
Owl City's Peliculiar Youths

"Not being Weird is Weird"

goldenscylla · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Laying in a bed, a bad thoughts filled my head, a heart filled with pain, eyes that can't stop from continuous flows of tear, a body that can't move because someone's stopping it. Everyday I'm in pain, been abused, cudgel and everything cruel is what I always experience.

In 18 years of existence. I didn't experience living in peace, love and happiness, I'm living in a dungeon, where no one would help you, where no one would treat you good, and where no one is considering you as a human but as a Slave and even a s*x toy. When I'm 5 years old I'm a slave, there's even a time when someone raped me, I'm seeking and asking for help but they didn't hear my little voice begging for justice. When I was nine, those people starts to abuse me and do nasty things on me, I can't complain because I might get a hundred lash on my back. 9 to 18 years old, different men are using my body in order for them to reach their peak of happiness.

I shouted in pain when I receive the 50th lash because I rejected the Boss to use me, I rejected because my fair sex is still bleeding because of the Man who used me first.

"Stop, please!"I shouted,begging. My body can't handle pain anymore. Even though I'm an Elf who can't die from gun shots,deep wounds, scars, a lot of stabs, I still feel how does it hurts.

I always wish that I can easily die from pain but my Destiny is really tricky .

I'm alive but I'm dead. That's how I live.

I saw how my blood spits out when I gain hundred lashes. I cried while shouting, begging him to stop.

My blood was all over my clothes and spreading all over the floor but it didn't stop him from hurting, cudgel and lashing me. This is 333ville, a Place full of Bad and Abusive people. They kidnapped a lot of teens or even kids to use them for their sake and happiness... and they even kill them when they feel that those kids and teens we're useless.

A lot of times, I tried to escape... But escaping here was like... offering your self in a Demon. When they caught me Escaping, they use me and my body for 3 days straight non stop.... different men. After using me, they lashed me a thousand times causing me to faint. That time, I wish I we're dead but I know that It wont happen because I'm a Peliculiar. A youth who's weird for having a weird skill nor personality.

"As I told you! You shouldn't Reject a Boss!"he shouted at the same time he lashed me once more. I lost my count of how many lashes I got from him.

"How can I accept! If I'm bleeding because of you!"I shouted with anger. Yeah, he used me before the Boss of 333ville asked me to become his toy. He's the Boss right hand.

"HOW DARE YOU!" he shouted and lashed my back one more time. He lashed me non stop causing me to faint.

My body successfully laid in the floor but he didn't stop, my head is dizzy, my body is trembling, my heart even skipped a bit, my eyes gets blurry. Because of tiredness and pain occupying me, I closed my eyes and my senses is nowhere to be found.


I woke up but my eyes are is still close, but then I feel someone's moving inside of me. I forcedly opened my eyes, then I saw the 333villes leader at the top of me. I'm about to push him when he holds my pulse and gripped it tightly. My tears starts to flow when he entered deeper. I shouted with so much pain.

"I can't anymore"

"Tolerate it. That's your punishment from rejecting me an Hour ago"he answered. I shake my head.

"Altiero, I beg you. Stop it hurts a lot" I tried to snatch my pulse from him but he didn't let go of it, he gripped it tightly. He kissed my neck then sucked it afterwards, then he looked at me seriously.

"I'll stop if you would surrender your self to me. Be mine, Mi amor"

I looked at him angrily,"I can't marry a man whom, only knows to use my body but can't love me fully"he smirked before he removed his. He stayed at the top of me and looked at me seriously but his eyes are kinda have a different aura, i didn't know but I saw sadness in it.

"If you only know. But, even though I'm sincere you wouldn't believe me because I'm just an abusive man in your eyes. You didn't even let me introduce my true self for you because what you see is what you believe only"his voice has pain on it but I won't believe on it, because sympathy is the Demon's skills.

"I have a feelings for you but you only see me as a Demon"

I fired in anger, how dare he, to say in front of me that he have his feelings towards me, is he insane. "The day your Ally get me, your a Demon in my Eyes. The first Time I stepped my foot, What did you do! You used me! Your the one who raped me but you even have a guts to tell me that you have a feelings for me!"I shouted and pushed him. He sat in front of me, I hold my tummy because of the pain I feel.

I was Five and he's Fourteen back then when he deflowered me. My Innocence lost when I was five because of this Man who's telling me he had a feelings for me.

"I won't say sorry because I mean it! I don't want others to touch you first!"he shouted. He mean it, fuck, at the young age I experienced I shouldn't have experience.

"You have a feelings for me...."i said in a low voice. I can't stop from crying.

"I do"

"Then, Let me go"i told him. he turned his hands into fist, his eyes darken, I feel how Anger consumed him because of what I said.

"I won't.....Let you go. Even though I would have a fight with the most strongest person whom trying to snatch you away from me"

"Then have a Fight with me, Altiero"

Altiero looked at his back. He stand and grab his Sword beside the Table.


When I heard Altiero called the name Zahara I forced my self to get up. I'm about to run towards Zahara when Altiero grabbed my arms and pushed me back to the bed.

Zahara visited me silently, she always promised to me that she would help me escape in this hell and bring me to her home wherein a Peliculiar like me is welcome.

"Don't you dare go with her! You didn't still see me rage with much anger!"Altiero shouted, his voice thundered. I trembled.

I shouted when Altiero and Zahara attacked each other. A Fire and Lightning greeted each other. A smoke filled the Room, it's my chance to get away from the back of Altiero. I stand up once again and run... I run but i don't know where to go.

Someone hold my hair and gripped it tightly, I feel like my fair would fall off,

"Don't even try to get away from me"

Then, I saw Zahara holding my hand tightly. We are in a tug of War where I'm the Rope they're tugging.

"Sorry Elf, but I need to do this"Zahara said, I trust in her so I nodded. A lightning filled her hand, the Lightning crawled into my body then to Altiero causing him to loose his grip in my hair. I shouted In pain because I feel like the Lightning cooked my Organs.

"Sorry, We should go now"Zahara told me. She summoned a Magic Carpet, she let me sat first. Before Zahara sat, she put a lighting barrier in Alterio's body causing him to shout in Pain.

Zahara sat beside me, a seconds after I found myself flying in a Red Carpet while a Lot of Alterio's troops are haunting us with their different guns. A lot of bullet is inside of my Body now. I looked at Zahara who's been shot in his Arm. I moved to her back and hugged her tightly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"she shouted worriedly.

"Protecting you. A thousand bullet can't burry me into grave, Zahara"..but I still feel the Pain.