
Overlord: I'm the Dragon

YGGDRASIL was a game loved by many, during the short 12 years the game was around, it was loved by many. a unique VR game that was hidden with many hidden things, pushing players to go out and explore everything for themselves. there were countless races one could play as, from undead, humans, insects, and the list went on. but amongst the countless races, were was one race that no one could play as, Dragons. they were the player's worst enemy... but one day someone managed to play as a dragon. you may ask how... well, there were many hidden things in the game, to be able to play as a dragon one needed to meet many conditions, sadly the game was ending before he could enjoy it.

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

World Items

Sword of Fire, The Necklace Of Sight, and the Chains Of Heaven. these were the other 3 items held by the other 3 clans that rivaled the Senju. the sword of flame was a sword capable of creating unmatched flames, which the user of the sword could control. 

The Necklace Of Sight greatly boosts one sense, allowing them to see 360 degrees around them, increase their reaction speed, see through things, and even see the weakness through things.

the Chains of Heaven, a set of chains that had the power to seal things. able to grow seemly forever, they could do things like seal space, and even enhance the owner of such weapons strength if they used them to attack.

then the Wood Dragon Ring. giving one near unlimited control of plant life. Hela many to get a lot of information out of Hashirama, Igneel didn't care how she did it, all he wanted was progress.

"What did you do to him?" Igneel asked while taking a paper from Hela, his eyes unable to help but look through the window into another room, where Hashirama lay on a bed but naked, rolled up into a ball while hugging his head, crying.

"you wanted information fast and quick, so I had the best tortures Hell had to get that information out of him quickly," Hela said with a bright smile, at her words, I nodded slightly. the 7 deadly sin dragons

The Dragon of Gluttony, a dragon which had an endless hunger. it was an insect dragon and was capable of turning into countless insects that would eat just about anything, leaving the land empty of food.

The Dragon of Lust, a tentacle dragon. with how Hashirama was naked, it was clear he got to meet him.

the Dragon of Sloth. the fact that Hashirama seemed too scared to fall asleep means he got to meet that nightmare Dragon. those 3 are the best at torture, 

'I feel pity. well thats good, that means I'm not all heartless. my karma value was not that low, about 0 or so. I did stop killing players toward the end of YGGDRASIL, which brought it from -500' I thought calmly before going through the paper.

Back in the old days of YGGDRASIL prior to the game's shutdown, Karma had a degree of influence over the game's mechanics such as the strength of different items, races, classes, abilities, and spells. This would even include the likes of Super-Tier Magic skills,

Depending on how high or low one's karma values are, it can determine the power output of skills or even spells regardless of the difference in tier magic level. Spells only did their listed damage when cast by a magic caster with a maxed-out positive or negative karma value. For good or for worse, the character's karma value being in the positive/negative does prove influential to the complementary and opposing karma-type spells used by the latter.

Because of that, either the spell's damage decreased as one's karma value decreased or its damage simply increased because one's karma values increased. The right synergy includes positive-karma characters using positive-karma spells while negative-karma characters use negative-karma spells to achieve effective damage output for both opposing sides. Contrary to that idea, positive-karma characters using negative-karma spells or negative-karma characters using positive-karma spells will result in the weakening of a spell's effect. With bad synergy, a 10th-tier spell would have done a lesser amount of damage than a 1st-tier spell. 

I had to get my karma to 0, making Neutral. this was because it would best benefit my skills, which would have an added boost if I was neutral. so, I stopped killing players and started to raise my karma rating.

this meant I wasn't a good or bad. I simply acted in a way that would best interest me, so I helped a tribe. it wasn't because I was nice, I just knew popping up and playing a role would make them more easily controlled by me. Hashirama? if his suffering benefits me, why should I look at something more annoying and water my time?

"Martial Arts, Gifts, and this rune crafting..." I said softly, to which Hela went seriously as those 3 things were one of the 4 things that were unique to this world, along with some other items created by the dragons. 

A Gift is an innate ability that roughly 1 in 200 people are born in the New World. These abilities are fixed at birth and cannot be changed or taught to others. A Gift's capability can vary greatly in potency and type and while most people born with a talent manifest a unique power, some can be born with the same ability. It is called a gift because humans believe they are the gifts of the gods,

Runecraft was the traditional magic art practiced by the dwarves of the Dwarf Kingdom. Runecraft is the art of inscribing magical letters onto objects. When a rune is carefully engraved on an object, it enchants the object. The amount of magic inscribed in an object depends on the time it takes to inscribe a rune. In other words, runes are characters magically imbued with mana.

I brought all of this into Odin's hands, Odin who was currently studying the magic within the ring. the Wodd Dragon Wing was a ring that looked as if it was made out of wood. it looked simple and didn't seem impressive at all. Odin had already had a few days to study the ring and had already got a good idea of the ring. and after getting the paper, he gave me a short idea of what he knew

"the magic of this world is of a higher quality than tier magic... I call the magic of this world wild magic due to the wild nature. it's like a wild card, similar to a world item." Odin said while giving me the ring

"Are you able to copy it?" I asked, to which Odin nodded slightly. he had the special ability to copy up to 5 magic he had seen, he seemed to have copied this one. say, it would cost him more energy to cast than if he were to have learned it, but it would be treated as if he learned until he replaced the magic with another

"After copying it, I find myself immune to world-class items. It's safe to guess that the dragons of this world have immunity to world magic. but thats all I see to it, other than giving me supreme control of plants, and immunity to wild magic... I have reason to believe this magic is better than tier magic." Odin said to which I raised my brow slightly.

"normal tier magic would have some side effects when bringing a person back to life. those livers Stella brought back to life had a loss of lifespan and were brought back weaker. Also, Wild Magic doesn't use MP, it uses HP. but in this world, it's considered using one soul." Odin said causing my eyebrow to raise once more.

Wild Magic differs from Tier Magic, as instead of mana, it requires the caster to release souls in order for one to perform the casting of a powerful spell. In other words, Wild Magic was different from tier magic because it was powered by souls, rather than needing mana to cast. Although the cost of spellcasting via Wild Magic is grisly, the results speak for themselves. The more beings or souls offered up as living sacrifices, the stronger the magic when released. However, using Wild Magic can also end up destroying the link to the user's own soul, as well as making the casting of stronger magic a risky gamble in and of itself.

"show me the magic, I want to see if I can record it," I said softly, to which Odin nodded slightly, he held out his palm, causing tree root to grow slightly from his palm. holding out my palm, I tried to remove one of the 21 spells I had recorded. but I had a good 21 spells which were useful, it took a moment but I discarded one [Greater Rejection]. A 9th-tier spell that cancels the target's attempt to use Greater Summon.

"well... this is odd," I said softly, the ring ability wasn't able to work on the wild magic, and the other way around. even so, I had a way around such annoying matters. reaching out, a bow appeared in my hands. this was the only... well, the second-world item belonging to our guild adding the dragon palace

I went on to tap the bow onto the root. this nearly nullified the magic, but Odin was able to struggle to keep it up. the bow and the ring seemed to try and cancel each other, the bow wanted to fly away, and the root wanted to just disappear. but we kept it together just long enough to allow my ring to record the magic.

I sighed softly while taking the bow back, I looked at the ring before suddenly feeling my HP dropping, being absorbed by the ring. I frowned seeing this, before casting the spell Mercy of Shorea Robusta.

The mercy of Shorea Robusta: A 10th-tier Druid spell with a high mana drain similar to reality slash it has 3 effects when cast:

First, for a limited period of time, it would gradually recover HP. However, the recovery rate was trivial so it was hard to call it useful for people at a higher level range.

The second one was absolute immunity against instant death.

the third effect, automatically resurrected the target when their HP reached 0 and died. This would not cause a drop in levels from resurrection. The trigger condition of HP going to 0 made it useless against deaths that weren't caused by damage like those by drowning, but it was still a very useful spell. That said, they would be in low health upon resurrection, so they were very likely to die anyway after a few hits. Still, there were a lot of cases where people were saved by this spell. 

"the ring is sucking my HP, at this rate, I will die in... 10 minutes," I said calmly, it had a huge amount of HP. plus I had a quick passive recovery speed, even so, at the rate this ring was sucking me dry, the normal human would have died once every breath that passed.

"then take it off... the ring is trying to evolve, but it comes in a set, so it's going to need a lot of HP," Odin said in a panic, to which I nodded slightly in agreement, but I didn't remove the ring.

"m-my lord, please, remove the ring," Odin said seeing how I just stood there, looking at the ring which was sucking my HP. Igneel didn't say anything and once 5 minutes passed, Odin cast the spell Dragon Health, a healing spell that boosted one passive recovery speed by 10 times for 10 seconds, 

I looked at him for a moment, said nothing else, and simply looked at the ring. time passed, and with Odin doing everything to keep Igneel alive, 30 minutes had passed since the ring began sucking my HP. the ring suddenly began to slow down in absorbing my HP, and slowly all of my gear began to start changing.

their appearances remained the same, but they quickly all stepped through a new barrier, becoming world-class items. seeing this, I was stunned, before appraising the eyes with my dragon eyes. With narrowed eyes, I nodded slightly.

Everything was high quality, world items with their effect extremely powerful. the Dragon Overlord Suit had evolved into the Word Dragon Suit. which allows me to have complete immunity to just about everything. the arranged level 100 would not be able to get past it. everything had evolved,

"... this is weird," I said softly, I felt off. I thought for a moment, before removing all of my gear, Odin was confused but said nothing. with basic clothing on, and no world item on, I looked towards Odin and had him attack me with the wild magic.

Odin confused did as he was asked and sent a weak attack towards me, but a barrier appeared, nullifying the attack. stunned, both me and Odin looked at each other before Odin attacked me with far more power, but once again, the wood launched towards me was nullified

"It seems like I have immunity to wild magic even without a world item," I said before remembering what a world dragon was. something that existed before the world... then it seemed like I had immunity to world items. the world enemies all had immunity to world items to some degree, what was the limit to myself?

I had Odin get the world item and use it to attack me. Odin aimed the bow at me, pulling back the string, an arrow of light formed before it was fired at me. but the arrow disappeared before it could hit me.

Hou Yi Bow. A world-tier item said to have been used to kill off the phoenixes in YGGDRASIL it had 2 abilities, the one was a lock-on ability. once fired, the arrow would follow a target and even speed up over time, making it so one couldn't even outrun it. this also gave it an endless range

the second ability was absolute defense piercing and armor-piercing capability, it would ignore all defense and resistance. an absolute attack that couldn't be stopped or defended against, this was what this bow was. Of course, it wouldn't be a one-hit kill as the attack power reflected one attack power.

"try fusing the bow with an arrow formed from the ring," I said softly, Odin body shook, almost in tears. how could his lord have him do such things?

"Lord, please don't use yourself as a test subject," Odin said with a helpless look, to which I just waved off.

"you worry too much, aim for my arm," I said calmly while raising my hand in the arrow. Odin asked while using the ring to create an arrow. placing it on the arrow, he fired the arrow which this time pierced through my immunity, and hit my bow before falling to the ground, unable to pierce through

"Its effect was enhanced to the point it only could pierce through my immunity. but could get through my immunity and resistance." I said calmly while picking up the arrow and closely looking at it.

"do you still need the bow and ring?" I asked calmly, to which Odin shook his head since he copied the magic, he planned to do more research into what wild magic could do, and see if he could fuse it with tier magic

"Good.... give the ring to Arbol, i plan to equip everyone with a world item in the future," I said with a smile, to which Odin's eyes browsed for a moment before nodding and seeing me off. while leaving, I put my gear on, a lost look in my eyes.

I never got to see the benefits of becoming a world dragon, but I just found out one of them, I was similar to a world enemy in the fact I had immunity to world items. but unlike a world enemy, it wasn't partly, it seemed to be complete immunity.

'adding my gear, and the fact I'm a world Dragon, should I set out and explore what this world has to offer? I forgot to tell Odin to look into rune magic.' Sighing, I turned back and went to go see Odin to have his raven fly out and be on the lookout for dragons, and dwarfs.

"Levi... those bastards are forcing us to pay so much. we have to go to war." Levi's Father said angrily, Levi sat on what looked to be a throne. he looked at everyone in the room, all of them supported the goal of war.

by now everyone who was here was a true believer in their god, Levi's dream, and the much information the gods had gifted them. what was it if not God's work?

"I have a different plan... we humans are weak, it's even more so when facing a stronger force like the Senju clan." Scar stood up, causing everyone to look towards him with a frown. honestly, the only reason he could stand amongst them was because of his strength, many people disliked this man. but Levi has seen that he has changed

"What are you saying scar?" Levi asked with a frown, Scar took a deep breath before a moment, knowing what the impact of his words would be

"We know nothing about our enemy, we only know that they are stronger. I say we send in someone to act as a territory and feed the enemy false information. we can't face them head-on, information and knowledge an important key factors here. we, humans, were created not physically capable like other races, but with our minds, we can take down a giant." Scar said making a few people sneer at him

"what are you saying, you be the one to go into the enemy side as the territory?" one of the men Scar had killed asked with a cold glare, causing many others to speak up, speaking against Scar.

"Scar plan makes sense." an innocent childish voice filled the room, causing everyone to look towards the speaker, Lilith.

"... well. when fighting, knowing your target fighting style techniques, and so on ahead of time would give you a greater chance at winning. but if you had completely false information, you might die with a few bows. so, giving the enemy the wrong information about us would work... I think." she said shyly, trying to explain herself. her words made everyone go quiet, unable to speak for a moment.

"Lilith is right, an all-out battle is not what we need right now. battle seems to be unavoidable at this point, we have no choice but to go to battle... I will go in as the territory. I will pay and ask god for a path." Levi said while standing up, everyone nodded having nothing to say if their god would lead the world.

the following day, Levi left for the Senju clan, where he got to meet with Hashirama after giving the guards the reason for why he was there. and there, he gave Hashirama false information. happy with the kid, Hashirama was nice and treated him nicely. but before Levi could leave, he told Hashirama something that shocked him

"Lord Hashirama, last night I had a vision..." Levi said before speaking in a quiet tone only Hashirama could heal. with narrowed eyes, Hashirama looked at him, 

"is your gift the power to dream of the future?" Hashirama asked, to which Levi shook his head slightly.

"My god answers my prayers... if you like, I can ask him for something, and I will return tomorrow with the answer," Levi said, making everyone in the throne room sneer at him slightly.

"Your god? alright, then go. I will not tell you my wish or plan, go and return with me to what has been keeping me up late at night." Hashirama said with an uninterested smile, to which Levi nodded slightly, absolute trust in his god. So he left, and the next day he returned. the elder clan sat aside, waiting for their chance to mock this fool. 

"Last night, I dreamed about your gaol. to unite the human race," Levi said, causing Hashirama's eyes to widen, leaving everyone stunned

"but it shall be impossible so long as your people are not united in the same goal. Elder Sho has been secretly speaking to the Uchiha clan, Elder Fu has been aiming to take your position as clan leader. Elder Emma has been scheming with elder Fu to have you die to have her child rule the clan, and the list goes on." Levi said, leaving everyone in the throne room frozen in shock

"That lies." Hashirama's first wife said while standing up, but a cold glare from Hashirama shot her up almost instantly. in fact, everyone was quiet.

"Only I know of my dream to unite the human race. I knew about Elder Sho's actions, and Emma's actions were seen through long ago. yesterday, you saw through plans for her to try and give me poison. I already sensed it, so I was not in danger. but you knew hours ahead of time." Hashirama said while looking at Levi with narrowed eyes.

"No, I didn't know. my lord gave me the information. I simply speak through him." Levi said to which Hashirama nodded for a moment, before shaking his head.

"too good to be true... take him, and hold him in prison. Tonight he is to be burned alive. I went out last night to your village and saw that you were the village leader, most of the information you gave me yesterday was false information. why was that?" Hashirama asked calmly, causing Levi's pupils to shrink.

"It's clear you were setting me up for a trap... take him away, tonight, he is to be burned alive in front of everyone. take her away as well." Hashirama said coldly, to which the guards took Levi away as he tried to explain, but he had no words. The same was true for Emma, who tried to explain herself, but Hashirama ignored her. it was then Levi remembered the dreams he had last night, where his god said something

"Falsehood would one day come to bite you." Levi froze as those words rang in his head, his god warned him, but he had ignored the words without meaning to. and now look what happened?