
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 - Carne Village

A carriage was heard rolling towards their village. At first the people simple discarded the thought as they believed it to be a mere merchant or adventurers. Soon the sound grew, as the sound of several hooves and even more carriages were heard.

Despite being wary of the arrivals none truly prepared for anything. This was but a village after all.

And then they were greeted by an incredible sight that took their breaths away.

A dozen riders surrounded two incredibly decorated carriages. Each carriage is painted black, so dark that it seemed to devour the light and with golden ornaments and design that further highlighted it's absolute luxury.

The horses were all armored, but what took their breaths away was the Knights. Six of them looked heroic. Each one was wearing a silvery armor, decorated with blue gems, blue highlights and dove wing like decorations on the shoulders, helmet, and belt. Added with a spear of equal design and magnificence.

But the other six was more menacing than heroic. They were wearing, the same armor only black with red jewels and highlights and the feathers were more akin to a ravens feathers matching an equally menacing spears.


The people were both stunned and confused as to the presence of such a force, but the fact that none are causing harm was a good sign at the very least.

Minutes passed in awkward silence until one of the doors opened. And out stepped a blinding beauty none had ever seen before followed by two equally beautiful women, one of whom wore a servants outfit.

As soon a they stepped out the other carriage opened as well revealing three men on armors with one quickly walking towards the women.

The silver haired Lady simply laughed at the giant man's approach but the villagers could not in good conscience agree with her.

The man was seven and a half feet tall. Wearing golden armor, both manacing and heroic with a horned helmet equally so with a blue ornate cape flowing right behind him. But what truly alarmed the people was the sword at his back. The sky blue blade alone was as tall as any man. Nevermind the dragon motif designed upon the guard.


As heroicly dressed as the man is, his presence is anything but laughable.

"I would like to speak with the man in charge." the large man said.

The villages flinched at his tone but before the village elder could step forward, a word halted their brains to a pause.

"My son, you are scaring them." said soothingly by the beautiful woman.

Their minds blanked at her words. She looks young, too young to have given birth to such a towering man or any man at all.

"*ahem!* My apologies for my late welcome. I am the village Chief of Carne Village."

The tall man was looking to answer once more but was halted with a playful slap at the chest. Looking chastised, he gazed upon his 'mother' for sometime before nodding and stepping back.

"Greetings Chief." she greeted with a bow. "We did not mean to disturb your village nor impose upon you so late in the day. But we had been travelling for quite some time, we were hoping to obtain some lodging for the night."

"Ah yes! Uhmmm..." Looking at the knights and the three finely armored men, he hesitated.

"We will pay for the trouble. Handsomely, I assure you." said the golden giant. Hearing promise of payment actually sounded welcome to the Chief's ears. But he also did not miss the regal tone in which the man spoke.

'a charismatic man... Their leader then.' the elder thought. "Very well... There is a couple of vacant houses within, I'm afraid you and your companions will have to share."

"That is perfectly acceptable. Thank you Chief." the Lady said.

"Please My Lady, do not thank me. You get to pay us after all."

"Our thanks no less. My name Celestia, please, none of that Lady stuff. I am no Lady after all"

'ahhh yes foreigners. Re-Estize is known for it's blatant disregard for foreign titles after all...'

"Than please Chief Thomas will do."


"So... what do you think?" Asked Artix in his full plate armor.

"...Think what?... This is but a mere village, even now I highly doubt Momonga would obtain much information." answered Hero-Hero in his ranger outfit.

"It's Dage now, get used to it. And you aren't Hero-Hero either, it's Tomix."

"...yeah yeah, I know, I know. Still, like I said it is too early to tell... I mean don't get me wrong, posing as nobility does indeed give us a bit of an advantage if the society is as medieval as it looks but like I said there isn't much here. It's a village far off the nearest city. This looks more like a 'Pioneer Village' than anything. So, no.... Aaaaannndd you are already knew this." said Tomix blandly as he gazed as the widely grinning Artix.

"That's right. We weren't really supposed to stop but Albedo advice into doing so. And so we are here because as you know ...Momonga caved believing there is merit in it. But the truth behind Albedo's words is different in it's entirety. We sadly didn't get to the depth of it till we were already here....

So! Here is the thing Tomix, uhhh last night, Momonga kinda mentioned that it would be 'fun' to conquer the world and now..... The NPCs are thinking we were working towards that goal...."

" • • • WHAT!?"

"HEYY!! shhhshh! Come on man there is only so much this privacy spell can contain!"



"ARTIX THIS! *sigh* This isn't a game! We are nowhere near ready, prepared, equiped, nor educated to lead a village let alone a Nation! And you are telling me that the NPCs believed we wanted an EMPIRE!?"


"Why!? Just why!? I mean seriously?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, not my fault! I wanted to correct this but Guild Mastahhh!! Over there thought to put it to a vote!" Artix childishly deflected.

Tomix took deep breaths upon hearing his friends words and then nodded.

"...I understand he was scared to disappoint the NPCs..." Tomix said making Artix nod."but I can't agree to this. Not as we are now at the very least. We are far from capable to doing anything like that."

Artix smiled softly and nodded. "I understand, thank you. I will talk to him about your decision so that this could be concluded."

Having casted his vote, Hero-Hero sighed and asked.

"...you said 'no' too?"

"Yup!... no offense to the big guy but, I kinda just wanna enjoy myself for now."

"...yeah, I get that..."

The two then returned their gaze at the villagers from their small overlook. Night has come, and the villagers seemed eager and excited as they look to prepare a feast. It wasn't hard to understand their enthusiasm. Their guild leader Momonga had basically given them enough coin to last them ten years as if it was nothing.

And truthfully, it wasn't. A hundred gold coins was like two level forty monsters worth of loot. A level fifty drops fifty more. This was barely cheap change compared to their wealth. That's not including the purity and the weight of those coins.

They soon saw their Leader approach them having exited their lodgings. The three merely nodded at each other and then stood there, side by side, in utter silence...

Artix though has no intention of keeping it.

"Tomix said 'No' BTW."

"Yes I could tell. *sigh* I will break the news to them once the village is asleep. This seems like it requires a personal touch."

"...I'll join you..." said Tomix.

"You sure? We don't know how they would react."

"Yeah I kind of do. You forget, I had a hand in the creation of the Floor Guardians. Besides ....there is someone waiting for me there and I can't really let her wait any longer."

The two looked at Tomix questioningly but the man had pulled his hood up, hiding his blushing face from the view of the two.

A series of claps drew their attention and saw the people cheer a bit for Celestia's arrival.

"That's our cue! Come on boys! Let's go!" urged Artix.

Seeing Artix jump and run like an excited child made Momonga say. "I sometimes forget that he is older than us."

"...true, but hey. He is better than any grown man back there ..."

'in such a corrupted world' "That is true."

Seeing his mother wave for him prompted the two to approach.

'There is much to go through. So much to prepare for but at the same time. There is also so much to see, to much to experience... Maybe I could just enjoy things for now. Indeed, this may just have been a better choice.'


Four days passed in peace within the small village of Carne. There is a new found strength within the bones of the villagers as they welcomed another day with visitors who worked their magic on the small populace.

The fields were easily tended with the help of the Knights. Despite not removing their armors, they moved as if they weren't wearing them at all.

Their movements were done with great precision that it baffled the farmers. Even thinking they may have been farmers for a time in their lives.

When asked as to why wear them all the time. The knights reasoned that they are currently within the final pahse of their training and they simply left it at that. Far be it for farmers to speak against the practices of Knights.

Animals like boars and deers were in abundance due to the hunting skills of Tomix. Who encouraged animal husbandry.

Artix provided security by patrolling the surroundings and a killed any goblins or Barghest that got too close to the village.

Dage and Lady Celestia though we're the favorite of the children. They laughed in joy and squeels in excitement as Dage played with them, letting them crawl atop his back and dangle around his horns and arms. Simply put, he was the children's playground.

He didn't care of course, not when his mother were all smiles like he was. As Celestia herself was content to simply groom them and made them feel safe and welcomed.

The only ones to truly have any resistance to the tolerance of the Supreme Beings to the villagers were their Personal escorts. Albedo had made her displeasure known while Narberal maintained a more neutral position regarding the humans.

But neither of the two actually acted against anything, as neither wanted the ire of either Momonga or worst, his mother.

But what they were truly grateful for, was an item that the farmers could only describe as a divine artifact. The Pitcher of Infinite Water.

The artifact speaks for itself as the item, despite being positioned into a pour for half a day, not once did the flow of water waver.

This was a boon they knew villagers would kill for, so they convinced their benefactors to actually hide the item instead.

After a brief explanation of what might happen should knowledge of such an item come to be, they then built a small contraption that hid it's purpose by making the device look like a water pump instead. Which everyone both rejoiced and were grateful for.

Though aside from the gifts they had given, a problem nearly rose as the Village Chief had been reduced to an intervening role in between several single women within the village and the three most prominent men amongst the visitors.

Artix had sharp features and beautiful golden eyes that are impossible to ignore, with a playful smile always adorning his face. Tomix was stoic and silent. Deep black eyes like midnight with quiet yet attentive personality.

And then there is Dage. One word best describe him. Strong, that was it. The village maidens had taken it upon themselves to either watch him play with the children. Or simply look into his body as his muscles rippled and flexed against the strain while carrying a tree size log for the villagers use.

The Chief could only bemoan his situation having to place himself in between, as he did not want them to be driven away from their village specially with how much kindness the foreigners were more than willing to extend to their small populace.


The night came and another feast was prepared but this time, they were prepared by their guests.

The meal looked incredible, like one prepared for nobility instead. There are different kinds of meat and vegetables along with different colored rice were arrayed into the table. And once the meal began, they all enjoyed it to the fullest.

The left overs, which was basically still a third of what they all ate, was wrapped and placed within one of the sheds that had been remodeled and laced with preservation magic.

Another one of their incredible and near divine gifts.

And then the announcement came.

"Thank you, everyone for making our stay in your humble village a welcome experience. Though saddened, we must continue on with our journey."

The announcement was saddening to the parents as they made their lives so much easier. But it was heartbreaking to the children. So it wasn't a surprised to find Celestia and Momonga surrounded by children bawling their eyes out.

One child specifically clutched on to Momonga's pants. He looked down to see little Nemu crying as she held on to him. Feeling saddened at her tear filled face he knelt down and picked her up making the little girl cry even harder against his shoulders as he carried her. Not far from them is Enri, crying with a slight pout just a few steps away.

Momonga smiled sadly at the little girl and urged her to joing them. Far too emotional, Enri run and jumped at his arms and ended up being cradled just like her little sister.

Momonga wouldn't say it out loud. But he had grown to like the two sisters. They were everything he wanted from a little sibling. And it wasn't exactly difficult for him to imagine himself as their brother as it was not far from how he treated them. He has grown to love the two but he still has much to do, much to prepare for. And also, their parents are here, their place was here.

Hourse passed through the night with people saying their goodbyes and their thanks to everyone. Momonga walked with his mother's with two children still cradled upon his arms.

He soon arrived at their bedroom. It was basically the most envied room in the village as Momonga had taken it upon himself to use Creation Magic and made two onyx framed beds with soft silks and feather filled mattresses, pillows and blankets.

He then settled the two to their beds. And slowly changed them and wiped their faces for the night. But before the man could leave, Nemu spoke.

"....will we see you again, Dage Onii-chan?"

"....Call me Momonga, Nemu. It is my real name."

"....Momonga...onii-chan... It sounds cute."

Laughing a bit at her words, he answered. "... Yes, yes it does...and yes little one. I will visit when I can. I promise."

"...Goodnight...Momonga onii-chan..."

"...Goodnight, Imouto..."

Brushing strands of hair aside, Momonga soon stood up and slowly escorted his mother to their lodgings. Seeing his mother received by Narberal he then left for their rooms.

The night was silent for the three as they sat in their room. It was a collective decision. Though difficult is probably the right thing to do.

"Hahahaha...." laughed Artix.


"Is it me, or is each of us actually considering taking this village for our own?"

His words though struck them like a beaming light. They all ended up laughing at the idea. It was childish, founded on self righteousness... under the idea that they can provide better for them than anyone could...

But they were all grown men, and they knew. It was just their confidence and their sentiment that was making that reason. Not their knowledge. And that is what they lacked.

Momonga raised his fist as he gazed upon it. "I will see for myself where they would be happy. Be it under my banner, or another's. I will accept either outcome. Which ever path is best for the two of them... That should be enough for now." he said.

"...agreed...we just need to know a bit more about this world. And we can finally come to a decision..."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I thought we had ended this argument?"

"...more like shelved..."

"I'm sorry Artix but I know you would see it as well. This is a new start for us. I will not allow the authoritive figures of this world decide the fate of mine." Momonga reasoned.

"Yeah....*sigh*...I get that. Ok fine! But! I want a warning before hand so I can start reading books on leadership within Ashurbanipal!"


The three shared a laugh at his words, lifting the sad mood a little bit. Enough for them to actually get a good night sleep.

Well for two of them at least. Hero-Hero on the other hand spent the night exchanging messages with a certain someone within the tomb.


A scream tore through the morning silence.

From the distance several riders had began killing the farmers tending to the fields. The first to react were, the mother's who run away while dragging or carrying their children. The men though grabbed what they can, from pitchforks to rakes and even wooden clubs and cleavers and started fighting back.

Only a few moments passed after fighting off the meager resistance and the men in armor had begun dragging people into the village square while killing those who resisted.

"Captain, that should be all of them." said the Vice Captain.

"Good, tie them up and set them aflame."

Horrified the man asked once more, hoping he misheard him. "Captain?"

"I had just received a message from the primary forces and the Sunlight Scripture. The trap has already been sprung, now they want us to rile up Stronoff to a fight. And what better way than to start a Funeral Fire."

The man then looked at his Vice Captain as the he yet to act on his orders. Seeing the hesitation on the man he decided to take matters on his own hand but was halted as several metallic stomping was heard fast approaching.

Him and his men tensed and held themselves in preparation then all of a sudden, a knight was struck with an arrow through the head. An arrow forged from light could be seen piercing through the helmet all the way to the other side. Several more whistled through the air bringing down five more men.

"Over there!!" one of the men pointed out.

From one of the roofs they could see a man holding a bow made of pure light. The knights raised their shields while the archers took aim. And that was when another person came into view. Cleaving a man through the waist and another from shoulder to hip and another from the crotch out and through the skull. This one was more menacing than the magical archer as the man was donning a frightening set of black armor with skull motifs and what is obviously an enchanted sword.

Artix smiled manacingly at the group of knights. Slowly he raised his hand, and then signaled them to bring it on.

Belius, the captain of their unit felt belittled and ordered his men. "Kill him!!! Bring me his head!!!"

Two dozen then rushed towards Artix while the man simple took up a low and wide stance with his sword held in both hands.

Halfway through the charge of the men in armor, a sudden booming occured as half a dozen Knights in silver-blue armor broke through walls from within houses and rushed towards the villagers. They then surrounded them with spears drawn and shields magically appearing in their arms.

The distraction was enough as Artix surged forth with his sword, brutally chopping limbs off of them left and right. Moving in an ever display of brutality as Artix plowed through their defenses with sheer brute force. Anyone raising their defense were subjected to his destructive punches and the defeating sound of steel being crushed beneath his fist and the numbing flash of light that signified a lost limb.

Fighting alongside him was Tomix shooting light based arrows from his bow. His shots were made for pinning, hitting toes, ankles, wrist, shoulders and knees. Crippling but not killing.

While Artix and Hero-Hero busied themselves with their opponents. All around the village fighting could be heard as the Infernal Knights hunted down the invaders running across the village.

One such warrior is Momonga. Donning his full plate armor and rushing towards three men with his armored self striking the earth like a raging landslide.

The first one he reached received a punch that blew his entire head to smush, one man made a strike at him only to be backhanded, breaking the sword, the arm, and making the man fly. Smashing against one of the nearby trees. And the third barely registered what happened when he was kneed to the chest, caving both armor and bones as he puked blood from his mouth.

Seeing what he had just done, he had nearly felt sorry for them only for his regret to vanish when he saw a woman and a man, dead within one of the houses.

Clenching his fist he forced himself forward rushing towards one destination. Reaching the edge of the forest he was about to make a turn when he froze on the spot.

Not far from him, were two men laughing as they looked upon two bloodied corpses. His movements slowed to a walk, his feet taking him towards the only thing his eyes could focus on.

His walk was sluggish, as he himself did not want to take another step. And each step he took broke his heart more than he could hope for. A wail echoed within him, praying to what ever God was listening, to deny him what he was seeing. And when he finally reached them....

He stilled.

Standing right atop of the two, he looked down at one braided blonde hair draped atop another right beneath it, a reddish brown haired child. His eyes focused on her face. Eyes opened, devoid of the childish life that once filled it, tears streaking down her face and blood pooling from her mouth. And a sword still sticking from the blonde's back all the way through to the little girls chest.

Ainz suddenly turned to the two men rooted as they looked at his armored form. With no warning he kicked one to the chest and a backhand to the other, sending them both flying.

He heaved heavily, while his armor clattered as he shook. His rage bent the very air around him into a twist, darkness came as dark clouds began covering the once clear sky. He clenched his fist as a black and bluish aura escaped through the gaps in his armor, with the raging thunder booming across the clouds.

And then....


Lightning rained down as his hatred escaped him. Engulfing everything nearby, cracking under the pressure of his presence.

With hate in his heart he marched forward with heavy stomps that cracked the dirt ignoring his mother who cried as she held the bodies of the two children.