
Chapter 395 (Back in Pentagon)

"I have told General Lynch that I won't join the Department of Justice. I have my personal matters to attend to. General Johnston, I hope you stop guilt-tripping with morality and nationalism. That's not going to work on me…"


Jacob looked utterly calm as he spoke.


"If you join the Department of Justice, I can let you access all the martial arts secret scrolls. You can become a Senior Grandmaster in the shortest time. How does that sound?" Timothy still did not give up as he made an offer to Jacob.


"A Senior Grandmaster?" Jacob sneered coldly. "It looks like you are slow in getting information. Don't you know that I was the one who killed Badger from the Carter family? He was a Senior Grandmaster!"


"Stop bluffing! Badger from the Carter family is powerful, and even I can't defeat him. How could you possibly have killed him? You did it just because the Daniel's helped you. Don't you put a feather in your  cap!"