
Overpowered Cricket system

2031, World Cup Semi Final at lords IND vs Eng India need 2 runs with 1 ball and 1 wicket remaining. Jofra Archer with the final ball, Here we go. The skinny man has not been in the good form this tournament. There it is, they’ll go…this’ll be out, surely!! OHH HE’S OUT, HE’S GOING TO BE RUN OUT, OH THAT’S IT, INDIA ARE OUT, NITISH DIDN’T RUN, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, ENGLAND GO INTO THE WORLD CUP FINAL, RIDICULOUS RUNNING WITH TWO BALLS TO GO, Nitish DIDN’T GO, Dhoni COME. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT A PROFESSIONAL CRICKETER OR ANY ATHLETE DO. Maybe it's really time for Nitish the 40 year old to retire. Nitish was brutally trolled by media and was abused in the comment sections of his media pages. The man who was hailed as a hero with the victory in South Africa T20 World Cup now being hated to the core. His wife left him, his son despised him " I hope you're dead" these were the final words his wife spoke before handing over the divorce papers. Everything is lost in a match , the only people who supported Nitish were his teammates everyone knows he had given his best given his age but he was the one that cost them a World Cup. What is it that I've done wrong, top scorer in the world cup with 2 centuries at the age 40 and he's the oldest debutant he debuted to Indian team at 37 years. If only I've found my talent in my youth days, saying so he slept on the bed. When he woke up he was 13 years old and was granted a system. With this system there's no looking back for Nitish on his journey to becoming the epitome of success in cricket. You can support me via donations https://bmc.link/astautsugi Thank you and this is entirely optional!! As this book is fan-fic it doesn't get contracted in webnovel.

Asta_utsugi · Người nổi tiếng
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196 Chs

Chapter 33: U19 Captain

After thwarting my uncle's malevolent plans and exposing his true nature, I redirected my focus towards my personal aspirations, particularly my dream of becoming a captain. As I delved deeper into the world of cricket, I realized that it held the key to my revenge, providing solace and tranquility in the process.

Seeking refuge within the familiar confines of the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, I entered the dressing room, preparing to don my cricket gear for another day of practice. Amidst the bustle, a notice caught my attention—a list of the final 18 players selected from a pool of 30 contenders during the rigorous trials.

As I scanned the names, a renewed sense of determination coursed through me. Each player on the list possessed immense talent and potential, making the competition fierce and captivating. The final squad consisted of:

Unmukt Chand

Akhil Herwadkar

Prashant Chopra

Baba Aparajith

Vijay Zol

Sandeep Sharma

Ravikant Singh

Nitish Reddy

Smit Patel (Wicketkeeper)

Vikas Mishra

Kamal Passi

Aparajith Baba

Rush Kalaria

Manan Vohra

Parvez Ghulam Rasool

Hanuma Vihari

Mohsin Sayyed

Sandipan Das

Among these talented individuals, the coveted position of captain remained vacant, awaiting the one who could lead, inspire, and guide the team towards victory. The coach emphasized that age would not be a determining factor; instead, it was the possession of leadership qualities, cricketing knowledge, and the ability to motivate that would define the captaincy.

With this newfound opportunity at hand, I immersed myself in training, honing my skills both on and off the field. I dedicated countless hours to studying the intricacies of the game, analyzing strategies, and understanding the nuances that separate an exceptional leader from the rest.

On the field, I led by example, showcasing my commitment, resilience, and unwavering passion for the sport. I strived to inspire my teammates, lifting their spirits during challenging moments, and instilling confidence in their abilities. My unwavering belief in the collective strength of the team drove us forward, igniting a shared desire to win the ultimate prize—the cup.

Off the field, I engaged in countless discussions with my teammates, fostering an environment of open communication and camaraderie. I encouraged them to express their thoughts and ideas, believing that a cohesive team was built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.

As the days turned into weeks and the tournament drew near, the team forged an unbreakable bond. Each player recognized their individual roles and responsibilities, working tirelessly to complement one another's strengths and overcome weaknesses. We grew into a cohesive unit, fueled by a shared determination to triumph against the odds.

Finally, the day arrived when the captaincy decision was to be made. The coach meticulously assessed each candidate, considering their cricketing acumen, leadership qualities, and ability to unite the team. After careful deliberation, the coach's verdict was revealed—a decision that would alter the course of our journey.

With great pride and gratitude, I was bestowed the honor of captaining the U19 Indian cricket team. The weight of the responsibility filled me with a mix of excitement and nervousness, knowing that the hopes and dreams of my teammates rested on my shoulders. I accepted the challenge with unwavering resolve, ready to lead the team to glory.

As we stepped onto the field, the deafening cheers of the crowd reverberated through the stadium. The path ahead was arduous, filled with formidable opponents and unexpected twists. But armed with a united team, a burning desire for revenge, and the belief that justice would prevail, we embarked on a journey that transcended the boundaries of cricket.

While my initial plan for revenge simmered in the background, it was replaced by a larger purpose—to elevate my team and guide them towards victory. My focus shifted from personal vendettas to collective triumph, from individual success to the empowerment of each teammate.