
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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A Genius

Cocytus was created by Warrior Takemikazuchi as the Floor Guardian of the 5th Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Like his creator, he also sees himself as a prideful warrior who admires the fighting spirit of his foes, giving them the honor and respect they deserve when faced against the former in combat. 

Cocytus saw himself as a blade, who didn't think about the order given and would make sure it was down. Ainz wanted to have Cocytus grow and be able to think things through. for this, he gave Cocytus the task of defeating the lizard man with an army of undead that would not be enough to pull off a win.

Ainz wanted Cocytus to realize the army he had wasn't enough, he wanted Cocytus to think things through and call for more manpower. but with how things were going, Cocytus would most likely fail. 

Lizardman would be used to see if Ainz could create stronger-tier undead. Dracula didn't know why, I guessed it was for an army or something.

then there was Shalltear, Dracula wanted to see if Blood Frenzy could still affect Shalltear after some training. If Shalltear could train to overcome her blood frenzy drawback, the benefits.

there was also the question, could we still go past level 100? pretty much, there were many things in the unknown. Rubedo might be the only one capable of growth, thanks to how I did her background, she wasn't 100% automatic. She used to be another race before she abandoned it for the sake of strength.

The fact she could replace her parts with other parts to give her strength gave her the chance to grow strong. sure there was a limit to such a thing, but what if she could create stronger parts? 

Rubedo was unique, she was in a state of slumber. she had to be rebooted by Ainz and the others. She was unable to remain awake for long, she had lost all of her battle records during the transfer into this world, so all she had was a bunch of overpowered parts to pick from, without the knowledge to best use them.

She was strong and all, but 2 or 3 level 100 was enough to defeat her. She was not Dracula, the main reason for Dracula being so overpowered was 3 things.

1. The knowledge that he gained from playing so many other games. he was knowledgeable in many forms of combat 

2. Second his reflection was high, even without his agility being so high, he was quick on his feet. so quick that he could keep up with someone like Cocytus even when his strength was suppressed. this led to him gaining many wards, and thats how he gained a world duel swordsman master. when the game saw he was the best with the sword, an even better sword with duel wielding, he gained such a skill... well, he was first tested.

3. The fact he never died opened the chances for him to gain Vampire Lord. before getting into this race, he was about slightly stronger than Rubedo. but after getting that race, the opportunities for more power came.

his world items, he became one of the 7 deadly sins, he became a world champion, and so on. Dracula was not the only one to ever be so broken in the game.

there once existed a World Champion of Múspellsheim who managed to turn himself into a World Enemy, one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Thus, his power grew into tremendous might to the point that he could fight evenly against thirty players by himself alone. He would later be chased by players until destruction and then failed during the moment of his character deletion. With the character being deleted by the developers, a new tournament was held to select a new candidate for the World Champion class.

Yes, Dracula could fight over 100 level 100 players. but that was with his gear, meaning 3 world-class items, 9 divine-grade items, and all of his skills, abilities, and magic. the differences were too great, once you remove all of Dracula.

But Dracula didn't think so. With his strength, even without any gear, he could still defeat Rubedo. remember, he had only used a few abilities and no enhancement. just his strength and some afterimages, Dracula could defeat Rubedo without taking a simple blow.

Perfect Counter Was gained when he maxed out World Duel Swordsman to level 5. there were 3 perfects.

Perfect Counter: this could counter almost all forms of attack back to the attack. if the attack has form, then it could be countered

Perfect Block: this could block almost anything with some limitations. for example, Ainz Grasp's heart couldn't be blocked. the thing has to have a form

Perfect Parry: This could parry almost all forms of attack, so long as it has form, then it too can be parried.

these 3 had a deadly limit of 2. After those two times are used, then they can't be used. also, they are pointless if you're not fast enough to use them. for example, if a bullet is flying towards you, and you use Perfect Block. it's up to you to guess where the bullet would be and move to block. it also has to be with your sword. in other words, if you're slow this skill will fail, and you will even suffer twice the damage.

Of course, there were lesser versions of them. such as Super Counter, Super Block, and Super Parry.

Also, Rubedo hit Dracula and sent him flying. it was the perfect After image, it was able to fool all 5 senses. even the sense of the touch, which meant the afterimage had formed. the reason it didn't have form when he fought Cocytus was that he didn't need to waste so much MP.

"Dracula, this is Blue Roses," Renner said while I greeted the 5 females in front of me. two twins were assassins, a masked loli, a huge muscular woman, and a heroic woman. they all seem to have blonde hair, although the masked woman's hair couldn't be seen.

Blue Roses was the second Adamantine adventurer group to have been founded within the Re-Estize Kingdom after Red Drop. The group is all-female and is thusly comprised of just women. 

"what's up handsome, what do you think about spending a night or two?" The muscular woman said with a smile, she was Gagaran Of Blue Roses. As soon as her words failed, Renner's face dropped for a slip moment,

"Sounds Fun, but I would have to pass. I'm in favor of believing such actions should be between wife and husband." I said with a smile, making Gagaran laugh slightly. With a smile, Renner went on to introduce me to them

"Dracula, this is Gagaran. She is the heavy hitter of Blue Rose," Renner said to which I held out my hand to shake hers. what didn't escape my senses was the masked woman's secret actions,

"This is Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra, the leader of Blue Rose. She also holds Kilineiram." Renner said to which I nodded while shaking the leader of the group leader. but just as I was taking my hand back, the twins suddenly appeared behind me, aiming for my neck with their hidden weapons... which I easily dodged to their shock.

Lakyus was stunned seeing this and quickly had the twins stopped, but the masked woman, known as Evileye quickly spoke up.

"He is a powerful vampire," She said stunning Lakyus who looked at me in shock, although she got on guard, she didn't seem to believe in Eviley's swords. Dracula looked to humans to be an ugly vampire.

"She speaks to the truth... My name is Dracula, Lord of Vampires. I don't mean harm, but I have asked Renner to get me to meet you." I said calmly, stunning them. but they didn't attack and waited for my words.

"A while back, one of the vampires under-be betrayed me and ran around causing some trouble for humans. Although I have killed her, she was working with a demon. A demon who I wish to hunt down." I said calmly,

"I remember hearing something about you and Monon working together to defeat a vampire, I guess it was true. what do you wish to do with us?" Gagaran asked with a frown,

"It's simple. information on anything that might be tracking that demon here. there is a reason why she and the demon would appear around here. As some of the strongest humans, if anyone were to know, then it would be you." I said calmly, AInz had made up a story, 

before going to fight Shalltear, Ainz had to meet with the adventure guild. there he was given the mission to take down Shalltear. he said that Shalltear was called Honyopenyoko, a vampire he was hunting alongside a demon.

"what do you know about this demon?" Lakyus asked with a deep frown, sword in hand and on guard.

"Jaldabaoth. I rule over vampires, he rules over demons. normally we are at peace, but this might start an all-out war. but I don't want my people to die, so if it could be helped, I wish to deal with this in secret, and leave you humans alone." I said calmly while looking at Evileye 

"So, do you know about this demon?" I asked calmly, to which Evileye shook her head, saying no. Seeing this, I nodded slightly.

"I understand. Be on guard, soon the demon might make his move or something. until then, I'm an adventure. please do keep my secret," I said while taking a cup of tea, which I calmly drank.

"you need some sugar?" Renner asked to which I nodded slightly. so with a gentle smile, she gave me some super cubes, which I placed in the cup of tea. this scene suddenly made everyone realize Renner knew all alone.

"You bastard, is she under your charm?" Evileye said angrily, to which I looked at her in confusion, before I flicked Renner's head, causing her to cry out in pain before she glared at me.

"I understand you wanted to show I'm not under your charm, but did you have to hit me?" She said with tears in her eyes. leaving me speechless, it was a simple flick, I even controlled my strength to make sure I couldn't harm her.

"Anyways, Dracula has no interest in ruling humans. he caught on to my intelligence and got close to me. after speaking with each other, I came to help him. we are now friends." Renner said with a smile, which hinted at a bit of displeasure from my flick. I was busy looking at my hand, flicking at the air with some confusion, before remembering Renner was an actor. clicking my tongue slightly I ignored her

"how strong is this demon?" Evileye asked softly, I rubbed my chin for a moment before I disappeared before all of their eyes.

"strong enough that you would all be slaughtered with a simple attack." Chills ran down Evileye's spin. everyone slowly turned, looking before Dracula who was on one knee, behind Dracula.

"No need to be so on guard. when you get wind of him, just ensure not to be near him. he is a demon who takes pleasure in the screams of you humans. I never met the guy personally, but he is older than me. I recently took the throne as the vampire lord." as everyone jumped away, they found I had reappeared next to Renner, sitting down with a faint smile.

'how could he get past all 5 of us at once?' Lakyus thought while looking at me, sweat on her forehead. But I was more focused on the tea in hand,

"Renner, where is the cake? don't tell me you eat it all. you would end up getting fat." I said with a frown, Renner pouted slightly. like she would be so careless... she only eats it once a day.

"eating it every day would kill your teeth. that much sugar intake is bad for the teeth, plus her health. you're not a vampire." I said with a frown, Renner sighed softly, before taking a bell that she rang. after a moment, a maid entered the room while pushing a cart that had a cake.

"Please, enjoy. this is known as a cake. sweets from my home." I said with a smile, Lakyus looked at me seriously for some time. but as she was about to step forward and try it, Evileye stepped forward and went on to have the maid leave, before taking off her mask. revealing the eyes of the little loli behind her. She was a beauty and had eye-catching red eyes

"To think I was thinking of joining your guild... it looks like I need blonde hair," I said softly, making Gagarn laugh slightly.

"What makes you think we would allow you to join," Evileye said while looking at the silence of cake that Renner cut her.

"Haha, I guess you have a point. by the way, why is a vampire so on guard against me?" I asked with a smile, 

"I don't trust you. I never heard of anything about a land of vampires or something like that." She said to which I nodded slightly. I watched her eat the cake, only for her eyes to pop wide open. it was so good, the best she had in her over 250 years of living.

"You make a good point. but we are not of this world, so of course, you know nothing. you humans are only an interest to us for drinking blood. but I stopped my people from doing so long ago since I was once human. I hold a soft spot for my past race. I lost hope in humanity long ago." I said calmly, making Evileye unable to speak for some time.

"Well, I should get going. thanks for listening." I said while disappearing, leaving them wondering if he teleported or what. but they all turned their attention towards Renner

"Who is he?" Evileye asked with a deep frown, Renner thought for a moment before speaking.

"He is known as Vampire Lord. the highest-tier vampire. a vampire that has the power to even charm other vampires. but he is a good person, you need not worry." Renner said with a smile, making Evileye's none-beating heart skip a beat.

"thats impossible," Evileye said to which Renner shrugged, she didn't know all of the details. Evileye was about to speak with Renner but continued 

"From what I understand, he is more than capable of taking down the whole kingdom with ease. He is capable of creating Vampire Knights with ease. such power, the kingdom is no match for him. which only confuses me as to why the demon would be around here." She said softly, making Evileye and everyone else stunned.

Vampire Knights were powerful vampires paired with Death Knights. Vampire Knights were level 35, so yes to normal people they were powerful. you would need to be on the level of a hero to be able to face them on your own and win.

"I was shocked too, but he made sure to nail it in that he was the lord of all vampires. he could summon any type of vampire. but to fully nail in how powerful he is, go to where he, Monon, and Nabe fought the vampire. Dracula said he could have defeated her on his own, but that might take a few days. so he needed Momon to face it quickly and avoid anything unforeseen happening.... he likes showing off." Renner said calmly, the party of 5 looked at each other for a moment. but they all wanted to see where that battle took place. Renner gave them the location and they headed off...

"They are around level 30. the weakest are the twins at level 27, with the strongest being Evil Eye at level 50. well, my job is complete. anything else?" I asked Demiruge who shook his head while looking at the mirror before him

"that was perfect, now lord ainz's plan would fall through perfectly. to think he is thinking so far ahead, truly I can only look up at his greatness." Demiurge said making me interested in the plan.

"Never bothered to know his plan, but mind explaining it?" I asked calmly, to which Demiurge nodded and went on to speak.

"I can't fully understand Lord Ainz's plan. but from what it looks like, Ainz had used Shalltear's mind control accent as a way to lay plans. now, Momon has been searching for that vampire and this demon Jaldabaoth. In the future, believes he plans to use Jaldabaoth to carry out his master plans. maybe it's to capture more humans, or to further spread his name, it might be to even draw unknown players over. there are so many layers to Ainz's plan, that it's hard to understand. but it would all lead to the grand goal of conquering the world." Demiurge said with a smile,

"Conquer the world? AInz is thinking big... but conquering the world might be the best thing we can do. if we can get a hold of this world, we can know about other players and we can then get the jump on them. wow, he thought things far. and to lay out all of the building blocks" I said in shock, Demiurge's eyes widened as if he realized something

"How could I have overlooked such a thing? as expected of one of the supreme beings. indeed, others like us would be appearing. some might have powerful world items with unknown effects. we have to get ready." Demiurge said both nodded as Ainz planning skills.

"then why did he save Carne Village?" I asked with a deep frown, rethinking everything Ainz had done up to now.

"I see... in that bar or whatever. he gave a woman a potion knowing that the potion of this world was blue. it's only normal for them to go to the most skilled person to find out what's up with the potion. thats how he got Nfirea to take note of him, before having her move to Carne Village where he could carefully look after him." I said to which Demiurge nodded his head like a madman on drugs.

"a tricky move, but he played things out well that everything went perfectly. even with Nfirea getting kidnapped, he just used the trouble to further speed up his plans. To think so sharply, he might rival my reaction speed." I said softly, how did I never notice how capable Ainz was?