
Overcoming the Beast

Long ago beast and humans were living together in harmony. But all changed the demons broke through dimensions and attacked. They killed and spread chaos. The beast divided into two. One faction joined the humans while the other allied with the Demons. The humans and beast formed contracts to cultivate together to grow stronger faster. Through many sacrifices they banished the demons from the world. Now millions of years later. In a small town a boy was born. He spent his life in pain, misery and war. Through the worst of fates he was killed by his own beast. He was given another chance by mysterious means and was brought back in time. "Revenge will be so... sweet."

GoldSoul · Kỳ huyễn
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186 Chs

Eos Flamesmith

Leon got up from the edge of the city where he was sitting and started walking to the only auction house in the town.

The auction house was one of the biggest buildings in town. Called the <Sunset Auction House>. As it was run by the Sunset Family. The <Sunset Auction House> was in almost all cities and towns in the Fire Continent. The sunset family was easily one of the riches families on the continent.

Inside the auction house was crowded with many people entering and leaving. Leon went in sweeping his gaze around he walked until he spotted someone who worked there.

He went to a man wearing a black suit with his hands behind his back. "I would like to sell something to the auction house" the man looked at Leon. Leon was wearing shredded clothes, was covered in dirt and wounds. He looked even worst then a begger."

The man arrogantly said, "what could a kid like you even sell go find another store or something and stop wasting time."

Leon knew this was something he was going to say. He used his slaughter qi to change his aura. The man's eyes lit up with fear. He took a step back looked at Leon like he was looking at a monster. Feeling the threatening gaze that felt like he would suddenly killed the man couldn't speak. He just pointed at a door. Leon nodded and removed the slaughter qi.

The man wiped the sweat off his face, but he still remembered the fear he felt. He looked at Leon's back and shivered.

Leon entered the room. The room was set with two golden comfortable sofas facing each other and a table in the middle. Leon makes himself comfortable. About five minutes later a man wearing a white suit walks in he has a female assistant who stands behind him. He sat opposite to Leon and asked, "what do you want to sell? Faye make some tea for our valued friend."

The assistant walks to the table and takes out a tea set from her spatial ring. She then brews the tea and pours it for both Leon and the man.

The man sipped his tea as Leon reached in his pocket and took out the <Fire Prism Soul Gem>. The man spit the tea to the side. And looked at Leon stunned.

"Friend, do you know what that is? It's something extremely valuable, how did you get it?" The man asked as he smiled.

"When did the auction house need to know where an object is gotten from. Just tell me a price." Leon said fiercely. The slaughter qi leaked and made him look stronger.

The man coughed and sat up properly. He could tell Leon wasn't someone to mess with.

"Would you like to sell it to the auction house directly or let us auction it and then take a percentage of what it was bought at."

"I want to sell it directly." Leon picked up the tea cup and sipped.

"Great, the auction house will buy it for 80,000 gold."

"150,000 gold, that's what I'll sell it."

The two looked at each other.

"90,000 gold that's as high as I can go." The man said while sweating. "If I go any higher I'll Make a loss."

"In a town of fire cultivators the Flamesmith clan would happily buy it for 150,000 gold at least. I'll sell it for 100,000 gold but I also want a VIP seat at the next monthly auction in a few days."

The man thought about it for a while. He saw how Leon looked so clan yet intimidating. He was just a young boy, weak body, dirty and weak, but those red eyes. Those eyes were grasping more and more at his throat the more he thought.

"Fine, 100,000 gold it is. Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Willem Gold, as for the VIP seating I already planned on giving you one, here this is the VIP token of the sunset auction house you will get a ten percent discount on everything you buy from the sunset auction and it's partners."

Leon toke the token, "I want a basic spatial ring of a space ten square meters. As well as 5 <Energy Restoring Pills>."

"That Will be 15,000 gold. I'll cut that from the amount I was suppose to give you?"

"Yes." Leon answered.

Faye brought a ring and gave it Leon. Leon wore and checked the inside. He saw 85,000 gold coins as well as five white pills and then nodded. He put the token he was given in as well as the clan token he still had in his pocket.

Willem looked at Leon and saw that he was satisfied and he smiled, "If you ever find anything else to sell, find me and don't worry I'll make sure to give you a fair price."

Leon nodded then left. He went around town and bought new clothes for a gold coin. He then rented a room at an Inn.

In the inn room he walked straight to the bathroom. He saw the tears and dust his shirt also had blood splattered on it. As for his pants it was so deeply soaked in blood you would think that the striking deep red was its original colour.

He took almost a second to get out of his clothes and into the shower.

After washing off all the dust and blood that layered his skin Leon finally felt refreshed. In the bathroom he also got a good look at himself. His skin had lost its paleness he also looked a little stronger. Other then the <Beast Blood Body Art> rune on his chest to left hand he didn't see anything else that really changed.

He then ate one of the pills he had bought and changed into the new clothes he bought.

The shirt was long sleeved to cover his arm, he then wore gloves to cover the rune on his hand.

After changing he left and went back to the Clan. It had already been more then 24 hours since he left, it was around the afternoon as the sun was high in the sky.

Leon walked to the clan, he showed his Clan token.

The guard gave him weird looks but let him in. Leon went through and didn't go straight home. He had to go get the clan uniform. He had lost his in the cave with the bag. He had others but his mother would notice that one was missing.

He walked to a shop called the <Lucky Sky Shop>

Taking a turn Leon entered into an alley at the end of which he found a small store. The shop had large windows displaying objects and prices. The door looked antique and creaked as Leon opened it. The sound of bell ringing could be heard as door closed behind him.

This shop was the only shop in the clan. No one actually bought anything from it as they didn't sell anything useful, they only few things that mostly mortals could use so for in clan of Summoners it wasn't popular. Clan members went out to town and bought things from there. It did however sell the clan uniform.

The inside of the shop was filled with shelves and display cases. All the glass had been wiped clean and there was no dust to show how deserted the store actually was. In the display cases weapons and small sculptures, that would only interest mortals, were propped up by velvet cushions.

"Hello, mister, how may I help you" a sweet voice entered Leon's ears, a young girl who was the same age as him, her head just above the counter as she stood beside it waiting for a reply.

The girl had big bright blue eyes and dark blue hair. She was wearing a white dress patterned with flower that reached till her knees. She had a bright smile on her face. There was also a blue circular seal on the side of her neck. It incorporated into her skin like a birth mark. But had an ominous feel to it, that made people want to avoid her.

Behind her, through the open door was an old man on a rocking chair, slowly moving back and forth, eyes closed and a pipe in his mouth. He had no aura, looked to be a mortal, not even any energy could be felt out of him.

Leon knew her from his past life, she was rather talented and had trained with him, however seeing her now had shocked him. The blue circular seal wasn't something most people would be able to understand. They would just think it's a weird birth mark, but Leon having studied and read about all kinds of powers recognised what it was in an instant. He kept his poker face and answered.

"I want a clan uniform."

The girl nodded, she asked, "A small size?"

"Yes." Leon said.

The girl nodded, she went to the back of the store and got the clothes. "That Will be 10 silver."

Leon put his hand in his pocket and took out 1 gold form the spatial ring and gave it to the girl, he the said "Sorry I don't have change."

The girl looked at the gold coin then looked at the inside of the desk and shook her head, "I don't have change either, do you want to buy something else to make up the difference?"

"Sure, What else can I buy?"

"We sell basic weapons, clothes, and even <Tier 1> arts."

"You sell arts? Can I see them? Aren't all arts kept in the Library of Arts, I don't think the clan allows selling of Arts."

"We aren't selling arts from the Clan. These were made by my grandfather. But you'll find them in the Library of Arts as well so you don't really need to buy them."

Leon nodded, "What a great marketing strategy. Telling me I can get something for free and don't really need to pay for it." He thought.

The girl brought 2 books and gave them to Leon.

Leon looked at them.

One was called <Drop Splitting Fist Art> a <Tier 1> art. He opened and read through it. He was surprised by how simple the art was. It was so weak that it taught you how to hit a falling drop and split it but the rune that would form if properly cultivated would be amazing.

The other was <Wind Style: [Acceleration]>. Leon was surprised again. "Why is this here? why is this old man even selling this here?"

He read through the book and calmed down. "So it's like I thought, it isn't something this old man created, this is part of the original <Wind Style Art> it's just incomplete. So it's weakend and barely has any effect. But this could still be sold for tens of thousands of gold.

"How much are these arts for?"

"They are for 5 gold each!"

Leon started coughing, if he had a drink in his mouth he would have spit out. It was too cheap! But what was even better this girl had completely forgotten that he was trying to make the difference because he didn't have change. How would this help!

Leon looked back at the girl and asked, "Hey, what's your name?" he asked. He knew her name, but he didn't remember her appearance that well and wanted to make sure it was her.

"My name is Eos."

"That's a good name, here I'm underpaying you so I'll visit again latter." Leon said as he put 100 gold on the counter. He then took the two books and uniform.

Leon then looked at the old man once more before finally leaving. The old man that looked to be asleep opened one eye for a second then closed it.

Eos asked, "Grandpa, he gave us so much money! What do I do?"

The old man spoke "Since he gave it, keep it."

"Really, why did he look at you when he left?"

The old man spoke "that boy is different then when I saw him a few days ago. So I was paying close attention to him. He seemed to notice something so he reacted to it."

"Wow! his senses are really good for him to notice you... but grandpa what do you mean by different? and weren't you at home the whole of last week. This is the first time he's visited the shop as well." Eos scrunched up her brows as she tries to make sense of what this old man was saying.

The old man laughed then started to snore, not answering Eos's question.

"That old man, was at least high Summoning Master level in past life", Leon thought. "I always thought he was an elder set here to protect me in my past life by the Council of Fire looks like I was wrong. To sell such arts and have such strength. I need to be careful."

"That Eos girl as well, she reminds me of someone. The SkyFire Queen. After I had mistakenly 'assassinated' the new Fire emperor she and a bunch of other summoners had chased me out of the Fire continent. Out of all of them she was the strongest and the only one that survived."

"If I tried to kill her now, that old man would crush me between his fingers." Leon said with a laugh.

"If she actually does grow up to be the Skyfire Queen since I can't kill her I should get closer to her. She is probably the most talented person on the continent."

Leon started walking back to his home. He had been awake for too long and was tired. He needed to go to sleep.