
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - E-Rantel

After a heart felt good-bye with several tears and few small promises, Momonga and his retinue finally sets off to E-Rantel.

The travel was actually simple enough. Surprisingly, no monster actually attacked them during their camps. While the peace was always welcome, the Warriors of Re-Estize could only smile awkwardly knowing full well that the monsters were afraid of the foreigners themselves.

It took three days and two nights to reach the walls of E-Rantel and even then, they weren't expecting to be greeted by a fully armed guard of more than five hundred men waiting for their arrival. Momonga simply looked towards Gazef and was informed that he requested the help from the Mayor of E-Rantel as he needed men to ensure his captives do not escape.

Momonga nodded at his words but had already began sending messages at the off chance it was a trap.

The people waiting at the gates were slightly displeased at being cut from the line but did not speak against it. Specially since The Head Warrior himself was accompanying them.

After a brief introduction to the garrison guarding the gates, Momonga and his retinue were directed straight to the Shining Golden Pavilion for accomodations.

While Momonga and his mother and friends were enjoying the view of the city. The citizens though could not help but gawk at their presence. While it wasn't uncommon for noblemen to flaunt their wealth, it was completely unheard of for any person to wear golden armor. Making people baffled and question what absolute insanity went through the smith's mind when he decided to make something so ludicrous. Still they all admit it within their minds... He does looked really cool in it.


Inside the one of the three suites in the Shining Golden Pavilion.

"Momonga-sama do you still feel any pain?"

"No Albedo, I feel fine now."

"You should return to Nazarick for a time Momonga-sama. I am sure the guardians can carry out any duty you wish done on your behalf."

"There is no real need for that."

"Please Momonga-sama, we do not know the full extent of the effects of 'Invocation Magic' placed upon you." she said almost pleadingly.

"None of that Al-"

"You shouldn't have had to waste your power on such little weaklings my lord...if only they had been strong enough to defend themselves then you wouldn't have had to risk your glorious existence for their lesser, mortal, weak and pathetic fo-"

"Albedo-sama." interrupted Narberal.

Albedo sneered at the battle maid. "What!? It is the truth! ...or are you defending their existence above our sworn duty maid?"

"No my lady, not OUR duty. I would not dare as to claim to comprehend the absolute intricacies of yours Lady Overseer. But my duty is to the Supreme Overlord of Ainz Ooal Gown. And if I know anything about my Lord, is that he is knows and understand himself more than any other. I believe it wise to believe his judgement on the matter." Narberal answered cordially.

"Thank you, Narberal." said Momonga with a voice that carried relief.

Seeing that soft smiles the two were sending each other burned Albedo's eyes to the point that she had to hold back her tears. She doesn't understand it. She doesn't understand why she is showered so much affection. With the reason out of her reach and the mere concept of her beloved preferring another over her too painful to bear. She simply deluded herself into thinking that there was an unspoken friendship between Nishikienrai and Momonga.

"Suzuki-san?" cut the maid's voice through the silence.

A small rattle of Momonga's armor took their attention. Albedo once again felt her heart break seeing her beloved leveling his shoulder by the mere words Narberal Gamma had uttered.

Seeing the strength the maid could give him is an envious feeling. So much so that she had to stop herself from striking down the raven haired woman who's eyes remained softly afixed towards her beloved master.

There is an unsaid understanding in her eyes ... an underlying connection of unknown origin between the two. One deep enough that not even all her gifts and talents could truly determine its dept.

Gulping down a sob or whimper that nearly escaped her. Albedo decided to intervene not wanting to allow such atmosphere linger any longer.

"Narberal." All suddenly turned to the voice and saw Lady Celestia standing at the door. "Leave... I must speak with my son."

Without any question, Narberal followed and stepped out. Leaving the Supreme Mother with the two people she had hoped to speak with.


The next day, Momonga is walking around the city wearing his more casual clothes. A pair of black baggy pants, steel greeves, steel toed boots and a form fitting shirt that showed off his muscular form, walking alongside him is Narberal Gamma who continue following him like the dutiful maid that she is.

He sighed once more, remembering the conversation he had with his mother yesterday. The prank, the Overseer, the realization. It was all too much for one night that he had to get out.

Unfortunately he ran in the wrong direction and went to Nazarick instead where he was met face to sce with the job of having to tackle the guardians and the head maid Pestonya, during his brief return at Nazarick.

It was a job that Hero-Hero had taken upon himself. Enjoying the luxury that Nazarick has to offer and his personal maid.

'Hero-Hero-san is really enjoying whatever or whoever he can huh.' a chuckle left his lips at the unfortunate image of his friend and a certain slime maid swirling around each other as if trying to mix with one another. To Momonga's shame he stared and gawked at the two as it was mesmerizing sight. Like a ray of three different colors either swirling like a calm flowing water to a swirling storm of slime.

The image suddenly changed to him and a certain someone instead. He shook the image off of his mind, trying to focus on another thing entirely. Which happens to be the ever growing fear of the Guardians regarding his safety.

While admirable, it was starting to grate on his nerves. Feeling a hand wrapping around his, he allowed his shoulder to drop slightly as he looked at his companion.

"P-Please, do not be so hard on them Momonga-sama. They only fear for you."

"I know Nabe, I know. But I am also far from powerless. Could they not trust me to keep myself safe!" Momonga said with a a bit d disappointment in his voice.

Seeing hesitation from the maid, he realized it might have been the wrong thing to say and decided to let the topic slide and focused on his surroundings instead. What he saw was incredible in on itself.

Actual people walking underneath the warm sun. All were busy shouting, trying to get customers to look at their wares. Wooden stalls selling items ranging from different types of fruites, vegetables, fabrics and mundane things like cups and wooden plates to magical items like an enchanted necklace shaped like a crosshair that increases its wielder's perception.

There were children playing, men just drinking about at bars and the streets bustling with activity with every passing horse, carriage and people.

'Beautiful....to think my ancestor's used to have a world like this....'

'our predecessors took our world for granted Suzuki-san. That is why they didn't bother with the consequences of their actions. And now....WE are the ones playing the price.' echoed the voice of a late friend.

Hearing the clenching of his fists, Narberal suddenly spoke. "My Lord, it is not that they do not trust you. But they do not trust themselves." whispered Narberal. Slightly startled, he looked to her and urged her to continue. "The fear that you would choose to be out here than within what we know to be a land to be envied. That you prefer the new world more than your own home. It is these things that make them believe themselves failures.. useless... unwanted.... someone to be left behind."

He stopped, flashes of his friends went and flooded his thoughts. And then settled to his two friends, his mother... and then her.

With a slightly thumping heart, Momonga asked "...is this true?"

With a sad smile, Narberal nodded in confirmation. With clenched jaws, he ask another.

"...did you feel the same way?" Momonga whispered.

Narberal hesitated and started lowering her head but Momonga made her face him, softly raising her chin. After a brief hesitation she nodded and said. "We had all noticed the Supreme Ones diminishing presence. We had suspected the worst. But for me, what I feard was when you didn't take me with you." Letting off a lone tear. "Everyday I would stand guard alongside my sisters at the entrance to your domain. I am patient, I am proud, and always will be brave in facing and fulfilling my duties. But then you would show, and you would walk me to your room. Where you would rant, where you would be sad and cry. Where you be angry and shout....days where you would tell me stories, your fears, your dreams, your adventures. The days where you would sit me by your bed, lay your head upon my lap and just stay." Narberal started crying as she continued. "The most heart breaking times for me weren't the moments when you required my presence to shed your tears after one of them left one by one.... It was when you didn't do any of those things.... the days when you just weren't there."

Momonga held her softly bringing her closer to him. His hand caressing her hair while the other held her waist lifting her slightly, allowing the young woman to bury her face at the crook of his neck.

"I would fear those days....those moments when my heart ache thinking you were gone... thinking you left us.. left me."

Hearing a sob escaped her lips nearly broke his heart.

'I had been a fool! How could I have forgotten!!! She remembers, they all remember!'

Setting aside his own stupidity for a moment, he just stayed there for a time. Noticing the that she has stopped crying, he smiled softly at the woman in his arms. He lifted her up a bit closer and kissed her tears away, and then her forehead. "I'm sorry, I promise, I will make it up to you."

Seeing her wipe her face and send him a shy smile lifted the pain in his heart slightly.

He then heard a series of giggles and a few soft chuckles. Looking around, he saw men and women who have now stopped a fair bit of distance from them as they look at the scene they were making. While some were smiling, others were not subtle about their sneers. Be it by jealousy or simply disgust, Momonga simply did not care enough to find out. Narberal suddenly began to stir around his embrace and seeing the slightly flushed look on her face made her look so cute he couldn't help but smile and kiss her temple once more.

He set the blushing maid down and offered his arm to her from which she hooked her hand around to and continued on their way, ignoring the small crowed that were whistling at their direction.

Through out their walk Momonga had taken it upon himself to start a conversation with the maid. It didn't take much effort for her to address him more casually, as it is part of what he added into her character. But he was elated to be able to tell someone less about what he is going through and more about himself.

Their words brought them closer, not noticing how their bodies tried to do the same. As Momonga had started gliding his hand with hers or times in which Narberal would ever so casually lean on his arms. By the time the two reached their destination, mid-day has come and the two could be seen laughing softly at each other.


Pluton Ainzach has just finished his stack of paper work for the day. Sitting in his modestly decorated office, he stretched his back, hearing a soft creak, he finally sagged in relief.

This has been his daily routine since accepting the position of Guild Master of the Adventurer's Guild of E-Rantel.

A routine that had gone boring for some time to the point that it is slowly becoming tedious. It is a fruitful job, as honest as any. That is if the nobles of the Kingdom would only stop trying to impose their authority to his adventurers treating them like their own personal knights.

Thinking of much needed change of pace he decided to take a walk.

Arriving into a balcony overlooking the lobby, he can see that the guild is packed at the moment. Probably in preparation for an afternoon job. Just below him stood several promising groups including the 'Swords of Darkness' along with his most prominent ones, the teams of Sky Wolf, Rainbow and Kralgra.

All of a sudden the people quieted at a couple of new comers and seeing them with his own eyes, Ainzack could understand why. One was quite possibly the tallest man he had ever seen, coupled with his muscles that looked to be barely held back by his shirt easily exhibit the man's strength. A strong chiseled jaw and eyes that shined with both cunning and ferocity. Everything about him screamed power.

'It's no wonder he has such a beautiful woman hanging off of him.' Ainzack thought as he bitterly smiled. There are indeed those with a great many things. Which is why he could berate no one when some of the guild members sneered, gawk and pouted acting like little children.

Ainzack watched as the man whom introduced himself as Momon and his fiance, Nabe spoke with the receptionist.

'a noble man. From the Empire perhaps or the Theocracy?' it wasn't uncommon for a noble man to take their servants as concubines but a foreign nobleman usually spelled trouble and that wasn't something Ainzach wanted for his guild.

Rubbing his temple of a possiblly brewing headache, Ainzack knew this was someone he had to keep an eye on.


Momonga looked at the 'request board' using his translation glasses and noticed how most of the request that he could find are mainly mundane quest compared to Yggdrasil. Like a herb gathering mission.

'the inhabitants of this world are indeed weak if they already consider a Basilisks as a threat dealt with by the strongest of their race.'

"Momon-sama." Looking at the flushed receptionist, he saw her indicate at the person next to her. "Let me introduce Belotte-san. Leader of the Sky Wolf Team. One of the Mithril Adventurer Teams of E-Rantel."

"A pleasure to meet you Momon-san." The youth greeted.

"To you as well Belotte-san." He responded, with a handshake.

"I hear you have questions." He asked with a slightly uncertain smile.

"I understand this is uncommon."

"Yes, very much so. The receptionist are aware of knowledge regarding adventurers in general but no one has actually asked about the adventuring itself. Besides, people usually don't get paid to answer questions when there are more things to spend the coin on."

"True, I noticed the poverty as well. I'll be honest, I expected more of the city, specially since it's authority actually represents the crown. In official capacity at that. And yet... I can barely see the hope in the eyes of the common folk and frightening enough, most of them were locals too."

"Yes... I was born within these walls you see. I know what you mean. Sometimes, I think only the Golden Princess actually care about the people lately. Everyone else is just looking to loot our coin. Most likely from our corpses too."

Momonga could hear the pain in his voice. It was actually coming from someone who had seen it happened. Feeling his hand squeezed, he squeezed back trying to convey his thanks.

"I am sorry for your loss...."

"Ah! Please don't! That was my mistake. I should not be bothering clients with such things. Besides I am here to answer your questions. So! Where would you like to start."

*ahem!* "Yes of course. Please begin with what does it mean be an adventurer, from your perspective."

The two spoke under the watch of several people in the guild. And most actually showed curiosity at their topics. After all no one has ever hired an adventurer for inquiring duties. Not when you can just ask right on ahead.

For Belotte, it was a peaceful conversation. Less of an inquiry and more of a casual conversation in between friends. The questions were simple enough as most are about adventurers duty on itself. Momon it seems prefer elaborate answers and so he ends up adding his own experience for the matter. Preparations and even coordination, team work. Questions on the 'who to know' in the city like the Bareares, the greatest alchemists in the city. Or Theo Rakshir, the best choice in terms of magical items, quality and prices, in both E-Rantel and even the Capital.

Once details about the city rules regarding armed Adventurers were tackled they moved to adventuring in it self where he detailed most of the unexpected encounters he had gone through. One such encounter regarded several tribes of Frogmen deep within the forest of death, and the worst one is the encounter with the Eastern King of the Forest. A War Troll named Guu. The encounter that lead to the death of two of their own.

Another victorious encounter with a herd of Barghest, a tribe of goblins and worst is a bandit ambush.

At this point everyone at the guild was listening intently trying to get as much knowledge from the obviously experienced leader.

Belotte was very clear regarding the rules of engagement when it came to the bandits. And though the fact that he is not allowed to raise a blade against them unless verbally threatened or physically attacked left a sour taste in his mouth, he made it clear that doing otherwise -should one be unlucky enough- would be used by the petty nobility to confiscate everything in their person under premise of being an illegally armed militia regardless if one is wearing adventurer plate.

Other topics stem towards discoveries. With that certain topic he had few little things to say as only Adamantite Adventurer Teams are in actual possessions of such items.

One such swords is Kilineiram, a sword said to be created by condensing Dark Energy and was once wielded by one the Thirteen Heroes, The Black Knight. He mentioned a few more along with a few magical items as well like 'The Floating Swords' and 'Fel Iron' not including the Treasures of the Kingdom.

When it came to the items Momon was curious.

"It is obvious that the path of being an Adventurer is threaded with danger but I must ask. I see very few magical items here. Why is that?"

From the crowes sneered Igvarge. "...of course some noble kid who grew up with a silver spoon wouldn't know..."

"That's enough Igvarge!"

"What!? It's true!"

Momon remained calm despite the growing tension between Belotte and Igvarge wondering why that is ...and then he had an epiphany.

"Do not worry yourself with his words Belotte-san. I have no I tention of mixing your personality with his."

"Eh? I mean.... Thank you."

Momon was glad he hit the nail on the head. Belotte was indeed worried of getting a bad reputation if a client mixed him up with the likes of Igvarge's ilk.

"I have had my fair share of adventures you see. But nothing like your profession. We were more like a group of free spirited men who went where we wanted to, stumble upon discoveries, faced adversities, trials, tribulations, gains of gold and glory. Along with the loss of brothers and sisters along the way." He smiled to the woman next to him who looked up to him with sadness. "But I don't regret a moment of it, it shaped who I am after all. And I had become stronger, with their help, through all of it. It was one of the best moments of my life" said Momon. He then kissed Nabe at her hair eliciting a sigh from the girl.

While the two were at each other's embrace, everyone else was enamoured by the man's words. There was no lie in it. In that moment in the eyes most of the Adventurers present, he just simply became one of them.

"You're God Damn Right!" yelled someone.

The crowed turned and walked in a youth with Black hair and golden eyes with a condident smirk plastered on his face. Despite the slight bit of arrogance in his face, people parted ways as he walked towards Momon specially after seeing the menacing Black Armor the young man was wearing paired with the equally frightening sword decorated with skulls and eminating a blue glow from its blade.

His handsome looks simply made him scarier as it contrasted with his armored looks.

"Heyo Momon! Sorry to disturb you bud but it's kinda urgent." he said in a cheerful manner.

"Artix." Momon greeted with an exasperated sigh. "Tell me."

"Gazef left with a sizable forces with him an hour ago. Momon... he took the prisoners with him." he said gravely his playful demeanor forgotten.

The air grew serious, everyone could feel it. And Momon couldn't help but clenched his fist at the man's audacity.