
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Renner Visit

After the meeting, Ainz and the others went to play a small visit to the Lizard Man. where they went on to play around and show off their power. I didn't bother to go. Instead, I went to meet Renner who called for me. Of course, it had to do with Blue Roses

"Yo, any information on my demon friend?" I asked while appearing behind them all, causing the members of Blue Rose to jump slightly. it has been some time since we last met, even so, they were still on guard against me.

"No, but we also got no information on someone called Dracula. or records on Momon," Lakyus said with narrowed eyes, but I just nodded.

"Yea. Momon although human, had lived a long time thanks to that armor he kept on. he had changed his name many times, to avoid drawing too much attention. Nabe is a girl he should have said and taken in. As for me, I don't like appearing in the human world all that much. the last time I appeared, Momon nearly killed me. but after seeing I was a beautiful kind vampire, we became friends." I said with a smile, to which Lakyus just blankly looked at me.

"Whatever, we were both hunting for the same thing. he was searching for something that could kill 8 Greed Kings, I was out to test my strength after hearing about some 6 gods or whatever. sadly, they all died. but within, I made a friend. My first human friend." I said lazily, making everyone in the room quiet,

"as for the Jaldabaoth. he did something with the blood of the 8 Greed Kings, and he became the king of the demons. Of course, he is far stronger than the vampire." I with a smile, to which Lakyus's heart dropped. they all went to see where Ainz and Shalltear fought, such huge destruction, it was even to shock them all.

"Are you his match?" Lakyus asked to which I thought for a moment, before nodding slightly, which made them all frown, as that answer didn't sound right.

"I was in the past... but he took my heart, and used it to create an item which made me weak near him. you could say, he stole my heart." I said with a small laugh, but only Renner laughed at my joke, leaving a few of them to look at her slightly.

"how could he take your heart if you're stronger?" Evileye asked to which I shrugged

"the vampire that betrayed me took my heart. I sometimes miss being human, so I enter deep sleep to dream... thats when she took it." I said softly, leaving everyone quiet, undead needed no sleep. The same was true for Vampire, they could guess that the speed I entered would be when I was at my weakest.

"Take this... I wasn't sure you would trust me." I said calmly while throwing a ring towards Evileye, who caught it. she used a spell on it, not caring if it would bother me.

"This would allow me to summon you to me?" She asked in shock, to which I nodded slightly,

"You're one of my people. former human or not we are more related that way. thats why I have a bad feeling my heart might affect you far more than other vampires. when face to face with him, just call me." I said to which Evileye looked at me for some time, before thanking me and taking the ring.

"what none for us? Or did she win your heart or something?" Gagaran asked with a frown while looking at Evileye.

"I'm already risking a lot giving her that ring. who knows if when she uses it, I pop up, surrounded by some powerful human or whatever. Plus, the woman I was engaged to ended up stealing my heart and giving it to a demon. I have no interest in such things." I said in a soft voice, leaving everyone quiet. 

We talked for some time. in the end, it seemed like I gained their trust, against which they got ready to leave. but before they spoke I stopped them.

"If you ever thinking of becoming a vampire and coming to my kingdom, lady Lakyus, I would be honored to have someone of a pure heart as yours join my kingdom. the same is true for Lady Tina and Tia. you are both skilled assassins I would love to have follow me. and Gagaran, you would make for an amazing Vampire Warrior." I said with a smile, making them all frown slightly while looking at me. seeing this, I quickly explained

"I have ways to turn you all into vampires without turning you into my slave. for example, drinking my blood. sure you would go on a bloody rampage as a powerful vampire, but after some time you would regain reason and find you have all that power to yourself." I said calmly, leaving them stunned for a moment.

"I would have to refuse," Lakyus said with a frown, to which everyone nodded slightly. to which I just nodded slightly, before throwing a ring toward Lakyus

"that would help you better control your sword, good luck humans. My heart awaits your saving... just don't steal it. even if you're a beauty, I would let you steal my heart so easily." I said with a smile, leaving the 5 without a word. So they just left, leaving me and Renner to ourself

"You had to think on your feet there. how many things did you just make up on the spot?" She asked, to which I smiled slightly.

"A lot... but I increase the danger of Jaldabaoth. Surely, more people would come hunting him right? although Momon armor might be wanted by many others." I said with a frown, while looking at the sky, sighing I got up to leave, but stopped when Renner spoke

"I want to go to the great Tomb Of Nazarick. I have everything clear for the next hour. no one would know I'm gone." Renner said with a smile, I was stunned for a moment before I nodded, and so we left. but first, we went to go see Ainz,

"..." Upon appearing, my face went blank seeing Ainz and all of the guardians looking at a mirror which had the scene of two lizard men having sex. Ainz seeing me quickly changed the scene, but before could explain, I covered Renner's eyes while giving them all a disgusted look

"Sir Dracula it's not what you think," Albedo said, not wanting me to start thinking wrongly of her beloved AInz. I looked at her and looked back at Ainz who was sitting on a throne made out of bones, before looking at the two kinds, Aura and Mera.

"is it good to show such things to the kids? At least wait until they are like 150 years old or something. they are only 70. Such things are unhealthy, and to show such a scene before my guest." I said with a deep frown, making all of the floor guardians lower their heads in shame. Ainz almost did the same, before he remembered he had to stand straight

"Dracula what are you saying? Lord Ainz was looking around. we just happened to appear at the wrong time." Renner said with a sweet and gentle smile,

"Oh, so this is Pirncress Renner? I have heard of great things from you." Ainz said calmly, playing off as if nothing happened. Renner got on one knew, and greeted Ainz and the others

"It's a pleasure to meet Lord Ainz, leader of the Supreme beings and the great Tomb Of Nazarick." She said respectfully,

"No need to bow, a friend of Dracula is a friend of mine... why did you bring her here? I thought she wanted to view the great tomb of Nazarick." Ainz asked while looking at me with a confused look.

"I thought it would be cool for all of you to see her first before someone enters a frenzy and kills her by accident," I said softly, making Shalltear pout. To which I just smile,

"I see... but I don't think Shalltear would go into a Frenzy with her training, she had improved greatly," Ainz said, making Shalltear smile brightly, touched by her master's praise, and the fact he had seen her hard work.

"sure... anyways, we going to walk around the great tomb of Nazarick. I told Blue Roses some new information, I will write it down to you in the form of a story or something. pretty much, you are from 500 years in the past and your armor makes you immortal, and you have been changing your name." I said making Ainz facepalm slightly, but he just nodded. what's done was done.

Using Gate, I opened a portal to the great Tomb of Nazarick. normally such things would be impossible, but the anti teleportation was temporarily down. Renner took my hand, a scene which made Shalltear have viens grow on her forehead, something which made Ainz's eyebrow raise.

'does Shalltear have feelings for Dracula? Shalltear is into undead, Dracula is 100% her type. a vampire, handsome, strong, and one of the supreme beings. is it good for co-workers to be in a relationship?' Ainz thought with a frown, on his non-existent face.

"Can I see your room?" Renner asked, causing my eyebrow to raise

"why see my room when there were so countless other rooms to see from? we have Field of Flowers on the 6th floor. The Cherry Blossom Sanctuary on the 8th floor. A bar on the 9th, along with a spar, a Theater, a Salon, a water park, a Casino, A game room, a photo room, and the list goes on. you name it, we most likely built it." I said making Renner stunned for a moment at how big this place was, but she wanted to see my room still.

Sighing, I used the Ring Of Ainz Ooal Gown to teleport to my room. and there, Renner stood, frozen by how big my room was. my room indeed was the biggest since I spent most of my money on making it look nice. of course, in-game money. not no real money.

"There are 3 parts to my room. this is my living room. here is where you will find basic stuff. like, my guards. Fenrir, Cerberus." I said calmly while a shadow suddenly swallowed the whole room. after a moment, a huge undead wolf appeared causing Renner to take a slight step back.

but a huge burst of flames followed, and with it, a 3 headed dog appeared. both were the same size, and we were both level 95. they were my NPC, programmed to guard my room.

"You're scaring my friend," I said calmly, to which the two who were about to jump on me and welcome their owner froze. they shrank their size, allowing Renner to breathe slightly.

"... they're cute," Renner said after getting a good look at them, to which I nodded slightly. because I made them look that way. they looked cool and badass while grown, but adorable while small.

Renner went on to pick up the two, which I ignored while heading to the second part of my room while avoiding all of the traps. the second part was my bathroom, which was split into 2 parts. where you take a shit, and where you bathe.

The toilet was guarded by MR Clean. a man who was at level 97, followed by his tools of meaning which were also at level 80.

"Greeting my master. the bathroom is as clean as clean can be." Mr. Clean said with a smile, his bold head shining bright like the whole bathroom which was shining. I stopped Renner from taking a step into the bathroom, I programmed him to get angry if anyone made a mess in the bathroom,

"Mind if we get through," I asked calmly, to which Mr CLan nodded while flashing forward, cleaning our shoes until they were shining. after which, he stepped aside to let us walk past, but while walking, I stopped.

"You should help the maids in their cleaning. you should show off your cleaning skills to the others." I said with a smile, Mir Clean's eyes widened for a moment before he hesitated while looking around.

"is it a good idea to leave? what if someone makes a mess in the bathroom?" Mr Clean asked with an uneasy look.

"then you can just clean it up. plus, what do you think about cleaning up the other supreme being room?" I asked, making Mr Clean eyes widen with excitement at the thought

"but you would be given some days off. understand?" I asked, to which Mr Clean nodded, and when I looked towards his tools, they all nodded at the same time joyfully. nodding, we left, leaving Mr Clean to step outside the bathroom for the first time

Mr Clean and his cleaning tools were created by me, of course, we were running out of Data, so I had to cough up some real money to make them. to defeat Mr Clean. on needed to defeat all of his 10 tools first, or at least Mr. Clean would be nearly undefeatable, needing more than 10 level 100 players to defeat.

Among his tools were those that could clean away injuries, wash away attacks, burst away health, and so on. I had to pay a lot of money to change existing moves to take on a new appearance for them. plus, there was an order one must kill them, or else they would be brought back to life by another tool.

than was the bath, this one was guarded by Poseidon, who was at level 100. he had an army of sea creatures he could summon. so long as the bathtub had water, he could keep summoning more and more monsters, while not using up his MP.

for him, one had to dry up the water first, then slaughter the summoned monster, before killing Poseidon. he was only level 100. but mostly forced on summoning, without his summons or any water, he was nothing. so even a signal player would kill him if they acted fast enough.

"Poseidon... look for a chance to speak with Ainz and see if he has something for you," I said to Poseidon, who I created off the Greek god. I was running out of ideas, so I just gave him that name, although he looked nothing like Poseidon. he was just a water spirit, he had no form or shape. he was made out of complete water, which made it immune to many types of attacks.

"But lord room would be left with no protections," Poseidon said in worry, to which I just waved it off.

"Don't worry, you can come back here and rest whenever you live," I said with a smile. to which Poseidon nodded. and with slow and hesitant steps, he got out of the water, and began walking off, leaving behind some water.

"Mr Clean isn't going to be happy," I said seeing how the floor was Mr Clean had cleaned was now messy. sighing, I went up to a door, which I opened. and there, Renner saw my bedroom.

"The reason for the many guards is simple. out of the many other supreme beings, I collected many treasures. but amongst them was this one, a divine grade." I said while looking at my bed, which looked like a normal bed to Renner.

"It was once owned by the Sloth King, it has the power of giving you passive XP. allowing one to level up from level 1 to 100 in 9 hours. also, one could create a type of clone for themselves. your dream body can walk around while you stay back here, resting. of course, if your dream body dies, you do suffer some damage, but never enough to kill you. sadly, I'm undead. I could never gain the ability of Telekinesis which could be learned from sleeping on the bed." I said calmly, a look of annoyance on my face.

The Bed Of Sloth was a Divine Grade item. those who sleep on this bed gain XP, their dream self would be able to walk in the waking realm, or even enter the dreaming realm. those who dream walk long enough would see their mind strengthening, enough for them to reach out and affect the real world.

"you always wanted that ability?" Renner asked with an interested look, to which I nodded slightly,

"I was once learning captured by a person with Telekinesis. he created a huge net, trapping me in, and was slowly shrinking it. with over 300 players attacking me, I was in trouble... well, thats what it looked like. I pulled out my sword and through through his telekinesis and fled. it was the good old days," I said with a faint smile, remembering how a good amount of the server used to team up to try and kill me. a few times they were close, other times they were slaughtered and I took their items.

"was he strong?" Renner asked with an interested look, I frowned for a moment before thinking back to that player. before shrugging,

"He was ultimately called Will Over Reality. which allowed him to take hold of reality and reshape it. He once used it to reverse time and another time he used it to create a powerful realistic illusion that had to be defeated by his enemy. the list went on, but he was no match for me." I said calmly while looking under my bed,

"boogeyman," I said calmly, and after a moment, a demonic arm reached out from under the bed. slowly, a thing came out. it has a clown face, a scary demon face, a kind woman smiling from ear to ear, a scary masked man, and lastly an empty face. all of these faces were attached to a hand,

"greet my greed. please don't try and scare her and feed off he fears." I said calmly, to which the 5 hands all looked towards Renner before bowing. another master, all 5 fingers were their being, but I had them come together to take on the form of nightmares. that last face normally would be me, who didn't fear Dracula? plus, they were all at level 100, with each their unique ability.

there was a reason many of the guild members never came here, this guy greeted them in the scariest way possible. I could remember the first time I brought Ainz and the others here, and how they screamed their lungs out. I did it to get back at Tabula Smaragdina after she scared my soul out of my body after showing me Nigredo, Albedo's elder sister.

"..." Renner looked at the lost look Dracula had, it was a bit sad. reaching out, she held his hand and gave him a pure smile.

"what's wrong?" I asked with a bitter smile, it was a bit embarrassing to have her see me lost like that. Renner didn't say anything and simply greeted the scary monster before her, which greeted her back and returned to its slumber under my bed.

"This is my room. of course, there is more there than the bed. if you can find all of my most beloved treasures, I will give you something." I said with a smile, Renner looked around for a moment,

"how many treasures?" She asked, to which I just held out 4 fingers. adding the bed, and it was 5. Renner looked around the huge room, there were just so many things there. but her eyes landed on a bookshelf that had many books. she looked at all of the books, before reaching for a scarlet and gold book,

"thats a divine grade item. Book of wishes. Write down a wish within, and over time charge it with your MP. Depending on what wish it is, would depend on how much MP it would need. thats 1 down, 3 more to go." I said with a smile leaving Renner's eyes twitching slightly at how broken this book was. I got it from Merlin, the most powerful caster, he has titled the World's Best Caster, with nearly every spell in the game at his fingertip.

it took me hours to defeat him, he had so much MP that it was a bit stupid. it allowed him to summon so many monsters, many of which healed him and boosted his stats which most were above the limits. only physical defense and physical attack were not. But I defeated him, many times trying to get the book of Merlin. which I of course got, along with the Book Of Wishes

Renner walked around the room for a moment, before she stopped at a picture that had Dracula along with all of the other supreme beings. She picked it up and showed me, to which I nodded 

"thats the divine Grade Item, Paper of Reality. whatever you draw in there can be taken out. Of course, it has its limits. but pretty much, they would have appeared out of the picture and fought the enemy." I said while walking taking the picture,

"I of course couldn't draw..." I said softly, Renner seeing the lost look in my eyes quickly looked around and found something else that could be another treasure.

"You're good at this. thats the divine grade item, Jar of Greed. but it's not one of the 4 treasures, it's normally with me. but I kept it here while it increases resources of stuff we have." I said while reaching into the jar and pulling out dragonhide.

"This jar pretty much increases the amount of stuff thats inside. A scroll made with materials of the highest tier, like dragonhide, could contain even 10th Tier Magic. so, I want to get at least 100 thousand of these. We get 1 a day, due to how high reality this skin is." I said with a smile, to which Renner nodded with slight shock,

"... is it this?" Renner asked while pointing towards a plant, I shook my head. although that was a Relic-grade item, the same as Momon armor. frowning, Renner walked around before stopping at a wall. she looked down and saw that around this spot in the wall, there was no dust.

"what here?" Renner asked, to which smiled slightly. walking towards Renner, the wall suddenly moved, revealing a secret entrance.

"sharp," I said while we headed down Stars, where we saw a place filled with armor suits... well, they were called Power Suits. It looked almost like the Bat Cave. which was what it was built based off

A power suit is a type of full-body armor used by Players in YGGDRASIL. The Powered Suit did not exist initially but was added later on as an item for newly registered players to quickly level up. Additionally, other players, whose build was unsuited for combat, can use it to make up for their lack of fighting power. It was designed to look like a robotic suit due to the popularity of mecha fighting games during that period.

The magical armaments could be freely customized within the Powered Suit's settings. Though half of them were micro-transaction exclusives while the other half required grinding. In a way, those customizations could be performed pretty much anywhere outside of combat. Nonetheless, there were still some restrictions placed on them based on their weaknesses.

Although the Powered Suit might be useful to weaker players, it was considered as being completely useless to a stronger player. For that reason, let alone Divine grade gear, even Legendary grade equipment matching a player's strengths could still outperform the Powered Suit.

Ainz believed we only had 2 or 3, but there were 10. they were collected by me, by the other guild members, and were stolen from others I killed. they were cool and all it you were weak, as the strongest Powered Suit was around 80. so it was useless to me, I just had them to have a cool feel to my underground secret room... now looked lame. since I was able to turn into a bad an all, I thought it would be cool to have a secret bat cave, and so on... but now, I felt embarrassed.

"Powered Suit..." Renner said softly after hearing my explanation of the suits, nodding slightly she went on to look at the weird thing I called a motorcycle, and car. She looked at the collections of weapons, which I couldn't use. such as guns, throwing stars, and the list went on.

"This should be one of them right?" She asked while looking at a necklace, to which I nodded slightly. it was a necklace which had the image of a knight on it.

"It is called the necklace of the perfect warrior. it allows me to be able to use all forms of weapons without trouble. normally, if I pick up something like this." I said while picking up a firearm. but the moment I tried to fire it, it fell out of my hands

"I can't use it. but once I have it on." I said while putting on the necklace and picking up the gun, after which I could fire it. luckily for Renner, it wasn't loud, it was a laser gun that I shot toward a target.

"one more of my most beloved treasures... what is it?" I asked with a smile, Renner looked around for a moment, before closing her eyes, retracing all of her steps up to now, but she couldn't think of it. and with the time for her to return home nearing, she looked around in a hurry. but in the end, she couldn't find it.

"close... so close," I said while walking up to a wall. where I pushed in a brick. after a moment, from the center of the room, two blades slowly made their appearance.

"These two blades are known as blades of Chaos. they were once my first weapons. but I got a new one. once capable of cutting anything." I said while picking up the blades of chaos. the chains on the end of the two blades, grew, wrapping themselves around my arms.

"back then, the long rage was my weakness. so I used these blades to help fix that small problem. they can cut through anything as well, but only through a few sets of skills they gave me once equipped." I said while smiling slightly, before looking to the side as a puppet wearing a set of gear appeared.

"and my old main gear..." I said while taking my clothing off the puppet, I guess I should reappear the old clothing while waiting for the cooldown on my main one since the abilities they gave were cool.

"the chest isn't protected," Renner said while looking at the gear Dracula used to weaker. at her words, I just smiled.

"so what? I was the fast, far above second place." I said with a smile, and with a blur, I had the clothing on. leaving Renner's eyebrow raised.