Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister Grin The story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Lived a wonderful life, died at a ripe old age. Yet once more he lives in the body of a young child. Time has torn his life's work away, and his only skills are ones from a time long past. Lost, he stumbles upon a game he recognizes. He asks himself… why be a King when you can be a God? (Contains smut) This is one of my favorites, Putting this here in the Hope someone picks this up / gets inspiration /ideas from it.
Rubedo sighed, twirling her parasol back and forth. "Boring." She mumbled to herself, leaning back against the trunk of a tree. "So boring. You're bored too, aren't you?"
To anyone else, it would seem as if there was no one else within a kilometer around. But Rubedo knew better. She knew that assuming she was alone was a trap more dangerous than any other, and most of all, she knew that the wind was acting strangely.
How strangely?
Well, quite simply put, Nazarick didn't have wind.
"Oh, don't play coy with me." She called, crossing her legs and pretending to relax. "I've seen men choke to death on thin air when you're involved, so you can bet your life that I know exactly when you're around."
The wind picked up, whistling around and shaking the treetops. A faint voice caught her ear, formed from the air itself.
"It was not my intention to offend…"
"Oh, come off it." The Witch of the Void dismissed, closing her eyes. "Aren't you bored, just wandering around? Existing for the sake of it? Waiting for the call to arms?"
"…I am the wind. I do not feel boredom."
"Of course not." She sighed. "You don't feel anything. No joy, no sadness, no regret. Pity. I think you'd enjoy the feeling of something's life draining under your touch."
"Life is sacred… do not dismiss its value so casually…"
"Oh? And who taught you that life was sacred? The same man who taught you to cut it short?" She mocked lightly. "Please. We're killing machines. There's no sense in denying what our strengths are."
"…We are no longer living that life… we are no longer fighting that war. The Ancient One… is at peace."
Rubedo sighed, opening her eyes. "Come, now, Whisper. Everything that the Ancient One does is utterly lethal and potentially dangerous to everyone on this planet. Do you honestly believe that this is any different?"
"…The females have calmed him. I believe it is for the best."
"Calmed him, yes. But you should know." A small, amused smile quirked her lips. "You more than anyone should know how dangerous he is when he's calm. I remember the days when the last things entire civilizations would hear were the words '[Mind of Undeath]'."
"That was then… this is now."
"Oh? Then let's take a look at his choice of mates." Rubedo held up a hand, counting them off on her fingers. "An Archdemon of unquestionable might and theoretically infinite power, whose entire soul is warped around him so severely she can't spend a single moment without him in her thoughts. The Spirit of the most powerful and dangerous Tree you could possibly imagine. Just think of how stupidly powerful their offspring are going to be."
"…That is not his intent… you know this."
"Oh, I know." Rubedo twirled her parasol lazily, leaning back to look up at the sky. "I just wanted to point out how much danger he can unleash upon the world without even seeming to realize it."
"…You relish the thought."
The Flesh Golem shrugged, casually adjusting her dress. "Oh, I wouldn't go that far." A wide, sharp grin stretched unnaturally across her face, marring her beautiful features. "I don't relish the thought, dear Whisper. I absolutely adore it."
"…So I see…"
"Hmm." Rubedo's expression smoothed back to one of polite disinterest. "Honestly, though… it's quite dull, waiting for him to do something earth-shatteringly tremendous. I mean, with him it's inevitable, but the wait is often tedious."
"…Do not worry, Black Witch…" The faint whisper grew fainter. "I'm sure you will get what you desire eventually… you merely have to wait."
"Indeed." Rubedo closed her parasol, smiling to herself. "But in the end… I suppose it's always the wait that makes the bloodiest days worthwhile."
If there were any wildlife remaining that day, they would've been treated to the sound of cheerful humming as the Flesh Golem began brutally devouring the corpses of dead monsters.