
Part 70: The X Falling X Angel

It's been an hour since I sneaked into the Hades Headquarters. Even with the recklessness I've shown earlier to Killua, there's still a hint of fear in my heart.

They had the power to sell me to a millionaire, so it's not a surprise that they're gonna do it again. I must be careful.

Speaking of Killua, he wasn't following me anymore and I'm not sure when I lost him on the way. Maybe he had enough of the infiltration that he just leave me behind.

I won't complain about it. This is my problem and my decision after all. It would be better if he won't get involved with this.

After another hour of climbing stairs and tiptoeing corridors, I finally reached the top floor of the building. As soon as I reached the other end of the hallway, I saw a gigantic translucent glass door with guards in a tuxedo surrounding it.

They stood frozen in their position, and the glasses they were wearing kept me from checking where they were looking.

But that won't stop my plans on infiltrating this place. I've been in training for months and years right now, so this kind of thing was nothing to me. And besides, I wanted to try a new Nen technique of mine that I had been practicing for years along with other techniques.

I pulled my bandages from my pockets and closed my eyes. I could feel the Nen flowing through me. And when the time came, I charged towards them filled with confidence.

My eyes were focused at them, desperate to put them down to get past the door. I know that they had nothing to do with the man behind this building, but if they also cooperated with my father's capture, then I also won't show mercy.

I threw my bandages at them, along with my collected Nen, and then, it started moving on its own and wrapped around the two bodyguards. The bandages continued to wrap until there was no sign of their appearance, and just became a moving mummy on the floor. Their cries were lowered until they couldn't be heard anymore.

This is my new technique, "Cloth Cocoon" which strengthens the bandages' durability and hardness that it could be made into a cocoon. It can also be done for defense, but since I'm still practicing it, it's just a human-sized one.

And with that problem solved, throwing their struggling bodies on the side, I opened the translucent glass door in front of me.

My heart started to beat faster than before, and seeing that old bastard on the other side of the door, sitting like a tyrant king he was, makes me want to destroy him more, to torture him more. Now, I was desperate to finish him off after what he did to my father.

I was greeted by a long glass table, with few old men in suits surrounding it. They turned their heads at me with raised eyebrows. It seems like these are his partnership companies or his clients, and just like them, they seemed not that kind.

Their gazes full of disgust kept shooting at me like daggers. For a second, I remembered the time in my childhood. I remembered the faces of the other kids and adults looking at me like I'm a piece of trash that managed to climb up from the bins. It wasn't pleasing.

And there he is, sitting on the other side of the table was the tyrant owner of this management. Even though we haven't met for a long time, I could still remember his face, making sure it will never disappear in my memory. His face was full of confusion as to why a kid like me doing here in their meeting room.

"Guards!" He yelled, pointing his index finger at me and trying to pick at the glass door behind me. I was slightly irritated by how he was treating me like I was just some dirty little kid that stumbled on their building.

For underground auction management like this to have poor security, it would be easy for criminals to take over them. I can't believe that my father was struggling with a trash agency like this.

When he knew that there was no one entering the door to catch me, he didn't have a choice but to grab his phone and make a call to the other bodyguards.

His face was frustrated and afraid at the same time. He may not be a Nen user, but I'm sure he could feel my presence. It was irritating to look at it, and I couldn't help but smash it in my imagination.

How he abuse my father... how he bribe him but then betray him afterward... and now, he just took him. I don't know what his plans are but I want to stop it.

Before he could grab his phone, I dashed towards the other end of the room at an incredible speed, sprinting at the top of the table. Then, I wrapped my bandages around his body in order to keep him from moving.

The other men stood and started walking towards me, trying to save their poor lame leader's butt. They didn't know that they were trying to save a man that has no heart. Or maybe they already knew that and they were also the same as him.

I also threw my bandages at them and their necks were tightly squeezed by it right now. They didn't have the time to worry about the life of their head, and just focused on their own necks instead. Even they will forget about their loyalty when it comes to risking their life. It was pathetic, that's all I could say.

"If you make any moves..." I spoke with a menacing stare at each one of them, even at the head. They started to shiver and flinched in their position like they're seeing a ghost. "... I'll all cut your head off."

That's true. I'll just use my Killer Healer to sharpen the edges of my bandages and once that will happen, their lives will be over. At least, they won't be feeling fear anymore.

And they obeyed like the dogs they are. They refused to make a move in their position, even one time that they will hurt their feet.

Now that there's no one to stop me, I turned my head to the man in front of me as he started crying for his life. I wonder if that's what my father looked like when he was begging for this man to spare him.

I pulled his collar closer to me, then he started sweating from his head to his body. His breathing started to get faster. It's disgusting that I am breathing the same air as him.

"Do you remember me, do you?" I threatened as I hold my bandages tightly with all of my hands and fingers. I leaned closer for him to see my burning eyes. "I'm Secco Rasvin, the girl you just sold."

Once I told my true identity, he widened his eyes and more fear crawled on his face. His sweats dripped more on the table and he knew that if he'll make a move, then he'll be gone.

He deserved to feel this fear of me. In my childhood, I couldn't be able to fight against them.

I'm too weak and scared to resist, and my father betraying me is the worst feeling I've had. Now that the head of Hades is here, I will be sure to take revenge. To take revenge for what he had done to my father.

"Tell me..." I asked with a straight face. "Where is he? Where is my father?"

I glared at him like I was shooting my daggers to his face. He was now more scared than before. I must be one of his worst nightmares now, and I must keep it like that.

"I-I don't know! I hadn't got in touch to him since years ago!" He tried to deny it. And out of irritation, I tightened the grip of the bandages, making him unable to breathe fine. Soon enough, his body will burst out of it. That's how I enhance my bandage's hardness.

"Stop lying!" I yelled as I kept tightening it. Tears started falling in his eyes. He already knew that this was his end if he won't be honest. For an old corrupted man like him to cry for his life is really disgusting.

"I-I wasn't lying! I didn't do anything to him!" He pleaded, and now, his tears started rushing on my bandage. It looks like I need to buy new ones. "P-Please! Let me go! I-I'm telling the truth!"

No matter how you see it, you couldn't be able to trust his face. But then, there's no point in making him spit everything that he knew. If what he was saying was really true, then who took him? And why is he in front of my house?

"Then, why did you go to my house?!" I asked with hisses. Is he saying that the witnesses are lying to me? Is he saying that they saw wrong?

"I-I didn't even go on your house! I don't know what you're saying!" He shouted back now with closed eyes. It seems that he was short of breath. He was struggling for his life.

I tightened my bandages once more, as I automatically get frustrated by what he said. I don't know if I'll believe what he said or not, but if that's the truth, then it doesn't make sense.

But a part of me wants to believe him. Even though he sold me to a millionaire, that doesn't mean he will lie for his life. When people go through a near-death experience, they will usually say everything they keep in their minds.

So I Iet go. I removed the bandages to the necks of his other comrades, as well as his. I pushed him by force away from me.

Then, the other men started rushing towards his aid like he was their king. For a few minutes, they just betrayed him and now, they pretended to be dogs for him again.

The head couldn't be able to remove his fear of me, but a hint of disgust can be seen in his eyes. It was like he didn't want to see or touch me anymore. I felt the same way to him.

"Y-You monster!" He yelled at me with the last of his voice. It was like he was hungry for more suffer to say that to me right in the face.

Me? A monster? Does he really want to insult me like that right now? Does he seek death and fear?

Because of that, I threw my bandages at him and sliced his own tongue inside his mouth. Now, his mouth started rushing with blood and a struggling scream from him.

The tongue flew out and fell on the floor in front of him. The others tried to help him, but there's no way they can block my attack.

"Shut up!" I shouted, then give them a deadly glare. Now that his tongue was gone, he couldn't be able to tell me that I'm a monster.

I don't have my arm anymore. My monstrous arm. All of my life in Yorknew, I've been bullied and abused because of that but now that it's not here, I should have my new life as normal. And yet, he threatened me as a monster. How can he–

'You monster!'

Suddenly, familiar voices started hitting my head. It's like it was repeating everything that I heard in my memory. What is this supposed to mean?

'That's why no one wants to get near you!'

'You're a monster, a freak!'

Stop. Stop this.

'Freak! Freak!'

Because of these hypnotizing voices inside my head that brought chaos to my mind, I quickly moved out of the building through the window. And tried to jump off the balcony by balcony until I landed on the cemented ground of the city.

I ended up in a dark corner of the city and eventually dropped to my knees. My hands are now in my ears, trying to cover the voices I hear, but they kept coming.

Why won't they stop?

'Even her mother doesn't want her.'

'I don't know how his father gets close to her.'

Stop this! Stop this!

'She's a freak.'

Stop! Stop! Stop!

'I'm sorry.'

'You're nothing but a burden.'

'Y-You monster!'


Then, at the same time, I was struggling with the voices in my head, two men started walking towards me.

"Hey, little girl! Are you lost?" One of them said, but I didn't care. Compared to the voices that were whispering to me earlier, they were just like talking ants.

"Do you want to go to our place?" The other one said, with a plastered wide creepy smile on his face. It seems like they were trying to tempt me by annoying me.

'A freak! A freak!'

They stepped forward towards me like I was just their little prey that no one would hear if I scream for help. I thought that they were nothing but an insect, but their voices started to annoy me as well.

They kept calling me like we're close. They were blending with the voices in my brain that made them the same with them.

'We'll give you a better night than staying in here!'

'A monster like you shouldn't live!'

Stop this... Stop this...

Their words kept repeating in my head nonstop. They wouldn't dare to spare in this nightmare, because that's what they really want. All of the terrible childhood memories that I tried to remove kept coming back like boomerangs.

And there's no way I could stop it. But I just want to stop this. I want to stop this!

I want them to just die.