
Overlord Naruto

This story is taking place in alternate Narutoverse. The main character has a different judgment and mentality from the original naruto. And the memory of Naruto's childhood has a deep effect on him when he woke up on his body. His soul has transferred to the body of recently died Naruto as compensation from a true god. He woke up with all the memories of Naruto. As he is from the earth he will not stand the rude behavior from others towards himself. He is not alone. He brought the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and ultimate system with him.

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Chapter 51 Naruto meets Zabuza and haku

Shino and choji were healed by Tsunade . But news of Sasuke's defection spread throughout the konoha . They couldn't believe that Sasuke defected the village and went to Orochimaru . The snake sanin is most hated rogue ninja in the history of konoha . After all he is the guy who experimented on various children and people of konoha .

Naruto and Kosuke are in hokage tower . Tsunade has called them for a special mission . When both of them enter they see Sakura and kakashi are already in the room .

" You both came just on time . Both of you will go on a mission to deliver two prisoner to mist . And kakashi is the team leader and you will be joined by few other chunin and jonin ," Tsunade said to Naruto . She is strict when she is doing her job .

" Why Sakura is here if only chunin and jonin are about to go for this mission ?" Naruto asked her . By the environment of the office he can tell Sakura is confused by her facial expression . Kakashi and Tsunade might have lectured her about her recent behaviour after Sasuke's defection .

" I am giving her holiday due to her recent trauma . She will join your remaining team in a week . After all it is not easy for her after one of her teammate suddenly decided to quit your team seven and became a rogue ninja ," Tsunade said to Naruto and Kosuke . She will not send a emotional distressed shinobi on the field . It will ruin their reputation and performance .

" You both can leave with kakashi and others tomorrow early in the morning . Kosuke rich experience will help you during this trip . It's a C rank mission if nothing goes wrong ," Tsunade said to them . Kosuke is literally a jonin level shinobi so Naruto didn't questioned about him . He has seen his potential with his own eyes during some C rank mission .

After they got the details about the mission all of them left the office . Sakura is in no mood to talk and Naruto didn't disturb her . She remained silent during their entire conversation . After she left to her house , Kosuke asked kakashi .

" It looks like Uchiha boy broke her heart by leaving the village . It will leave a mark on her heart for the rest of her life ,"Kosuke said to kakashi . He had seen her many times when she rushed to hospital to look after Sasuke even if he didn't care about it .

" That's why I requested lady tsunade to give her holiday for a week . I informed her parents about it . Her mother is furious on Sasuke for breaking her heart . I should have seen this coming for a long time . After all Sasuke changed after he tasted the power of curse mark . It gave him an opportunity to become more powerful under the snake sanin ," Kakashi said to them . Sasuke needed power to kill itachi and he grabbed the opportunity by leaving the village . He joined Orochimaru to progress faster which he will never achieve in konoha .

" You should not blame yourself for Sasuke's action . He always desired power and he didn't even hesitate to harm shino . He told him clearly that he is not coming back to konoha . He only desire revenge and nothing else matters to him ," Naruto said to kakashi . According to what shino said Sasuke threatened him after he tried to stop him . Most of his bugs were killed by Sasuke during the battle .

" It's been a long time we didn't go on a mission together . So be ready we will leave six o clock in the morning ," Kakashi said to Naruto . Kakashi has seen many things in his life and Sasuke's defection didn't affect him like Sakura .

" I am always on time . You have to worry about yourself kakashi sensei . Come on time otherwise we will leave without you ," Naruto said to kakashi . Kakashi is always late and nothing can change his mind . But he will come on time when it is urgent .

" I am your sensei and have some faith on me Naruto . By the way I have heard a new book of icha icha is released today . So don't search for me today . I will meet both of you tomorrow ," Kakashi said to both of them and with a quick shunshin left to buy his favorite book .

" Do you read that book ? I have seen third hokage read that book all the time ," Naruto asked Kosuke . He had not seen what Kosuke do in his free time . Maybe he is a secret pervert like jiraya and hiruzen .

" I read it sometime for entertainment . But I will not read such books in public like your sensei ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He mentioned kakashi without even telling his name .

" I will meet you tomorrow ," Naruto said to Kosuke . After that both of them said goodbye to each other and Naruto went to his house . Kosuke looked towards a bookstore after Naruto left him .

' Icha icha series I am coming ,' Kosuke said in his mind and entered in the bookstore . Kakashi is already in line to buy the book .

" I never knew you are also an admirer of icha icha series ," Kakashi said to Kosuke . He showed his eye smile to him . Kosuke smiled at him .

" I learned many things from third hokage . It's one of them . hehehehehhe ," Kosuke said to kakashi . He is little embarrassed about his secret entertainment .


....Next morning ...

Early in the morning Naruto and Kosuke meet with other five konoha ninja near the konoha gate . Hayama and Tekuno are among them .

" It's nice to meet both of you Naruto and Kosuke san . It looks like lady Tsunade wants to sign a peace treaty with mist village . If she is sending you ," Hayama said to Naruto .

" Who is going to bring the prisoners to us ? " Naruto asked them .

" It should be kakashi after all he is the only one who is not present here ," One of the chunin said . Naruto didn't know him .

Kakashi came with Ibiki morino and few other chunin who are here to deliver two prisoner from the mist . Naruto looks at them and he recognise them . They are the famous demon brothers of mist , Gozu and Meizu . Kakashi is the one who captured both of them during his journey to land of waves with Team 7 .

" Yo Naruto , I thought you left without me ," Kakashi said to Naruto . He gave him an eye smile .

" What do we have here kakashi sensei . The demon brothers must be very happy to know that their mizukage is dead and the rebel leader is about to become mizukage ," Naruto said to kakashi . When demon brothers heard it they became happy . After all if yagura is dead means they will be set free and live their life peacefully in mist village .

" Who is the new mizukage ? " Gozu asked curiously to konoha ninja .

" Well she is not appointed as mizukage officially but soon she will become the mizukage . Her name is mei terumi the dual kekkai genkai user . She is the one who killed your previous mizukage ," Ibiki told them . There is no use to hide the facts after all they will know about it when they will reach the mist village .

" I never thought she will be our next mizukage . But it is good that she is going to become our new mizukage . Our mist village will grow under her care ," Meizu said to Ibiki . He is happy that their hard work and sacrifice is not wasted .

Kakashi is the leader of this group and they have to successfully delivered the demon brothers to mist ninjas . Ibiki left after he brought the prisoner to the gates . He is very busy man so he can't afford to stay any longer .

After kakashi's group left the village . The started to run towards the borders of fire country . Mist ninja will pick them up from the borders . They are not chained but still according to konoha protocol they cannot leave the side of konoha ninja till they reach the borders .

" You are that brat whom we met during the time we got captured . I never thought you will become chunin after leaving the academy ," Gozu said to Naruto . He is surprised to see Naruto in chunin attire .

" I am surprised too brother . I remember the look in his eyes during our first meeting . It didn't look like an eye of a innocent child but it was something else ," Meizu said to Naruto . He is also surprised to see this boy again .

" I am the same person whom you saw during your last mission . I don't like to explain myself everytime . I killed a lot of people who called me a brat . So you better watch your tongue ," Naruto said to demon brother . He is not afraid even if it is for peace treaty . If someone will provoke him . He will not back down .

" Naruto please don't kill them like you killed so many ninjas . We have to safely bring them to mist ninjas . The new leader of mist village had asked for them specially to lady hokage ," Kakashi said to Naruto . He knows that if a foreign ninja provokes his student he will not back down .

" I just got curious , don't mind me . After all everyone loves freedom . It's been few months after kakashi captured us . We don't know a lot of things about current circumstances ," Gozu said to kakashi and others . He can sense all the chunin , jonins and a old man pay a lot of attention to Naruto . Even Meizu sensed it .

Rest of the trip all of them remained silent and they didn't take any break during their journey . Soon they reached to the designated place in few hours . It is near a sea port

" We are on time . The mist ninjas can arrive at any time . So rest for the timing and recover your chakra ," Kakashi said to everyone . He remained vigilant for the entire time . If they successfully delivered this two prisoner to mist ninjas . It will improve their relationship . It can also ruin their chances if demon brothers dies of any reason before they hand them over to mist ninjas . So far nothing happened in the journey .

Soon Twenty mist ninja came to the designated place . Zabuza and haku are among them .

" It is such a lucky encounter with you again kakashi of sharingan . You also brought your student Naruto uzumaki . You became quite famous among your rival ninja villages boy ," Zabuza said to konoha ninjas . He is happy to see his followers 'the demon brothers' .

" It been a month I saw you zabuza momochi . The situation is not dire like the last time. We also brought what your new leader requested from lady hokage ," Kakashi said to zabuza . He released the demon brothers and they joined the mist ninjas .

" It's nice to meet you again Naruto kun . Thanks you for allowing us to leave the land of waves safely ," Haku said to Naruto . He knew he allowed them to leave the land of waves alive . Even if zabuza never admits it openly he also knew it .

" I was too much focused on gato and forgot about both of you . No need to thank me about something which I never did ," Naruto said to Haku . He really forgot about them when he killed gato . It make no sense to go after them after he killed their employer .

" Haku no need to reveal such details in front of everyone ," Zabuza said to Haku . He is really embarrassed whenever he thinks about the incident of land of waves .

" Hai zabuza sama ," Haku said to zabuza . Due to the incident of land of waves Haku trained really hard and changed the way of his thinking . He saw the people land of waves became happy when the gato is killed . If one person dies who corrupts the whole nation it is not a bad thing in his eyes to kill such person now . Still he tries to avoid killing the people for no reason .

" Zabuza when your leader is going to become the official mizukage ," Kakashi asked him . He is curious about the situation of mist village .

" In few weeks you will get the good news kakashi . Now if you don't have any question . We have to catch our ship ," Zabuza said to Kakashi . He only came to take his followers who helped him to support the funds for the rebel army .

" If destiny allows we will meet again zabuza . I hope it is not in the battlefield like before ," Kakashi said to zabuza . After that they left to catch their ship . Kakashi's group rested for few hours in the secluded place to recover their chakra . Not everyone is stamina freak like naruto .

" This mission is very easy for a C rank . At least no one disturbed us ," Hayama said to kakashi . He is happy that it didn't turned into bloody war like one of his other missions .

" No one will attack us because the mist village is still recovering from the disaster they faced recently . Mist village do not pose any threat to other ninja villages now . So they didn't bothered by them . At least for now ," Kakashi said to Hayama . Mist village has faced a great disaster in yagura's reign as mizukage . Iwagakure and kumogakure are not bothered by mist for now .

" I heard the new leader of mist is a hot lady . But no one tries to approach her she is dangerous ," Tekuno said to others . He heard about her recently .

" Powerful ladies are very hard to deal in daily life . They all are control freaks and we should not be in their bad side ," Kakashi said to them . All the other jonin and chunin agreed with him . Naruto looked at them as if he didn't understand what they are talking .

" Naruto kun you will understand it later when you grow up and start dating girls ," Kosuke said to Naruto . He is quick to catch his reaction .

" I heard you have a aunt who is single ," Tekuno asked Naruto . He is very nervous in front of Irene . Some of his comrades are afraid to talk about her who approached her .

" Yeah she is single ," Naruto said to Tekuno .

" Don't ask about Irene to Naruto . She will beat you later if she will find you tried to take information about her from her nephew . She has already beaten a lot of people in konoha when they asked her on a date ," Hayama said in the ears of Tekuno . He has seen the beating of a fellow comrade who persistently asked her out .

Tekuno was shocked from what he heard from Hayama . He is a good friend of him for years and will not deceive him . He didn't ask about her anymore to Naruto .

Their group left to konoha after they recovered their chakra .


... konoha.....

Kakashi's group reached the konoha in the evening and submitted the report to hokage . When they we're leaving some interrupted Naruto .

" Naruto kun , let's go for dinner outside the house . Tsunade and shizune are very busy today . We can eat the dinner together in a restaurant ," Irene said to Naruto . All the shinobi in the hokage tower looked at naruto for some reason .

" Yeah okay . I don't have a problem . Let's eat ramen today in ichiraku restaurant ," Naruto said to Irene . She nodded at him and put her hand on his shoulder and both of them walked out of hokage tower together .

" Well only Naruto can take her out for a dinner . He is one lucky guy and he doesn't know it ," Tekuno said to his teammates form this mission .

" Irene is his aunt and you are thinking too much . And every aunt loves their nephew and tries to spoil the children of their sister . I think she only stays in konoha to take care of Naruto and tsunade ," Kosuke said to them . He can see that Irene cares a great deal for Naruto .

" Kakashi san you never tried to date her . You can get lucky ," Hayama said to kakashi . Everybody looked at him as if why he never tried his luck with her .

" I have a phobia for red hair girl . She has recently beaten gai for yelling about youth in front of her . He is now admitted in hospital for scaring her . I don't want to be in the receiving end of her fists . She injured gai with her beating and I am not fool like others to put my hand in the tigers mouth . Just drop the subject and behave like we never talk about this matter ," Kakashi said to them . They got terrified when they heard gai got injured because of her beating . No one can injure gai physically . His body is like an iron defense .

They changed the subject and started to discuss something else .