
Overlord: The Tree Demon(Dropped)

Tyler a Great solider died and is now in Overlord as the tree demon.

Kagethewriter · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

The start of the Conquest in Re-Estize.

{Dad's just had Hernia Surgery so updates might be slow, BUT I passed my MOS Exam by one point haha and got my computer certificate, so my luck aint that bad I even skipped like five questions on it then ran out of time and still PASSED so take that plebians that are my friends who calle me dumb. I am quite smart. You should have seen my report card last year, it had one A and One B the other three were F with 40 and below...Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. Have a happy day

{took a while to write, things have been hectic so tell me about any errors.}

{i changed Ava to be another supreme Being's creation hence explained below on why.}

{Ava was Lignis's creation but was the romantic interest of him which felt weird so I changed it to be Gartner's npc and he or she made Ava as a romantic interest as a joke/gift for Lignis since he gave most of his money to all guild members}

Walking down the 9th floor was Demiurge who was on the 11th floor concluding with Kruf about Test Subject 1#. They have tested the subject in many different experiments and found out it could grow stronger although slowly, that means they may be able to nurture a more potential subject and may even make it as powerful as a Floor Guardian or leader of course its status would remain the same as a lowly creature unless it develop some smarts.

It possessed animal intellect and fought on instincts, it possessed little magic but that may because of the materials which are not very endowed with magic. He was heading to Ainz's room to conclude with Albedo who did most of her duties from that room or on the floors and Ainz allowed her to be in there although he does not know what she does.

Urugha is testing the learning potential of the monster to see if it can learn skills of the like and Aura is testing to see if it is considered a 'pet' while Frey has been roaming around the 11th floor although no one cares since she would not be of much help with her mind.

Demiurge admired the 9th floor since it was spotless and held as regard as the floor for the Supreme beings and one of the Supreme Beings who stayed with Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown.

He turned around on a corner down the hallway leading to a room which was opened revealing Max and ten manservants behind him.

He looked and smiled upon seeing Max who had many cleaning utensils.

"My my. Hello Demiurge'' Max spoke in a deep and malicious voice befitting of a villain, his voice was very much different compared to his brothers. Claude is a fallen angel with a soothing and calming voice, while Alraric is like Cz, possessing no emotions in words as he is an Automaton. "Me and Eclair were cleaning Ainz's room."

Well Max is a demon and a unique one since his spells are focused on ice instead of fire betraying his looks. He had little hair on his head which stopped when coming onto his forehead where the hair had a sharpened edge. It was colored in white and red as he wore a blue suit with red tie. The features which stood out the most were the red lines coming on to his chin from his neck and his left eyes which had black coming around it like a disease, it spread into his eye making it pitch black except for the red pupil.{Picture here and yes it's candy dude from Adventure time but human. I can't draw myself a character lmao I'm not good enough to do that.}

He could be considered the evilest of the brothers and Demiurge liked him the most out of the trio since the other two are not as evil and possess more features of their father, Sebas.

"Is Albedo inside? I would like to tell her about something.. and how Shalltear and the Supreme Being's adventures are going." Demiurge spoke with his usual smirk.

A Penguin came from behind Max wandling with a towel in his hand and avoiding the five men with face masks covering their face. This was Eclair whose personality was troublesome but he did not mind since he was created personally by a Supreme Being and was a relic but if ordered he would gladly kill him.

After all, if the Supreme Beings ordered Demiurge to kill himself he would gladly do it, same with all other Floor Guardians and Leader.

"Ah Yes. She is in there, how are you doing on this fine day Demiurge?" Eclair asked while bowing.

Demiurge smiled at Elclair as he answered.

"I am doing quite well Elclair" Demiurge kept walking before remembering something.

"Max, we may need some shadow demons for Sebas and the like, also we might need you to test some rituals on Test Subject 1# and try to record its race as a different type of demon if not a normal one." Demiurge asked leaning over his shoulder to look at Max who turned around to speak.

"Is he an ice demon like me? It would be easier if that is the case." Max asked and Demiurge thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"He does not possess any attributes of an ice demon but more of a berserk and horror demon mixed together, so come to the 11th floor ok?." Demiurge asked with his eyes squinted and in a domineering way.

Demiurge liked Max so he did not want to force Max to comply and instead asked in a 'nice' way but if Max refuses then he will have to use his position while the Supreme Beings are gone to make him help since he wants to finish these experiments since he did not want to disappoint Ainz-sama or Lignis-sama.

"No need to act like that Demiurge I know you." Max chuckled. "I will come, even if I don't you will just force me anyway. I will come in at least a day. After I get done cleaning and checking up on the maids, I'll go to the lab. After all, Maia has been lonely without her sister but her personality is strong so she will be just fine." Max said and Demiurge nodded in satisfaction before knocking on the doors in front of him.

He waited a little bit before calling out Albedo.

"Albedo, may I come in." and no one answered his question.

Demiurge sighed before opening the door to reveal a girl on top of a bed.

______________Shalltear inside a carriage with Sebas, Claude and Solution._____

Shalltear, Sebas, Claude and Solution were riding a stagecoach out of the fortress city which had the The Shining Golden Pavilion Inn inside the city. Their plan required them to leave the inn and leave the city which they are currently doing.

The stagecoach could fit up to six people. Zach was driving it while Claude, Solution, Shalltear, Sebas and one High Vampire which were not like Vampire Brides.

This High Vampire was a woman with long dark hair and pale skin. Her eyes were gold and she had pointy ears with two long sharp teeth. She stood around 5'7 feet and wore a dark gown fit for royalty.

The others wore their usual clothes with Claude fitting the almost exact same outfit as Sebas who was sitting beside him facing Shalltear and the vampire.

The road they were on was a cobblestone road which was paved by traders. The golden princess ordered it but some nobles did not want it on the roads although quite ruff made the ride easier. This was mostly because of the nobles who opposed the cost and the roads were in a tough situation but since they were near the area governed by the crown these roads were the first to get paved.

Claude already applied some magic making the ride more suitable to people riding it. Sebas and Shalltear were talking currently inside the Stagecoach.

"Madam Shalltear" Sebas said and continued with his usual stoic expression. "I am always wondering about something" Shalltear looked up at Sebas after polishing her nails. The other two in the Stagecoach listened since they were interested in the conversation.

"Hmmh? What is it?" Shalltear responded.

"You do not seem to get along with Madam Aura, and Sir Aurelius, is there anything between you three that makes you not get along with them?." As Sebas asked this, Shalltear frowned and hre face wrinkled up, like she tasted something bitter.

"It's not really that bad, we do get along well in a sense." Shalltear shrugged "My creator, Perorincino-sama decided for me to feud with the both of them" Shalltear got back at polishing her nails as if she was bored "To begin with Peroroncino-sama and Bukubukuchagama-sama are siblings, which means me and the twins, are siblings to an extent" and she continued. "As for Aurelius, my creator and the Supreme being Tinguroar has always fought so it makes sense, plus his personality is like a light switch."

"I see–A sibling relationship but why do Lord Tinguroar and Lord Peroroncinio fight?" Sebas asked and Claude jumped in, he had an average face and sharp eyes but calm like a river, his hair was short and cut like Max's hair but more like a buzz cut instead of sharpened edges.

"When I was standing nearby I heard a conversation between Lord Lignis and Lord Tinguroar. They were talking and Tinguroar said how he hated Lord Peroroncino's 'fetishes' and how he tried changing some of Aurelius's hobbies. That's all I heard before Lord Peroroncionio stormed in and started talking with Lord Tinguroar." Shalltear and Sebas both listened and nodded in understanding.

"I see, it seems their minds did not align in the end but they still got along well, same way with me and Aurelius, although we fight sometimes he seems to always change the mood at a glance." Shalltear said and then started polishing her other hand with a smile.

'That does sound like Sir Aurelius. He acts childish but can read the mood really well so he always makes people feel better when he wants to.' Sebas thought while Shalltear thought of something.

"Speaking of the sibling matter, I heard once that my revered master Peroroncionio came to my floor with Luci★Fer-sama and Nishiki Enrai-sama. I heard about my creator's sister's job. She was able to bring life through sound while Tinguroar was an Accountant who if i remember right was able to 'Calculate everything at once'.

"I see that Lord Tinguroar was a strategist of the highest caliber while Madam Bukubukuchagama was able to create life through just her voice." He thought for a second before his face turned serious. "I will make sure to keep this information in my heart so I will not dare make any misconception about our revered masters.

Everyone in Nazarick includes knowledge about their masters but some information they might not know, for example is their masters job and other personal things.

While on the topic of their masters, Shalltear's mind suddenly thought about the celebration and Ainz, then she remembered what she heard from Albedo when talking with her over {Message}.

"I hate that damn gorilla!" Shalltear said and stomped on the floor making a slight crack in it. "She danced with Ainz-sama while I was away at the celebration ahh!" She screamed at the hand as her eyes were blood red and veins popped out of her face.

"Madam Shalltear, please calm down, I'm sure you get another chance to spend time with Lord Ainz. I have heard that Ava got to dance with Lord Lignis. I heard he's very kind and strong so he might know about romantic relationships so maybe you could as-" Sebas was interrupted.

"I can't bother Lignis-sama with such matter! He is busy handling things, Guild Leader Ainz-sama is also busy." She let guild leader slip since she was talking about the Supreme Beings earlier

The High Vampire spoke up. "May I ask why Lord Ainz is referred to as Guild leader even though Lord Lignis is?" And Shalltear nodded.

"It's basically a facade. Even if he is the guild leader most refer to Ainz-sama as guild leader because Lignis was appointed since he was the first founder among the eleven, that is to say but we all know Lignis-sama also took it as a way to scare away any forces coming to fight Nazarick since he was famous in Yggdrasil, we all know Ainz-sama did most of the work as guild leader and Lignis was mostly the fighter and defender of Nazarick, hence one of his titles, {Guild Leader Facade: The Supreme Defender and Attacker of Nazarick} which is one of his titles that only the Supreme Beings, Leader, Floor Guardians, and any powerful entities in Nazarick." Shalltear answered and everyone nodded.

"That is true, so most refer to Lord Ainz as guild leader even though Lord Lignis was the appointed guild leader. In truth Demiurge heard once that Lord Lignis wanted to hand down the position but Lord Ainz refused because of 'plans' with his 'job' whatever that may be in Yggdrasil." Sebas answered and everyone nodded besides the High Vampire.

"So it was a facade to scare away invaders and such while Lord Ainz did the work behind him, like an unstoppable duo?"

Shalltear glanced and answered the High Vampire's question.

"Precisely, and Lignis-sama did not want to be called as such which shows how much kindness he shows for his friends and subordinates. I still hate that gorilla but I can't do anything about it for now." Shalltear said, stirring the topic back to Albedo.

"I could ask Caroline to give you some tips after all her title is the spider of lust." Sebas suggested and Shalltear smiled.

"That might work, when we get back, notify her that I want to talk with her in private. Now Zach should be coming with the criminals soon, correct?" and Sebas nodded in affirmation.

"I see, well I'm getting bored. Well Demiurge has decided not to leave to get human skin and make scrolls since we have over around twenty thousand+ in the treasury in one of the endless chests so we got that covered but what is he doing now?" Shalltear asked, trying to find an interesting topic while groping the High Vampire's breast before stopping and looking at her hand..

"Maybe I need to polish it more?" She whispered to herself with her eyes looking at her fingernails at all angles.

"He is currently testing Subject 1# of the Creation plan, almost all are helping him while Zacian and Aurelius are gone, Cocytus and Urugha are currently testing some army troops on it and training it, since if we are able to mass produce some acceptable creatures we don't have to waste much data to summon other monsters." Sebas explained.

"Hmmh, I see"

"But, Madam Shalltear. Wouldn't Zacian be better suited at this mission, since he has a skill called [Psychic Manipulative]-" as Sebas was about to finish his sentence, the mood suddenly turned grim.

"..Hah?" Shalltear was annoyed, as she released her killing intent, the horse's neighed as they sensed something going on in the carriage. "Can you say that again?" she twitches as her eyes turn crimson blood.

The High vampire, Solution, Claude and Sebas shuddered in unison as they sweat a little bit. "I am very sorry, Madam Shalltear. I am just quite worried what will happen if your [Blood Frenzy] kick in" Sebas, although equal in level, still got goosebumps from Shalltear. Claude was lv95 but when with his two brothers there unique skill {Trio Boost} they all become Lv100 and could maybe be on par with Shalltear but in the end they cannot beat her, even in a three on one.

Shalltear deactivated her malicious intent as she responded in silence. "..For the most part, every human I killed will turn into my slave. Ainz-sama discussed it with me as well and Lignis-sama agreed. But there's no need to worry, since I will keep my [Blood Frenzy] at bay." She did not realize Lignis wanted her to lose control and encounter the squad who would use a world item on her, so he can take the world item and kill the squad while making Ainz and her grow as characters, if she were to know his thinking then she would gladly try to fix her character but in the end she has to experience it to truly change.

"Ah yes, address me as Shalltear without any formalities after all where all are created equally in truth, even if the Supreme beings chose some over others and handed down our positions." Shalltear said and Sebas had a hesitating look with questioning eyes before sighing.

"I see.Then I shall address you as Shalltear." Sebas answered with a smile.

"You do not like Demiurge, correct? And I feel like you're a little more distant from Max. I am sure your creator did not make you that way even though Lignis-sama created the three Butlers." Shalltear asked to remember some scenes of Sebas when talking with either Demiurge or Max.

"I wonder. Well the truth is I feel some sort of instinct making me distant from Demiurge and disliking him but for Max…..His personality does not match mine is the personal truth." His voice became calmer and nolgastic.

Claude squirmed hearing the topic about his brother but in his heart he knew that Max's personality did not fit their 'father' .

"I see." Shalltear said just two words and decided not to ask more since she did not like delving into personal matters when it comes to Sebas.

She had a question in her heart. The question is one that Sebas who's position might know, of course Zacian or Ava might know, maybe even Frey but Zacian is too troublesome, Ava is hard to talk to since she rarely appears and Frey is too dumb although she is powerful her brain is quite dumb considering she's a Automaton. Even if everyone knows that, no one would say it to her face.

"In the past there were fools who decided to invade Nazarick but they could not even get into the first floor, but no one from the 8th floor came out except for Victim. Zacian, although a regiment leader, mostly let's his side captains do the work and Aurelius just lays around on the 9th floor. So considering most positions either you or Albedo know the information which i am asking about. Who are the beings on the 8th floor? Is it a Npc who was created by Ainz-sama?"

Sebas had a stern look when hearing the question from Shalltear. He studied her trying to find her motives in asking such a question. Seeing the silence, Shalltear continued talking.

"Albedo would know who would be on the 8th floor because of her position and I don't like being a step behind her."

Most Supreme Beings created a Npc, she knew most of them because she was imbued with general information but she has no information regarding a npc created by Ainz or Momonga. That being the case, it makes sense for him to create a Npc on the 8th floor and she only knows around 75% percent of the npcs, Albedo was imbued with all information of every Npc so she is a step ahead and Shalltear does not like that.

"Ainz-sama's Npc.. there is a rumor that Lord Ainz created an Npc called Pandora Actor, who guards the depth of the treasures with {Galactuis] the caged golden dragon who blends in with gold and attacks any person who dares tries to steal any items."

Sebas said before revealing the information connected to the 8th floor.

"He is on an equal level with most of the guardians although I never saw him since you need a ring to travel to such a place. This is only known to some Npcs but most of the 8th floor Npcs were created by the original eleven founders, it is said all are Lv90 or above with powerful divine weapons."

Shalltear gasped in surprise hearing information before thinking to herself for a moment.

"How many are there and who are the most powerful ones?" Shalltear asked digging for more information.

"I don't know much beyond that. The only thing I heard was the Npc who created the most powerful gear for most of the leaders and guardians. His name is {Jukinighamashirkira} a long name but he has six arms and in each hand is a hammer with different runes possessing different abilities, it is said he possesses the power of a Lv90 boss. I don't know any more than that except there are only ten people living on that floor except Victim which will make it eleven.." Sebas said and Shalltear, although frowning, thanked him.

"I see then he is a powerful foe among the eleven inhabitants." Shalltear said before having a shocked face."What if each inhabitant was created by one of the Supreme Beings?" Shalltear asked and Sebas thought for a second.

"That would be possible, but for right now let's put the idea to rest before we get permission to enter the floor and besides the criminals are here." As Sebas said that, the Stagecoach suddenly stopped and the horses neighed loudly.

"It seems our prey has taken the bait, Solution: you can play with Zach since Shalltear agreed to it before the ride. Claude just make sure that they don't scream any if you want to." Sebas stood in silence for a moment before continuing. "You can show your true form and release some pent up desires, is that alright Shalltear?"

"Yes, it's fine after all Claude's personality hates criminals much more than even you." She chuckled for a moment. "Let him enjoy it all he wants. High tier vampires do not attack anyone and let Claude enjoy himself.

The Vampire nodded and Claude had a calming and happy smile. In truth he hates criminals but loves making them feel terror before they die, so in turth he is a sadist to criminals and evil people who are not part of Nazarick.

This was just how he was and he liked it plus he has not revealed his form in a while.

Half of his face slowly melted revealing a skeleton.

"Thank you Madam Shalltear and Sebas, I will have fun and not kill all of them, since we need to capture them." He said as his voice turned from calming to devilish and overbearing, it was loud but had a certain aspect to it fitting of a Demonic angel or fallen one.

As the stakeholder stopped and there were sounds of rustling, the doors were flung open to reveal Zach who had a perverted smile plastered on his face. Sweat rolled down his cheeks as he looked around at the people.

He had a surprised look seeing Shalltear and was thinking 'Who is this?' He was very familiar with the stagecoach but he had never seen this beautiful woman before.

In an instant something went past him and he saw a glimpse of it coming out of the stagecoach. It was horrifying and he instantly peed his pants upon seeing the thing.

It had a floating skull which was smaller than normal skulls with a big ring floating above the skull, it had smoke coming out of the skulls as clothes formed on it like black gew surrounding something.

It was around 7ft tall as it flew past him and he did not see any arms or hands but the thing's legs were mummified like it had no water for years.

Zach's face twisted into despair upon seeing it fly past him and stop before the ten men who brandished all kinds of different weapons.

"Hello everyone, My name.. is Claude as you all fall into despair before me." The thing said and every man there screamed, Zach was so shocked he could not move until he heard a sweet voice calling to him.

Solution was in front of him brandishing her boobs and Zach whose mind was in chaos went for instinct and he grabbed the boobs immediately.

Slowly he got sucked in as Claude killed some men and knocked out others.

Shalltear and Sebas watched this with satisfied eyes.

While this happened, Lignis finally arrived at Re-Estize after dropping off Ainz at E-Rantel.

______At Re-Estize_____

The carriage suddenly transformed into a normal carriage before going on top of the path heading towards Re-Estize, which was quite big considering this world, it's able to hold nine million although most of them are in poor situations.

Aurelius took a nap while Juilius was playing with a flip knife by throwing it at Zacian who would then hit it with his flip knife, this continued between them before the other got hit with the knife.

Needless to say Zacian won most of the time since he has a higher level and stats than Julius.

Alraric was in sleep mode while Electra was joyfully singing while driving the carriage.

'I am watching Shalltear closely with a skill since I need to take that world item after it's used on her, then I can try to kill that group, honestly I only remember the lady who had the world item. Slane Theocracy would probably start gathering information on who took their princess and that might lead to them going to Carne VIllage.' In truth, while making character development for Ainz and Shalltear, I can also grab a world item and kill a group on the side.

I'm not that smart, I know that in my heart but I will try my best to at least plan for things, I don't know much about the beast or dragon kingdom. Could I send Demiurge some humans during the fight with the test subject? Since he might be able to turn it into scrolls although we got a lot. Ainz does need to get that one kid so we can get some information about the potions in this world and have our potion makers on the 11th floor start making them.

I want to see Ava and Cocytus capabilities about fighting with troops so I might as well attack E-Rantel after the chaos from the test subject, this will make most run to Re-Estize kingdom and cause chaos among their ranks allowing perfect cover for changing some nobles and placing dopplegangers.

In the light novels I only remember little about the holy kingdom and dwarf kingdom so I won't try to go there yet and then we got the dark elf forest.

'So much crap to remember! Uggh, well I can hold off on conquering although I want to take my time and enjoy this world before I start conquering everything.' I just swatted those thoughts away and will just come to think when it matters. After all, I'm not a thinking person, I'm a fighting one.

But I knew in my heart that I could easily conquer this world but that would be very boring, like the original story. I want to conquer it one by one, of course everything will be different but it will be fun at least. We still have the caloric stone. Maybe I could use that to go to a different anime, after all it is a wish.

I thought for a moment before sighing and looking out the side window to see a big city and smiled.

'I will surely take my time to enjoy this world, maybe I might even write a book. That might be fun.' I snickered to myself as I got an item out of my inventory when coming to the checking gates.

It was the paper I got from Gazef, he said if we handed this to any guard then he should greet us and bring us the rewards.

Stopping the check stop a guard opened the door and checked around before I handed him the paper.

He took it and read it for a moment before his eyes went wide.

"I see, sorry for stopping you. I shall inform the headwarrior of your entry. If you would like to put your carriage somewhere there is a carriage holder to the right after entry into the kingdom." he said and I nodded to Julius who knocked on the spot behind him opening up a sliding board.

"Whatchu needing Juilius?" Electra asked and Juilius whispered some stuff and she nodded before closing it, we suddenly started moving and after a minute stopped.

"Well let's start conquering this kingdom, Zacian release the watchers." I commanded and Zacian smiled evilly before taking a small box out of his inventory, it was black with a golden lining imbued into it making it look like a treasure.

He opened it revealing a bunch of small spider-like things with cats for its head and fingers for legs, the body was a frog's body.

They all crawled out.

{Note: They all changed clothes after getting out of the carriage where they won't be connected to their upcoming adventuring group.)

"Watch over the noble of the kingdom and the king." I ordered and they all nodded before disappearing. They all have {Faze} which is a skill that allows them to appear anywhere within five meters.

I smiled before stepping out of the carriage to see stone below my feet and many carriages lined up of all kinds with fences separating them.

"They could have at least made the floor out of Adamantite, such blasphemy to make a Supreme Being walk on normal stone!" Aurelius said, stepping out before taking out a rag and cleaning his shoes.

"And the stupidity to make the great me have to walk on this dirty floor, Lignis-sama, I say we should just use {Obliteration} or {The Sun] to wipe out this kingdom!" Aurelius continued talking before Zacian smacked him on the head.

"Stop worrying about yourself, we are here to accompany Lignis-sama and his plan of conquering this kingdom! I for one like taking my time doing things instead of your narcissistic self who just acts childish and wants to get everything done within a second!" Zacian said and Aurelius bumped heads with him as dust swirled around them.

Juilius came out and Electra jumped off the carriage and they both wore their butler and maid suit with masks covering their face and hair.

I waved my hand at Aurelius and Zacian making them stop and bow.

""Sorry! Lignis-sama"" They both said at the same time. Both of their eyes looked at each other with a side eye before grumbling and turning their backs although they were wearing masks now which cover even their hair since I can't have Gazef or anybody connecting them to the adventurer group, except Zacian wore the same mask as the one at Carne Village but he his planning on wearing a different one when adventuring.

'I made Zacian too childish and Tinguroar made Aurelius too childish as well." I thought in my mind before sighing, hearing some greetings from afar.

I saw Gazef with a golden-haired woman in a white dress and a teenage boy in a steel suit.

Zacian wore his original suit when meeting Gazef for the first time.

I wore my suit that I wore at carne village which was different from the one I am going to use for my adventurers.

Aurelius wore normal clothes and not the adventuring ones since he wanted to be free from that robe. In the end you could not connect any of us to what we are going to become when adventuring.

____Third pov now_____

Gazef came up to the three new people, he recognized Zacian and me but not Aurelius, Electra, or Juilius. He especially eyed Juilius.

'Who are these new people? Well unless the topic comes up, I won't ask.' Gazef decided in his mind as Clide looked at Electra and Aurelius with surprised eyes.

'They look like nobles but why are they wearing adventurer type armor? I just came with Gazef since Renner wanted to thank the people who saved Gazef in person but..' Climb thought as he looked at Juilius.

'I have to be careful around that man.'

Gazef came before Lignis who was in front of the group and held out his hand.

"Hello Lignis-dono, it's been a while. I must say thanks for saving my men and me back there, I'm really grateful for it!" He said as Lignis grabbed his hand and shook it.

"I'm happy as well Gazef, it took a while because of some arising problems with the group, we killed them because they were about to run away so we had to cover things up." Lignis said and Gazef's mood did not change but his tone did.

"Are they chasing you?" Gazef asked with a stern tone and Lignis shook his head.

"They do not know who did it. I made sure to cover up the killing but they might still come after you." Lignis lied as Ainz took most of the fame for killing the group.

Gazef nodded before eyeing the other butler coming out of the carriage.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to make sure everything was put up." Alraric answered before bowing and Lignis waved him to stand straight, he was not wearing a mask like the rest of the group since he was not planning on adventuring. In this world as long as you wore a mask then it was almost impossible to connect the masked person to their unmasked selves unless they had tall height or were very short, plus their hair or voice which can be altered slightly enough to not connect their original voices. In the end if anyone wanted to make sure they are not the same then right now they would have to ask for Lignis's group to take off their masks and they can just use illusion magic to hide their real faces so in the end no matter what they won't be connected.{they are going to use different names}

"Sorry I forgot to introduce everyone, this is Aurelius, Electra, Juilius, and Alraric. They are my companions" Lignis said, pointing to each person he named.

Gazef nodded before Renner bowed as she lifted her dress up.

"My name is Renner and this is Climb." She said, pointing to Climb. "Thanks for saving my father's trusty warrior, the rewards will be provided shortly once we reach the castle if that is okay with you?" Renner asked and Climb had a frown seeing Renner bowing and asking a question unfitting of a princess.

"No need to thank me or bow, I would be glad to come." Lignis answered and Renner had a big smile before turning around and everyone followed her as a carriage came in front of them.

"It's a long ride so enjoy yourselves." Gazef said before hopping into the big carriage along with Climb and Renner.

We all hopped inside.

"What happened to Ainz-dono and Urugha-dono?" Gazef asked.

"Ainz is currently handling some new matters while Urugha is staying at our home." As I said this, out of the corner of my eye I saw Climb looking at my weird spear.

My spear is a slashing spear in Yggdrasil, basically a spear with edges allowing one to slash, pierce, and allow easy movement. Unlike most normal spears mine is sideways instead of pointy.

It was an average slashing spear around the lvl of forty, it did not have any unique effects and was perfect for adventuring.

Gazef nodded at my sentence as Renner had her eyes closed.

Juilius looked around as his eyes looked at Climb who looked at his scars and right eye which had the cross pupil.

Climb then looked away as Juilius chuckled.

We made it to the kingdom after an hour or so and well it was disappointing since the nobles did not want the king to talk to me so they gave me my rewards and Alraric a shop in the lowest part of town then shushed me off, Zacian and Aurelius was about to kill them but I held them back, killing all the nobles immediately is boring after all.

I was walking with Gazef who had anger on his face. Renner and Climb are in Renner's room while I'm planning to meet them.

"Sorry about the nobles, they are so corrupted and I hate them to my core, the king wanted to talk to you too! But those nobles wouldn't allow you because you were 'dangerous'.'" Gazef said with a sigh as my group behind me had frowns.

"It's fine, when can Alraric start selling his items?" I asked and Gazef thought for a moment.

"Anytime, all you have to do is start building on the empty plot, the noble who owns that plot is not that bad on taxes courtesy of the Golden Princess. We already did the paperwork and put your rewards at your request into your carriage so no need to worry." Gazef answered truthfully and I smiled.

"Also Lignis-dono, Princess Renner wanted to talk with you privately in her room, I'm going to take Climb to the training grounds since I need to get him ready to protect Renner. Guards will be posted nearby in case anything happens, her room is right around the right corner and the 1st room." Gazef said with a smile and I nodded as he disappeared around the left corner where Climb could be seen waiting.

I walked around the right corner and went into the first room which was placed on the left side.

I opened the door and went inside with my group following from behind me, there I saw Renner sipping some tea and sitting in a chair opening her eyes to see us.

"Welcome! I'm so happy you came, I noticed during the carriage ride that you wanted to talk but not in public, am I wrong?" The moment I heard her I smiled.

"You are correct, now let me show my true self." As I said this Alraric, Zacian, Aurelius, and Juilius went to each corner of the room while Electra just stood beside me as I sat down and took off my helmet revealing my head which was wooden and looked like it was carved by a master carver.

She looked shocked before smiling.

"Is this where I die?" Her eyes were calm and looked like nothing of the original shock which was plastered on her face when seeing my face.

"No, I just know your true nature and wanted to make a deal and Alraric kill the maid which is peeping on us." As I said that Alraric took out a pistol from inside his suit, the pistol was carved with runes and looked extravagant.{Picture here}

He aimed it at the door before pulling the trigger making no sounds as an orange bullet came out of the pistol and pierced right through the door.

"Obliterating bullet…. Analysing.. completely disintegrates anything that is below lv40." He said as dust could be seen flying around under the door.

"I will handle her disappearance later." Renner said waving the death off like it was nothing.

"Now what's the deal?" Renner asked with raised eyebrows turning the topic back to the deal.

"I'm conquering this world but I like taking my time and enjoying things, this includes playing with people and talking with interesting people who could be of use like you for example. The start of my and Nazaricks conquest is this kingdom.'' I said as I drank some tea she placed before me.

"Could you not just force me to obey instead of a deal?" She asked, sipping some tea.

The door was fixed by Juilius who applied some magic to make it look good as new.

"I could but people who only desire little and are not forced are easier to order than forcing them" I eyed her up "plus with your personality you will accept since I could grant you anything you want.." I said with a huge smile as I held out my hand.

She looked at the palm of my hand before smiling.

She grabbed it. "I accept but there are conditions."

"First, I want Climb and I want him all to myself when you destroy the kingdom. And second is to be an entirely different race." She said as her face deformed into a crazed abyssal smile.

I nodded. "The first one is granted. The second one will be in a couple of days" I sipped "Provide all the information to Alraric here" I pointed at the butler beside me "And also we can just get a doppelganger for the dead maid who will help you when you need information." I said as I got up and messaged Alraric of all he needed to do.

I walked "And tell Gazef that we left and are going back to our base." I said as I waved my hand and disappeared as everyone else also disappeared except for Alraric who sat down on the other side of Renner.

"I need all the information you have of this kingdom. I will will verify if it is true or not when your finished." Alraric said as Renner wrote in a book with ink and quill.

"Also we hand over the race changing item in a week after we see some satisfactory results, that is all." Alraric said as he threw a potion on the ground which was taken from his inventory. Suddenly a black glob formed a maid resembling the maid Alraric saw. from the broken potion.

"Is this the maid you saw? Lord Alraric." The thing asked and Alraric nodded.

"Yes, thanks to my {True Eye} I can easily see anything from all angles, even their amount of fat or magic." As he said this Renner looked up.

"Does that mean you can see my breast?"

"Yes I can and they're so small that it looks like normal skin and not boobs. Are there even nipples?.." Alraric asked without any hesitation and Renner had a shocked expression before sighing and continued writing.

The doppelganger was made from the image Alraric had in mind.

"Provide the 'maid' with her original information from the original one." Alraric said to Renner as the doppelganger acted like a maid and sat down near them.

At the same time, Lignis and his group started heading to E-Rantel to meet up with Ainz while Ava was meeting he favorite chef.

__________Ava on the 11th floor.______

I walked down the streets with my hair flowing down on my Yukata which was a divin item called {Flowing Rose Yukata} which boosted my already powerful stats immensely. It also focused on my way of fighting, helping me keep the flow of battle in control. I had many more items including my special rings but this Yukata is the most important alongside my two Katanas.

I was walking down the streets before turning a corner into an alleyway before walking a couple of meters and looked to the right to see a door with a sign saying {Gu's Restaurant} I smiled and happily went in.

"Hey Gu!" I said in a happy voice walking into the small building, it was very small, only able to harbor three tables and a wooden kitchen, decorations were everywhere as the tables were placed in a triangle pattern. In the back was a thin counter with many utensils and condiments on top of it with a lone hanging onto the short roof with a bunch of notes along the line.

It smelt of wood and food. I sucked in a deep breath as I heard a sound.

"Haha, hey Ava! Nice to see you're back, I heard things have been hectic in Nazarick. The Supreme Beings have left and we are doing lots of tests although not many customers come by but even so I have been happy." A cheery deep voice fitting the sound of a happy man came from the kitchen room which was behind the table.

The open way to the room was wide allowing a greenish and bumpy orc to walk through. He had no nipples and had four fingers, he wore a sumo line covering his waist as his big belly popped out. All his fat was in his belly as his legs and arms although big were not proportioned right. He wore nothing else and had a big head with two big tusks coming out of his mouth.

He had greenish eyes and a bald head as he had a snout fitting his face which had pointy ears. Hooked up on the sumo loincloth was two rusty cleavers with a sharp edge. He was big and was at the height of 6'4 unfitting of an orc who are usually two feet taller and more muscular instead of being fat.

Unlike most people on the 11th floor, Gu was not Lv80+ and instead was around Lv35 because he was originally a captured monster and Lignis decided to allow him citizenship as a chef who makes my favorite food of all time.

He is married to a minotaur named Noar and has a kid which is a mix between the two, both of them are considered npcs but Gu was not considered one.

"So what will it be today? Golden Jukin or Roasted Dragon and slabs of kingju? And we can't forget about the desert, just thinking of it makes me hungry!" He said out loud as he grabbed his belly and flopped it up and down with a smile.

I laughed at his antics and sat down at a wooden table with two chairs.

"Hmmmm, could you get me some roasted ZGuruga and golden wine paradox?" I asked, looking at the wooden menu hooked up at the counter.

He took a piece of paper off the line and wrote a bit before whistling, making the note fly into the kitchen behind him.

"Allllright, it be ready in a jiffy and jiggly way." He said as he walked into the kitchen.

I waited for a bit before Gu came back out of the kitchen with a plate full of meat and wine on top of it. He sat it down at my table and put a paper full of different utensils.

"Oh ya, Ava can I come during the test subject rampage and take some humans? I want to try cooking some for Uga, my son, he eats and eats. I never gave him some human before so could I?" Gu asked with questioning eyes.

I thought for a moment pondering the question.

"Are you sure? Your level is really low and you might be killed by the adventurers or guards in the city although most can't harm you, I am sure there are a few there?" I asked, making sure he knows what he is asking.

"You don't gotta worry about ol me, I have to bring something as a present for my son since his birthday is coming up hehe and what's better than a new dish for that big fellow and don't worry the great Gu would never die without cooking the perfect meal!" Gu said flexing his muscles.

I laughed a bit and smiled at him, he sure did know how to make someone laugh.

"Fine, I ask Demiurge or Albedo but you won't have backup and would have to run on your own since we need all units watching out for players and making sure everything acts according to the plan. I could use some summons to back you up." I answered.

"No, I would like to be alone to show my worth to my wife and son. Also don't worry if you want some I definitely make some humans for you….Wait! I know since you're so nice, today's meal is free!" People on the 11th floor pay with Yggdrasil coins since it is a city. Although they can get free stuff it just makes them feel at home and I do so too, it is fun playing along.

"That would be great!" I said in a happy tone as he pondered for a moment.

"And on the topic of anyone I am sure it would be better for no one to watch over me or be with me since that will cut the chances of anyone hearing about it and make sure my son does not hear about it and this is the perfect time to show him who's the best dad in the world by doing this by myself so no matter what I will get him some food!"

He smiled and yelled out while flexing his muscles once again.

"Do not worry Ava! These muscles will not let me down and this belly can tank anything! Especially food! So I will not die." he said with his hands on his hips and was looking proud.

I chuckled and drank some wine and started eating while he put on some music while playing instruments.

This was nice, Gu was one of my personal friends since I don't like interacting much except for a few people like Frey or Maia, maybe even Cz, Aura, and Mare.

Ava smiled as she thought about what was happening with Lignis and Ainz.

_______At E-Rantel____

In an Inn was a black armored adventure and a white armor one grabbing hands.

"Hey Momon!"

"Hello Lining!"{Could not think of a name}

Lignis was now with Momon after registering as an adventurer in E-Rantel and Lignis's group wore different armor making them almost incomparable to their original selves besides their height.