
Chapter 16: Underworld Portal [4]

Before we start I want to give big thanks to my new p@tre0ns [sam] [Jose Newcomb] [NotYggdra]. Everyone in the comments write big W's for our brothers!




I started walking towards the direction those skelletons came from. Minutes went by and still there was no sign of any thing or anyone so I decided to use my necklace in order to look around.

My speed on foot is 8200 km/h which mean im x6.8 times faster than the speed of sound so when I will use the necklace I will fly at the speed of 4100 km/h.

And this is what I did, I started looking around with soundwaves behind me. It didnt take me long to see something far away and when I got closer I landed on the ground, placed the necklace in the storage ring and walked to the thing in the front.

Coming closer I noticed it was a dragon, and to be more precise a huge 75 meters skelleton dragon. It seemed to be waiting for me and once I was 100 meters away from it, it started walking to me.

"Hahahaha, so you are the bug that dared to come into this dragon's domain!" Its voice was so deep and loud that the whole place shaked when it talked.

"Big talk for a dead lizard. And you dare to call yourself a dragon in front of me?" I lifted an eyebrow from his statement.

"You damned human! You came to your death! I will show you the power of the anciant dragon! The strongest dragon!" It started shouting and opened its mouth gathering a black substance in front of it.

The moment it was about to shoot all that darkness energy I let out my aura. At that second the atmoshpere became so heavy that it seamed that the gravity multiplied by 10 times.

The dragon immedietly dismissed the black energy bomb and bowed its head to the ground with force creating a crater.

"Oh my lord! My god! I have been waiting for you for centuries! Please forgive this foolish servant of yours for beeing foolish."

"Hoho? So now you are bowing your head huh? What happened to you pride you stinky dead lizzard." I mocked him walking to his direction.

"There is no pride but your's your majesty. We dragons were born to serve under your rule!" I walked until reaching its head and I stepped on its bony nose.

"So you, a dead stupid lizard want to serve me huh? Hah, What a joke!" I mocked him more, although I was enjoying it, its not the main reason im doing this, I simply want to see how much they are loyal to me, if they are able to swallow their pride in front of me, after all dragons are the most prideful creatures.

"Please forgive this lowly ignorant servant and allow me to fulfil my purpose by serving under your highness."

'Assuming from the attack he gathered just seconds before, this dragon is definitly the strongest opponent I ever faced, even stronger than the person I fought at the championship finals.'

'Maybe if all the nine participants ganged on him they might be able to defeat him, but if they went solo against him there is no way that they will come out alive.' I rubbed my chin since I was deep into thought.

"Okay I made my decision, I will allow you to become my subordinate but I will test you before..." I placed my hands inside my pockets I looked around the dragon.

"Yes my lord! No matter what test you have for me I will complete it even if it means dying again!" Shouted the dragon with excitement.

"Okay okay stop shouting! I see that there is a lot of treasurs here I will take a look here."

"Of course my lord this place is yours!" The dragon once again bowed its long neck down.

There is a lot of things around the skelleton dragon body, but a golden small chest is what attracted me the most so I went to open it.

What I saw inside is something I never saw in my 10 years in the game. What I saw is three world items one next to the other. My pupils litterly turned into a dollar sign. The first two items are the same they are necklaces with the same attributes.

x2 Resurection necklaces: One of the world item. Creates protection for its wielder and if the protection is not enough it teleport the wearer to the safest place. In the worst case scenario if the wearer is killed he is resurected and spawns in a checkpoint he designated himself with all his levels intact, but the stuff will be dropped at the place the player was killed. It has 3 times use.



'Those two necklaces will be life saver in the new world since I dont have resurection magic like Momonga. I wont wear them in the game at all and wait for the new world.'

The other world item is a piercing...

The Sane Mind Piercing: One of the world items. Those red piercings that seem normal at first glance are indeed world items that protect their owner from all mind control spells, items and artifacts.


'My GAWWD' I immedietly pierced my ears and placed the items on.

"Hey big lizard! Im taking these." I placed the two necklaces inside my storage ring.

"Of course my lord I belong to you so everything is yours."

"Oh also I'll be taking those things on the ground so quickly gather everything next to me."

The poor dragon started picking everything and bringing it to me. Once I finished all of this it truned out to be that I looted from him 462k golden coins and a lot of armors, weapons and other items as well as some junk.

"Now let's talk about your mission, it actually is quite simple. For the next six years you will stay in this place to kill all the adventurers that will come to challenge you, so you will keep getting stronger as well as collecting all of their items and gold." I explained to him.

"Understood my lord!"

"For now..." I walked again towards him and he automaticly bowed his head allowing me to get on him, I walked to his forhead and heated my index finger until it became yellow and smoke came out of it.

"This will be proof that you are my servant." I sculped these letters 'NFLX' on his forehead with my finger and heat, it was black so it looked like a tattoo.

"When the six years are done, you will bring all the things you collected and come to..." I told him the place where to find me at that time, then I left the place with a second subordinate.

The first being Alterion, my strongest servant.

"Oh by the way I killed millions of skelletons, while doing that I heard many leveling up notifications so let's check my status."



HP: 259 000/259 000

MP: 282 000/282 000


✓Dragon Monarch


✓Fire God LVL-53

✓Battle God LVL-66


[]Dragon God Transformation[] LVL-104

[]Dragon God Scales[] LVL-104

[]Dragon God Claws[] LVL-104

[]Dragon God Aura[] LVL-119

[]Cold Resistance[] LVL-96

[]Pain Nullification[] -MAX-

[]Dragon God Will[] -MAX-

[]Limit Breaker[] -MAX-

[]God of Strengh[] -MAX-

[]God Of Mastery[] -MAX-

[]God of speed[] -MAX-

[]God Of Wisdom[] -MAX-

[]God Of Immortality[] -MAX-




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