

I was playing a game on my computer when there was suddenly a pop-up bar in my screen, forcing me to stop momentarily from playing my game. Reading what pop up says. The pop up notifications says:

[ do you want to travel through out the whole omniverse?..... Do you want to be an overpowered person that can do anything he pleases or desires ?... Do you want to have the greatest harem of all time memorial?.... ]

[ would you like to bind the " OVERPOWERED SYSTEM " to your soul and begin your adventure?.... ]

[ yes or no. ]

Out of curiosity I clicked yes.

Suddenly their came a massive information that poured to my head, making me have a massive headache while collapsing on the cold floor. Holding my head using my two hands while being curled up on the floor hoping to at least lessen the pain I am experiencing right now, and because of that said excruciating pain cruising through my brain I fainted.

8 hours later....

I woke up groggily looking around wondering why am I sleeping on the cold floor even though the bed was only 6 feet away from me. Reaching my phone beside the table where my computer was located, I checked the time and it was only three in the morning, thinking that it was still early, I move through the direction of my bed planning to go back to sleep.

I suddenly remembered what happened last day. I remembered that there was a sudden pop up bar in my computer yesterday, asking me if I want to bind the overpowered or what system to my should. Out of curiosity I clicked yes and....

Before he can process more of his thoughts from what happened yesterday, he suddenly saw a blue transparent box showing some kind of status panels like in some kind of games he played before. Suddenly the information that was forced through his head yesterday began coursing to his brain instantly explaining what is the thing in front of him, and he was correct it was his status window, and just like in the game it showed him his status, skills, attributes or whatnot.

His status was displayed like this:


[{ Interface }]

Power level= 120 (¤ 100 is the base power level of a person ¤)

Skills= cooking [basic] / gaming [intermediate] /

¦ Shop ¦

¦ World traveled ¦

¦ inventory ¦

- Starter gift packages


It might be late for my introduction but let me brief you all about my life before this happened.

By the way my name is Julian von apellio ( Julian for short ). I lived in city X and I'm a freshman in college majoring in xxxxx. My family is rather.... no not rather, because my family are super wealthy, coming to top 10 wealthiest people in the world, and as the only son I get pampered a lot, but not too much, they always taught me how to properly act, how to respect the elderly people, they taught me things about what I should or should not do, because they do not want me to grow up as a Bad person who has no manners towards other people.

So yeah basically I'm a good guy kind of person, but not too much because I have my own principles such as.

Should a person do good onto me, I will return that favor double of what he did for me.

Should a person do bad onto me, I will return that favor hundred times of what he did for me.

So yeah.... Back to the topic. I actually like playing games but not too much to the point of being an Otaku. I only play games after school at home or with my friends in computer Cafe for around one to two hours, and every weekends I spend half of the day in playing some kind of video games or online games such as pubg, minecraft, call of duty, far cry game series, and many more other games specifically gun games or adventure type games. Sometimes I also read light novels, watching anime, TV shows, and movies to pass time when I'm feeling really bored.

The other half of the day will be spent bonding with my parents and grandparents.

I also like exercising every morning. Every 4 in the morning I'll wake up for a jog for around an hour long, then go straight to the gym to do some light exercises and weight lifting. So to say I'm actually pretty fit for someone who likes playing video games. I have a desirable six foot three inches height and an athletic body.

What else should I say hmmm??.....

Oh right about my parents and grandparents. My parents names are first of all ( my father's name is ) Jeorge Von Apellio and ( my mother's name is ) Raven Stacy Fiore while my grandparents names are ( my grandmother's name is ) Fiona Von Dietrich and lastly ( my grandfather's name is ) Stephen Von Apellio.

My father actually owned a share in my grand parents company, my father owned sixteen percent of shares in the company, and he was also an appointed CEO of the company. He manages almost everything in the company because my grandfather wants to pass everything to him so that he can just sit, relax and travel with my grandmother so that they can enjoy more of their lives and be worry free. My grandparents owned sixty - five percent of the company's shares and the other remaining shares was distributed to other shareholders of the company.

Back to my self, I'm a low key person, that even in college no one knew what my true identity was. About my relationship, do I have a girlfriend you say?... , well I don't have any because I haven't seen any woman whom I fancy yet. Your asking maybe I'm ugly so that's why I don't have any girlfriend??.... How ridiculous, I may not be the most handsome guy in the world but I'm not less handsome than a model or an actor in television. I'm actually quite popular in my college because of my looks and my rather intelligent mind, so just like what I said before I don't have anyone who I fancy making me the only person who is single and without girlfriend in my whole circle of friends ( classmates in college ).

Anyway..... I think that's all for now let's go back and talk about the OVERPOWERED SYSTEM that I got. This system just as it's name was overpowered it can do basically anything you can imagine.

You know what fuck introduction let's go to the main story.

Julian summons his interface panel and click the inventory and found the starters gift package, he click on it, and a system notification appears in front of him.

[ host can only open the gift pack when you pick your first world to travel to. It's to determine what will be the suitable items that should be given to host ]

I got it... Let me think for a while...

After a while of thinking Julian chose what world he would travel to.

Um system I choose «« DOULUO DALU »» world 🥺

[ first world have been chosen ]

[ would you like to open your first gift package host? ]

Umm... System first I would like to name you first.

Can I system?.... 😣

[ affirmative host... What would you like to name me host? ]

I would like to name you Ava, also stop calling me host you can just call me Julian.

[ affirmative Julian ]

Now let me see what's inside my gift pack. Ava can you open the gift pack for me please.

[ okay Julian here we go 😘 ]

Woahh... What happened to your mechanical voice Ava?... Ho...

But before he can ask farther, he receives the things inside the gift pack one by one.


«««{ The first one being the Spirit ascension platform combined with violet jade Immortal realm: [ spirit ascension immortal realm for short ]

* violet jade immortal realm- The realm only allows entry to the sovereign ( Julian ) of this realm. Other than the sovereign, no other human beings are allowed in here unless they are allowed to by the sovereign of this realm. Time flows at a rate of 1000:1 in the realm of the Violet jade immortal compared to the outside world. In other words, 1000 hours in this realm is equivalent to 1 hour of the real world. The landscape of this realm had a circumference of roughly 10,000 square kilometers, inside, there is a big pool of water, which has a circumference and depth of about 1,000 square kilometers . The water in it seemed to sparkle with the shine of crystals and it looked so pure and pristine, devoid of any pollutants. He can store any items in this Realm, and any items inside can be brought outside.

* Spirit ascension platform- it is combined with violet jade immortal realm that enables you to get real spirit / soul ring. }»»»

«««{ Second item: Integration skill

* integrate spirit beast soul ring age to your existing spirit rings }»»»

«««{ Third item: Awakening serum

* for you to awaken your martial spirit / To use: either you inject it to the side of your arms or legs }»»»

«««{ Library of heaven's path with futuristic look and advance technologies


The Library of Heaven's Path allows you to compile all the books in that specific world. The said compiled books would contain information about any thing, be it cultivation manuals, strengthening manuals, information of places, and many more. }»»»


[{\\Author: I made it too overpowered heheheh 😝//}]

Ava aren't this things too over powered???

[ hehe he.... Julian what's the point of obtaining overpowered system if it does not focus on being overpowered? Hehe heh 😘 ]

Well I guess your right Ava. 😅

[ now Julian what time line do you want to travel in douluo dalu world? 😘]

Speechless.... Ava do you have to add kiss emojis every time you talk? 😑

Anyway.... , Ava can I travel in that universe a billion years in the past where the spirit beasts are still the ruler of that universe?

[ yes Julian but.... Are you sure about that?.... You know that there's a lot of stronger spirit beasts around that time line, because there's only little human influence in that Era, and that they are still learning about spirit rings, and there's barely any strong people in there, also they are the lowest of the lowest in the food chain. Are you really sure about your choice? 😧🤨🤔 ]

Yes, but don't transfer me yet... I first want to awaken my martial spirit and go to the spirit ascension platform to train until let's say..... I have my fifth spirit ring.

[ OK Julian honey 😘 kekekek ]

Speechless.... 🤐

Julian go to the violet jade immortal realm to prevent something unwanted from happening, he then summon the awakening serum from his inventory, and removed the lead of the serum readying to inject it to the side of his arm.

Julian injected it to him self and awakened his martial spirit.

His first martial spirit appeared on his right hand in the form of a futuristic hand gun. His second martial spirit appeared and formed covering his whole body, looking at himself Julian saw that it looked like a nanotechnology armor, like the one from Tony stark, and Peter Parker. Julian taught that the awakening is finished when suddenly his left arm formed a blindingly bright light, like a flash granade making him close his eyes tightly. Opening his eyes he saw what looks like a holographic computer, like the ones from sci-fi movies.


[ you have awakend your martial spirit/s ]

First martial spirit: Vanquisher

~ a futuristic looking hand gun ( pistol ) that can change form to other gun type weapons. ( by integrating spirit ring age to this martial spirit, the fire power of your martial spirit increases exponentially while also decreasing spirit consumption. )

Ex. Basic form (pistol) shot gun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, machine gun, annihilator ( from call of duty 😁 ), and many more gun types.

Second martial spirit: Aegis

~ a futuristic looking full body armor that can change form to your liking. While activating this martial spirit your overall defense increases by a hundred percent, and reduce blast damage by fifty percent. ( by integrating spirit ring age to this martial spirit, the defensive capability of the armor increases while also decreasing spirit consumption. )

Third martial spirit: holographic computer

~ you can use this martial spirit to summon anything ( intellectual life form cannot be summoned except for AI and robots )

~ this does not need spirit energy meaning you can abuse this to your hearts content. 🥰

[ congratulations your an innate full spirit power ]


. Wow....

Ava your truly an amazingly overpowered system there is in existence. 😲🙀




Overpowered_8137creators' thoughts