What if there was someone who wanted to play the role of the good guy in Overlord, That’s Daemon he Loves overlord but has always wondered what if there was a equally strong threat to Ains, so enjoy his story. NOTE I am not very experienced with the leveling system in Overlord so I may mess up with that.
After creating my character and editing the minute details I finally finished.
I have to start off as a baby dragon, once I level and kill more things I will become bigger and stronger.
After I finished editing my character a screen popped up with the different worlds on them, without thinking I immediately went to Midgard, knowing in the not to distant future any non human race will be targeted.
As soon as I loaded in I saw a couple of other players walking around and experiencing different things.
I look around and see soldiers in armor and I can see that there level is 105.
'Wait, now that I think about it if anything is possible in a game such as this could I hypothetically become strong enough to take control of this kingdom and make it my own?'
If I become strong enough anything is possible, I have no limit, so I can achieve whatever I want.
I look over my shoulder and see wings I Instantly new how to use them so I did, I jumped and started flapping my wings before long I was soring through the sky.
"Was that a player?" A random player asks.
I look down from the tree I am in, I see a herd of some deer, I get ready to pounce not wanting to waste anytime.
I hear a sound to my left so I look over and I immediately fill a sense of being powerless as I am now.
I see a massive albino male deer, that is easily 3 times my size, as of right now I am about the length of a human and the width of a bus.
I have yet to hunt or even experiment with my strength, as if tempting me it walks right below me, presenting his unprotected spine.
'Fuck it, I don't have anything to lose.' I think launching myself full force toward the middle of his back.
I try to put all my weight on one spot, and as soon as I land on him a loud crack was heard.
We both fall to the ground, I look at it and see its body start to disappear. Then I was bombarded by multiple notifications.
{#Mythical (Albino) Stag#} has been killed.
Rewards being calculated now.
[20,000 XP for Killing Rare Stag] (One Per World)
[35,000 XP for a one hit kill on a entity that is immensely stronger than you.]
[2,000 XP for not alerting the prey]
[5 data Crystals, received.]
[First Kill Bonus X3 for all rewards.]
As I am reading a notification pops up on my screen.
[Your character has received a influx of XP resulting in a forced Evolution, please log in three months from now.]
"What the fuck?" I exclaim.
I open the settings menu and find the gm call function.
Not even a second later someone pops into my voice channel.
"Hello Daemon, I am your personal admin, the higherups figured that since you so generously helped we will help you with anything you need, now may I ask why you have called for help?" A girl says.
"Thank you for coming so quickly, it seems my character is going under some forced evolution." I say hoping she can shed some light on my problem.
"Yes this is a feature we implemented so that when a user character needs to undergo a change or an evolution, it won't seem so sudden, the wait is just a way to make it seem more realistic. Luckily it will not take that long normally around an hour or so." She says answering my question but also making me have more.
"You said only an hour or so, but why do I have to wait a whole three months?" I ask.
They're was no answer, I guess she is looking my character over.
I hear a loud screech then she starts to talk.
"YOU KILLED A MYTHICAL STAG?" She asked flabbergasted.
"It was Albino." I say.
"WHAT? The normal Stags themselves should be way stronger than you, no level one player should even be able to look at one let alone kill one." She says.
"Unfortunately there is no way we can override this without bugs forming, as of now I suggest reading all of the lore we have rereleased for the different races so you can understand them while you wait."
"But why three months?" I ask.
"Unfortunately, the current form your character has is not strong enough, you will look completely different when you are able to log back on, look at it this way your character will be aging. The total amount of time is based on the amount of XP, you received so much from your first kill that your body just is not ready for all of it yet." She says.
'Fuck.' I think to myself.
"Ok thank you for the help." I say as I log off.
Now we wait.
3 months later.
I waited the amount it said, now I am logging in.
I have been busy over the past couple of days I familiarized myself with all the different classes and what possible evolutionary trees they may have.
I log in and the moment I do I can already feel something is different, I open my eyes and notice I am way above the tree line even though I am sitting on the ground. I open my status screen so I can see what happened.
{Dragon Elder}
[Size] L-126ft W-456ft.
[Draconic Aura]
[Unbreakable scales]
[Dragons Might]
[Sharp Claws]
[Blue Abyssal Flame]
[Dragons Will]
ETC… (please tell me more that he should have, nothing magic related.)
Holy shit I'm massive.
I think about what I should do now.
I start to smirk.
I lift my massive claws foward, and In front of me I see a spawner that I just made.
You see I made a spawner, that spawns a Mythical Albino Stag everytime I kill the previous one.
So I won't ever have to worry about Data crystals again.
I hear a noise and see the stag walk out, this time I feeling nothing but fear radiating off of the stag.
"The fun begins now."
Overlord Forums.
"Holy shit did anyone else see the giant ass Dragon on Midgard, it must be some type of mini-boss."
To be continued.