
village or pancakes

but thinking he fulfilled a wish of a little 'girl' made him happy. And so he was finely able to sleep.


Stirring awake Akabaru, and decided that he wanted some food even if it was not needed for his body but as they say, old habits die hard, as the events from yesterday resurface his appetite resides but is still present…

"sweet and crunchy, maybe it tastes like popcorn. No!" Akabaru shook it out of his mind. Thinking that those nasty nuclear waste-carrying critters are horrible to imagine anywhere near his body. The only good thing was that they were nuclear waste-free in this new world, or at least he hoped so.


Pancakes. Pancakes make everything great Akabaru thought as he was waiting for his food to arrive.

He was originally thinking of going to the cafeteria or a restaurant on the ninth floor, but on the way there he was asked where he was headed, and when told that he was going to a place to eat, they insisted that he go back to his room and let one of the maids bring the food for me.

Akabaru told them to send one of the Pleiades because he could remember their names and he didn't want to ask the maid's name when she brought his food.

After a while of waiting Lupusregina Beta arrives with a big plate full of pancakes to his room.

His room was somewhat different from the rest of the supreme being's rooms, as he had drawn inspiration from the myths of the genie and had decided to model his room after a desert palace. 

His floor was made out of marble with some sand at the edges to form a unique look, he had purchased a mural that looked realistic in the game but seemed to be a little off with the senses he now had...

the roof was a mural of the night sky and in the middle of the room lay a single lamp. it was a replica of a world item he had once heard about... the genie's lamp was a world item that could create a base for any player who had it, and the memory storage wasn't that large, only accommodating two high-level NPCs. 

His recreation only created a base, without any levels to be allocated within it though. It was still something he prided himself on as the size was nothing to scoff at..

The food he had requested was placed on one of the side tables he had in the room with two comfortable chairs lining it on both sides...

Akabaru sat down and took the first bite, but felt uncomfortable because Lupusregina just standing close watching him take every bite with some sort of admiration, so he decided to tell Lupus to sit down.

What he didn't expect was that the werewolf would decide to sit on the floor at his command, reminding him of a dog. "Lupus, what are you doing?" Akabaru looked down at the red-haired girl who sat on the ground beside him in disappointment.

"Sitting like you ordered, lord Akabaru?" She had already started to blush as she understood that she misinterpreted something.

"I meant sit down at the table not on the floor." Maybe he was playing tricks on himself, but he didn't think such behavior was normal, even for a werewolf.

"Ohh!" She immediately got up and sat on the chair with a red face.

Akabaru decided to ignore this event as if it never happened and began on his second pancake just as he was about to dig in he was interrupted by a call from Momonga.

"{Ye.s mo.mon.ga.}" Akabaru decided to answer even if he had his mouth stuffed with amazing food... he hadn't tasted anything like this in for as long as he could remember, only coming close on that one time the company celebrated its anniversary. 

"{What are you doing Akabaru?}" Momonga could clearly be heard through the spell, while Akabaru continued to chew.

"{Eating.}" Akabaru said as he gulped down the second of many pancakes.

"{Well there is a problem, I have called for Albedo to assist me and I thought that maybe you want to go too.}" He knew Momonga wouldn't call without a reason, but stating that it was only a problem confused him a bit.

"{What's the event wouldn't want to ruin a date between the two of you.}" It was only a joke, but Momonga didn't seem to find it that funny.

"{A raid on a village by knights.}" Akabaru almost spit out the pieces of pancakes he had just put in his mouth.

"{Oohh bad timing… I'm coming just keep the teleportation portal open.}" Akabaru finishes the call but before he teleports via the ring he gulps all the pancakes down in one bite and said goodbye to Lupusregina, before teleporting away.


Teleporting to Momonga's room Akabaru saw Albedo entering via the door in a full set of black armor with a world-class item at her side.

"Good morning Albedo, shall we." He greeted the lady, while gesturing to the open portal.

"Yes my lord." she stepped through the portal, Akabaru following right behind her.

Stepping through the portal he was met with a beautiful Forrest, not as beautiful as on the sixth floor but looking more natural and untouched. He could see two small human children huddled together near the corpse of a knight... further in the distance was a single death-knight running away from them.

"It took longer than expected to get here, I'm sorry you had to wait my lord." Albedo seemed worried that she only arrived after the battle, thus she had been unable to protect her master when he needed her.

"Don't apologize, the two of you arrived right on time." Momonga calmed her down, before turning to look at the two children who shivered on the ground.

"Thank you for saying so." albedo made a small bow showing her gratitude

"Now then how would you like me to deal with these pathetic lower life forms." Albedo volowed her master's gaze, now glaring upon the two children on the ground.

"These two are no threat, the humans wearing the armor are the enemies we are after." Momonga explained to the two new arrivals before they did anything drastic.

"I understand." Albedo stopped her from glaring at the two young girls, instead focussing on the surroundings to find any threats 

Akabaru listened to their conversation as he looked at the torn back of the older girl. He knew that the girl would probably die, if not from bleeding out, then from the infection that she would get. He thought he should ask her if she would like assistance with the wound.

"It looks like you are bleeding miss, do you want me to heal it or do you have your own healer at your village or do you want to get a potion?" Akabaru showed her a low-class potion for reference.

"Don't drink it Enri!" They didn't seem to recognize the potion, meaning that such potions weren't spread far enough for village girls to know about it.

Akabaru's gaze fell to the smaller girl wondering if he had such a distrustful face... perhaps it was that he was a genie, or perhaps it was Albedo who stared coldly at them from behind him, but their shaking intensified 

"Sorry, do you want me to heal you?" Akabaru changed his tone, using the tone he would use to speak to his nephew when he did something wrong...

"I don't have the money to repay you." Her words snapped Akabru back to the present, he had been thinking of his nephew left him somewhat depressed... the upbringing of a child in their world was something no one would wish for such a pure and innocent soul.

"Something as small as healing a child is not something I would ask compensation for." He thought it was strange, for such a young girl to think of money when she was this badly hurt.

"If you insist sir." The older one decided with some reluctance to accept Akabaru's offer to let him perform his healing spell on her.

"[Way of the fist – healing palm]" Green energy left Akabaru's palm, flowing through the air before it entered the older girl's back healing the cut that the knight had given her.

"Thank you." She didn't look scared anymore, her shivering being gone, replaced by an admiring look towards him.

"Have you ever heard of magic before?" Momonga asked the now-healed girl. Her amazement had confused him a bit, as magic wasn't hard to learn in his mind.

"Uh.. yes, I have a friend who is a pharmacist who practices magic." It didn't surprise Akabaru as much as Momonga, seeing as he himself had tried to comprehend a spell book without success, much less a village commoner without one.

"Aah, you understand then that I am a magic caster and my friend who healed your wound is something along those lines as well." Momonga explains as he casts a couple of protection spells in the area around the two sisters.

"I just cast two protection spells around you. You will both be safe as long as you stay here, but just in case take these as well." Momonga says while throwing two horns. "If you blow them an army of goblins will appear to do your bidding. Do not hesitate to use them if needed." Momonga turned to leave heading in the same direction as the death knight.

"Excuse me, thank you so much for saving us. We are forever grateful." Momonga turned back to look at the two girls. probably smiling if he could.

"Thank you very mush misters." The younger of the two finished off with a small bow.

"It was no problem." Akabaru also turned away with those parting words

"Wait may I please have the names of the one who saved us." The older girl interrupted once again halting their step.

"My name… yes you should remember it well and tell everyone about it I am Ains Ooal Gown and my ally who healed you was…" The now newly proclaimed Ainz looked at Akabaru for the name that his friend would carry in this new world.

"Akabaru granter of wishes and a person of great strength..." Akabaru wondered why Momonga had changed his name, but suspected that there was a valid reasoning behind it... perhaps something like guild pride 


In the village people were running away from a huge undead. Although the knights were the target of the undead the villagers knew that the undead wouldn't stop after only the knights were dead.

The desperate struggle of the knights was of no use and one even tried to buy his way out of death.

The commander of the knights was ordering his platoon.

"Hold steady, stay strong, we will stand our ground and defend our brothers. Let's give the archers time to retreat. Prepare for battle." With a final battle cry he charges forward right into his beheading….