy, as if she had lost her mind.

"Very good, you finally admit it!" The last trace of warmth on Ryan's face was suddenly restrained, and he became incomparably grim and cold, his black eyes bursting out with a poisonous and ruthless light, as if he wanted to cut her to pieces and raise her bones, "You know that I care about Skylar, she is my life, and you still did something to her, Sophia, I will make you deeply understand: my Ryan's methods are not a legend!"

After the words, Ryan plucked a vicious glance at her, cold and handsome face turned away.

Even though it was just a glance, it made William, who has been in business and politics for many years, shudder.

William saw Ryan leave and knew that if he didn't explain now, Sophia wouldn't have a second to live if he stepped out of the operating room.

It will certainly be dying, but it is worse than death.

Ryan in the entire Yakwen City, whether it is business and political circles, or gangsters and police, no one dares to offend the big man, all areas have their own secret bodyguards, offend and anger his people, the end will certainly die.

"Ryan, wait a minute, it's not what you think, Ryan" William took a step to chase him out without thinking, but his hand was once again grabbed by Sophia.

"Sophia let go, if you don't explain, you'll really be in danger!" William exclaimed out loud, "Let go of me, I'll go tell him what happened that night, let go of me quickly!"

Sophia, however, tugged at him and shook her head desperately, "Yan, don't tell him, even if I beg you, don't meddle in my affairs anymore!"

"How can I stay out of your business? No matter what, today I will rip Skylar's mischievous human skin mask off and let that fool Ryan know!" William was furious and forcefully ripped Sophia's hand away, and chased out with great strides.

Sophia was in a hurry and tried to follow her out, but her movements were so curved that she fell straight off the operating table, her stomach twisted in pain, and she covered her abdomen, roaring in complete emotional disarray: "William, stop right there! You'll get him killed if you tell us about that night. If he dies, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life, never!!!"

William heard the shout and his steps jerked as he stiffened and turned around.

Sophia said with tears in her eyes, "You know very well that I can't let him get hurt a little bit, Sophia is living for Ryan!"

Ryan stood in the VIP elevator, which was descending rapidly, giving him the illusion of falling to hell. He stared grimly at the metal wall reflecting his own figure, seeing his own appearance become more and more twisted and hideous because of anger and madness, he felt that every cell in his body was soaked in hatred, unable to extricate themselves, all screaming in madness.

Sophia, how could you do this? Even if you hurt me, I have nothing to say, but why did you hurt her?

Tighten the fist, Ryan a heavy fist on the wall, the elevator suddenly by a strong impact, swaying from side to side, and as if the wall of the mirror suddenly dented in, his reflection in the above handsome and handsome model instantly became fragmented.

"Sophia, this time no matter what, I will definitely not let you go!" He said with a gloomy face gritting his teeth viciously.

clanking sound

The elevator suddenly opened.

Ryan's long, slender legs had just stepped out, only to see