
Overpowered Cricket system

2031, World Cup Semi Final at lords IND vs Eng India need 2 runs with 1 ball and 1 wicket remaining. Jofra Archer with the final ball, Here we go. The skinny man has not been in the good form this tournament. There it is, they’ll go…this’ll be out, surely!! OHH HE’S OUT, HE’S GOING TO BE RUN OUT, OH THAT’S IT, INDIA ARE OUT, NITISH DIDN’T RUN, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, ENGLAND GO INTO THE WORLD CUP FINAL, RIDICULOUS RUNNING WITH TWO BALLS TO GO, Nitish DIDN’T GO, Dhoni COME. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT A PROFESSIONAL CRICKETER OR ANY ATHLETE DO. Maybe it's really time for Nitish the 40 year old to retire. Nitish was brutally trolled by media and was abused in the comment sections of his media pages. The man who was hailed as a hero with the victory in South Africa T20 World Cup now being hated to the core. His wife left him, his son despised him " I hope you're dead" these were the final words his wife spoke before handing over the divorce papers. Everything is lost in a match , the only people who supported Nitish were his teammates everyone knows he had given his best given his age but he was the one that cost them a World Cup. What is it that I've done wrong, top scorer in the world cup with 2 centuries at the age 40 and he's the oldest debutant he debuted to Indian team at 37 years. If only I've found my talent in my youth days, saying so he slept on the bed. When he woke up he was 13 years old and was granted a system. With this system there's no looking back for Nitish on his journey to becoming the epitome of success in cricket. You can support me via donations https://bmc.link/astautsugi Thank you and this is entirely optional!! As this book is fan-fic it doesn't get contracted in webnovel.

Asta_utsugi · Người nổi tiếng
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196 Chs

Chapter 115

In the era of the internet, social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for communication, connecting individuals from all corners of the world. While these platforms have facilitated global conversations and fan engagement in sports, they have also given rise to a darker aspect of fandom – trolling. This chapter delves into the pervasive issue of trolling in sports, examining its impact on athletes and their families, with a focus on the experiences of cricketers Sreesanth and Nitish.

The Rise of Social Media in Sports

Social media's integration into the sports landscape has been transformative. Athletes, teams, and fans use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to share updates, celebrate victories, and express their passion for the game. Social media has also allowed fans to connect directly with their favorite players, providing a sense of accessibility that was previously unthinkable.

The Double-Edged Sword: Praise and Criticism

Social media's dual nature is evident in its capacity to both celebrate and criticize athletes. When players perform spectacularly or achieve milestones, they are showered with praise and adoration. This immediate and direct interaction with fans can be uplifting and reinforce an athlete's sense of accomplishment.

However, this newfound accessibility has also given rise to a culture of instant critique. With a few keystrokes, anyone with an internet connection can express their opinions, often without restraint or empathy. Criticism can be constructive when it highlights areas for improvement, but all too often, it degenerates into harsh and unwarranted trolling.

Sreesanth and Nitish: Targets of Online Abuse

Sreesanth, the once-promising fast bowler from India, found himself in the crosshairs of social media trolls following his implication in the infamous spot-fixing scandal. Despite being acquitted by the courts, Sreesanth faced relentless abuse and accusations from some cricket fans. His every action on the field and post-match performance was scrutinized, with trolls taking every opportunity to remind him of his past.

Nitish, the rising star and all-rounder, was no stranger to the world of social media scrutiny. As a young player navigating the high-pressure world of professional cricket, he faced the dual challenges of building his career and dealing with the often-unfiltered opinions of fans on social media. While praise for his achievements was gratifying, he also encountered the darker side of fandom when his performance fell short of expectations.

The Impact on Mental Health

For both Sreesanth and Nitish, the incessant trolling on social media took a toll on their mental well-being. The relentless stream of negative comments, personal attacks, and derogatory language eroded their self-esteem and mental resilience. It's worth noting that trolling often extends beyond the athlete to include their families, friends, and loved ones. Female family members, in particular, are sometimes targeted with vile and misogynistic abuse.

In an interview, Nitish offered a glimpse into his perspective on social media trolling. He smiled and remarked, "That's just their perspective. People who spend their time trolling can't always bring out their best in their everyday jobs, right? If I deserve praise for my performance, then I should accept trolls for my failures."

The Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms play a crucial role in moderating content and ensuring that users adhere to community guidelines. However, the scale and speed at which content is generated can make it challenging to police trolling effectively. Athletes often report abusive content, but the cycle of trolling can be relentless.

Changing the Narrative: Empathy and Responsible Fandom

Addressing the issue of trolling in sports requires collective effort. Fans have a role to play in promoting empathy and responsible fandom. While passionate support is the lifeblood of sports, it should not come at the expense of an athlete's mental well-being.

Athletes like Sreesanth and Nitish continue to thrive and inspire others through their performances, resilience, and commitment to the sport they love. Their stories are a reminder that social media, for all its merits, can harbor a dark underbelly that affects athletes both on and off the field. It's essential for individuals, sports organizations, and social media platforms to work together to combat trolling and ensure that the digital world remains a positive and supportive space for athletes and fans alike.