
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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35 Chs

Chapter 17

He looked at the scene in front of him and it took him a while to understand why the whole thing seemed so familiar to him.

It was because this whole sparring thing reminded him of the sparring sessions that took place in the Academy in the Naruto world.

He looked at the to-be-protagonist and villain of the class, Nie Li and Shen Yue and realized that they even resembled Naruto and Sasuke, making him wonder if the author of this world took inspiration from the Naruto series. Or maybe it was the mangaka who drew the whole thing. He supposed that he would never know.

Then the teacher started the fight and the nearby students started talking about being lucky to see two goddess sparring with one another.

He gave them a barely hidden disgusted look, wondering what's up with the whole 'goddess' thing.

True, both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er were quite beautiful. But so were many other girls in other classes. In fact, it had been his experience in his past life that just about every class in the school usually has a beautiful girl or two in them.

That doesn't make them goddess.

Maybe it was their high level talent and large soul force that made the other kids realized how high these two girls would go in the future and the fact that they would basically be unattainable to them that made the boys glorify the two girls as goddesses.

Or maybe it was just a cultural thing and he was looking too deeply into it.

He focused back into the fight and realized that the two girls were in a stalemate.

After watching them fight for a while, it was clear to him what was happening.

Xiao Ning'er was determined to win the spar but she knew Ye Ziyun's status and knew that she just couldn't hit the City Lord's daughter. Ye Ziyun on the other hand still considered Xiao Ning'er her friend and didn't want to hurt her.

This led to both the girls pulling their punches so as to not harm the other girl even though both of them clearly had a decent martial arts training.

This went on for a while until the teacher got sick of watching them waste his time and stopped the spar.

Ning'er quickly turned around and left while Ziyun was left standing there like a rejected lover.

It was hilarious.

"Next. Shen Yue and Itachi Uchiha. Step forward."

Well shit.


To be fair, he was expecting the teacher to pit Shen Yue against Nie Li. If only so that he could see the reenactment of a Sasuke vs Naruto fight.

Huh… even the first letters of their names match. He was becoming increasingly sure that the author was a huge fan of the Naruto series.

Or once again, this whole thing was a huge coincidence.

But instead of seeing a Sasuke vs Naruto. He would now have to fight the ponce and 'not beat him up' so that the boy won't have a wounded pride and start harassing him with his cronies in which case he would be forced to escalate and he would soon come into the radar of the Sacred family.

So when the spar started, instead of using his power of Roleplay Excellence to become an expert, he close to Roleplay as an 'Apprentice martial artist'.

This gave him the necessary skills to show that he knew a little bit of fighting. Enough to save his hide but not enough to win against the clearly more experienced opponent.

"Start." The teacher said and Shen Yue ran forward toward him with a kick that he 'tried' to block but 'failed' and was sent flying.

Then Shen Yue came punching at him and he realized that even with the skills of an Apprentice Martial Artist, he could easily fight and maybe even win against the ponce.

But after badmouthing Nie Li for so long, he wasn't about to let his pride get the better of him and dictate his actions.

His time will come soon enough but that time was not today.

So he made a futile effort of blocking Shen Yue's attacks, making sure that the ponce doesn't hit anything important while he threw a punch every now and then, slow enough to allow the Sasuke lite to jump out of the way and the go back to punching him.

After a minute or two of this going on, the teacher probably either understood what level they stood at or probably realized that he was holding his punches but he stopped the fight and told them both to stand to the side.

Shen Yue looked at Ye Ziyun with a prideful expression but the girl totally ignored him in favor of trying to get Ning'er's attention. The whole situation was hilarious and he couldn't hold in a snicker.

Shen Yue gave him a Malfoy worthy sneer and then left to stand beside Ziyun while he went to stand aside on his own before he felt a strong hand clamp down on his shoulder.

He turned to find Scarred face looking at him sternly.

"Don't think I didn't notice you holding back you. Don't know why you did it but I won't have slackers in my class."

He shrugged "I don't know what you're talking about sir. I was just doing my best."

If scar face was under the assumption that he would beat up the Scion of the Sacred family while having a commoner's background then the man was truly an idiot.

The man's hand on his shoulder tightened and he frowned for a moment before he shook his head and allowed him to go.

"Next…" thus, the class continued without him having offended the arrogant young master of his class.

He sat down in the shade of a tree, nursing the few bruises he had received.

For a boy with over 70 soul force, Shen Yue's strength was far from impressive. This made him realize that by strengthening his body, he would have an advantage over the other students.

Of course, he would lose that advantage as soon as the integrate themselves with a Demon Spirit that would give them superhuman strength and speed.

There was a reason why the Fighters of this world weren't able to compare to the Demon Spiritualists. But he wondered if he would able to fight against them if he trained hard enough.

'Maybe he would be the Rock Lee of this world' he thought with some amusement before he looked around and his gaze met that of Xiao Ning'er.

The curious look on her face was instantly replaced with a cold and aloof once and they both stared at each other for a long moment before he raised an amused eyebrow before looking back at the spar taking place at the center of the clearing.

Xiao Ning'er. She was yet another talented kid that was fucked over by the world.

He didn't even have to think about helping her as he already had a 'Mission' from the Lewd CYOA which was to basically 'Free Xiao Ning'er'.

Except that he didn't know what 'Freeing' her actually meant. Did it meant freeing her from her engagement with Shen Fei. A boy who was in his 'Kill List'. Or did it meant freeing her from under her overbearing family who didn't hesitate to use her as a pawn to cover their mistakes and save their asses. Or perhaps it meant freeing her from the Arctic Disease that destroyed her life in the original timeline?

Because he frankly had no idea how to use the Dao-something something technique that Nie Li used to heal her in the canon or where he learned to use that technique in the first place.

That didn't meant that he had no other ways to heal her but he very much doubted that Xiao Ning'er would agree to him using the 'Sexual Healing' power on her.

Maybe if he mind controlled her and made her more susceptible to his suggestions but would she truly be 'Free' if he mind controlled her?

Well, he'll simply have to deal with this situation as it comes.

For now, there was no reason to waste his time. So he sat in a lotus position and started cultivating instead of wasting his time sitting around doing absolutely nothing.

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40 extra chapters on Pat_reon for my most fervant supporters :)

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