
2 Discover The Status

The blue Slime stop thinking and just ram itself to the worm, the slime feel weird because it didn't hear any sound at all. When it opened its eyes it didn't believe what it saw, the slime saw the worm has a hole on its head. The slime saw a bright light rising from the worm and went to its direction, the slime want to dodge but it can't because it still can't over the fear it just experienced.

A voice resounded somewhere the slime can't locate, the voice was monotone and cold.

You obtain 1500 experience point!

Congratulations Earthen Slime has leveled up!

Displaying Status

The slime was surprised by the voice, it can't locate where the voice came from nor it knew who speak. Suddenly a screen appears on its head, it displays the slime status.

Name: None Race: Blue Slime

LvL: 2

HP: 5,580 MP: 3,545

STR: 10 DEF: 1000 AGI: 150

INT: 543

Skill: Absorption: Absorb an attack, and the slime can imitate the attack and use it again.

Split: As a slime, it can split its body into two or more. All of the split bodies are the original body.

The blue Slime was surprised when it saw its status, it was wondering why some of his stats are lower especially its strength and its defense are freaking my high. The slime also has a huge amount of HP and MP despite it is being only a LvL 2 monster. Abnormal as it seems, the slime has stronger stats than the worm it killed. The slime defense is 1000 and only LvL 80 and above can manage to harm the slime, but if the monster is below LvL 80 then it just a tickle for it.

'I didn't think I am this awesome, In one hit I killed a LvL 61 monster even though I'm just a LvL 1!' the slime though. It now gaining its confidence, by having its confidence then that means that it can still hunt for other monsters.

The blue Slime continue moving but this time it didn't hide instead, it comes to have the initiative to hunt. Until the slime saw a light brown monster that looks like a lizard, the monster's name is Yellow Lizard. Its skill is it can blend to the earth and act as camouflage and attack if the prey lowers their guards. Yellow Lizard often calls as a yellow assassin, because of its ability to sneak attack. Yellow Lizard LvL is around 65-69, it is pretty strong considering its ability to sneak attack.

However the blue Slime use the same move as he did previously, it is the special attack of all slime but almost all slimes, unfortunately, dies because of that move. However during the first day of the universe until now only one slime succeeded in killing a high LvL monster by using that move. That is ramming its body straight to the enemy!


When the blue Slime rammed itself to the Yellow Lizard a loud swoosh can be heard, and a gust of wind gather at their place. It killed the Yellow Lizard instantly, the Yellow Lizard didn't have time to react. The Yellow Lizard thinks that "Oh, it's just a slime I can install kill it anytime", but the situation reversed and it is the Yellow Lizard who got insta killed.

[You obtain 1759 experience points]

[Blue Slime obtained a skill 'Supreme Ram]

'OH YES! I obtained my first offensive skill! Let me see what is its effect.' the slime happily thought. It was so happy because it obtains its first skill aside from it race's skill.

Supreme Ram: By using all of the slime efforts it created a skill which is fitting for itself.

Short and simple explanation but this explanation made the slime body shaking. It's round blue body is shaking.

'F*******CK! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? ISN'T THIS THE SAME THE RAM I USES BEFORE!? WHY THE F*CK IT BECAME A SKILL!?' it shouted to its mind. Because slime doesn't have vocal cords they can't speak or make any sound, aside from "Puu! Puu!" Sound it body made there are no other sounds it can generate.

The slime was so mad because of it, the slime then continues to hunt while hoping to obtain a more useful skill. It made sure to absorb the attacks of the creatures it hunts so that it can analyze and obtain the skill for itself. Aside from hunting the slime try to experiment if it can analyze herbs and metals. By doing that it will know if it is possible for the slime to absorb the herbs and metal then have their characteristics. As a naturally born slime, it has a nature to want to survive the most it will try to adapt and it will try any methods just to survive.

Every creature already has an instinct the moment they born that they should survive to achieve the greatest evolution, but evolving is a difficult process which stops almost all the monster from progressing instead they are regressing. The monsters before were smart and all of have higher intelligent, unfortunately, due to the obsession to become strong they forcefully try to evolve themselves but they fail. That's the reason why almost all of their descendants don't have that highly intelligent and only acts in instinct.

The blue Slime continues its hunt, currently, he is still on the 15th floor. Each floor was like a huge maze and every corner of it has a monster, the monster are either strong or weak but most of them are still weak because the slime is still on the lower floor

"Supreme Ram!"


"Go to hell you motherf*cking weird creatures!" Our blue Slime vent it's anger to the monster. It is using the skill it obtained Supreme Ram to vent its anger.

Congratulations you leveled up!

The blue slime keeps hunting it didn't care whether the monster is a high LvL-ed one or not, as long as it cares the blue slime just kill all the monster it saw. As a naturally born monster, it didn't care whether the one it killed is one of its kind.

Displaying Status!

Name: None Race: Blue Slime

LvL: 15

HP: 8,450 MP: ,5, 475

STR: 50 DEF: 5, 675 AGI: 300

INT: 1, 255

Skills: Absorption: Absorb an attack, and the slime can imitate the attack and use it again.

Split: As a slime, it can split its body into two or more. All of the split bodies are the original


Supreme Ram: By using all of the slime efforts it created a skill which is fitting for itself.

The blue slime is fuming with anger when it saw its status, it remembers the skill it gains just by ramming itself to the enemy. The blue slime decided to explore to 15th floor because it wants to go outside the dungeon.

Our Blue Slime will remain unnamed for the upcoming chapters. Please read to know what is its name.

GoldenSlimecreators' thoughts