

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · Thành thị
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50 Chs

Chapter 48: Field Challenge, Climbing to the Top

That afternoon, Ning Fei moved a lot of luggage to Grandma Wang's house.

Ning Fei said that after the repair completed, he wanted to repair a house for Wang's grandmother as well. Wang grandmother directly refused, saying that her eyes are not in good condition now, change rather uncomfortable.

"Fei ah, the orchids you asked me to plant last time, the smell is very good. If you meet them again on the mountain, help me pick some more."

Grandma Wang said gently to Ning Fei.

The orchid that Grandma Wang said was the golden orchid that Ning Fei had picked from the cliff, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But Ning Fei chose to plant it in Grandma Wang's yard.

Everyone sees the value of things differently.

Grandma Wang likes to grow flowers. She said that although her eyes can't see clearly, but she can blur the colour of the flowers, she feels comfortable.

She has a small garden, which is planted with a variety of wildflowers, and when it comes to the season when the flowers are in full bloom, the yard is full of flowers and fragrance.

Ning Fei planted the golden orchids in the middle of the garden.

"Good, I'll help you pick some if you come across them again." Ning Fei responded with a smile.

Grandma Wang didn't know the value of that orchid and only thought it was an ordinary mountain flower, so she didn't think much about it, and Ning Fei didn't explain.

It was good that the old man was happy.

There were too few people who could recognize the golden orchid. When he had just picked the golden orchid, even the owner of the flower market couldn't recognize it.

Now that he had turned off the live broadcast, the netizens did not know the existence of Granny Wang as a person, so the golden orchid was safe to plant in Granny Wang's house.

"Grandma Wang, I ordered a massage chair, and furniture, four-piece set of these things at the bottom of the mountain today, the kitchen I also contacted the natural gas company to replace it this afternoon, the operation is very convenient, in the future you do not have to burn firewood to cook." Ning Fei said again.

He has explained, the furniture company will send someone to install the furniture and teach Grandma Wang how to use it.

"Don't don't, you return all these, I'm going to be someone who is in the soil, what are you spending money on me? You are young now, there are so many places to spend money." Grandma Wang hurriedly refused.

"It's okay, I'm not short of money now."

Ning Fei said with a heated smile.

"I'll leave the car with you, I may have to go for a few days, you take care of your body and drink more hot tea."

"Don't worry, it's been like this all my life."

Ning Fei cleaned up Grandma Wang's house again, and saw the half bowl of cold porridge placed in the cage drawer, his heart was very unhappy.

Wang's grandmother used to be a great person in Qinshan Village, cooking skills are particularly powerful, families get married, births, children full moon to hold banquets and so on, will always ask Wang's grandmother to come over to the chef.

Grandma Wang likes the festive atmosphere, so every time it is done very well.

But now the eyes are not so good, life is very inconvenient, every day is lying in the yard in the sun, or and around the neighbours chatter.

Therefore, Ning Fei now desperately wants to learn acupuncture and cure Grandma Wang's eye disease.

After cooking a meal for Grandma Wang and getting everything in order, Ning Fei put on his full set of outdoor adventure equipment and planned to leave.

Before leaving, Ning Fei took out the good lunch meat and fed Xiao Bai, the dog that Grandma Wang had.

Ning Fei found that Xiaobai was still in good health and looked strong, and there was still half an uneaten ham sausage in the basin.

Grandma Wang was very good to Xiaobai, preferring to drink their own porridge, rather than Xiaobai starving.

But Xiao Bai is also very loyal to Grandma Wang, lying by her side all day long to guard her.

There is a saying, "It is better to eat without meat than to live without a dog. When people see poor people and detour, dogs see poor families and die together."

"Xiaobai, I'm leaving." Ning Fei touched Xiaobai's head. Xiaobai wagged his tail and raised his head, looking very enjoyable.

After Ning Fei left, Xiaobai looked at him, and immediately trotted back, lying at the feet of Grandma Wang, and continued to sit with her in the yard.


On the way, Ning Fei met the village head of Qinshan Village, Qin Zheng. Qin Zheng looked hot and bothered, Ning Fei could not help but ask a question.

"Village chief, what's so urgent?"

"Lao Liu's land in the north has been harmed by wild boars. There are several of them. I'm not going to have a look." Qin Zheng said eagerly.

"These beasts, specializing in eating crops, it seems to have to contact the Forestry Bureau to deal with this situation!"

After hearing Qin Zheng's words, Ning Fei understood.

Now that the ecology of Qinshan Village is very good, the number of wild boars has increased again and has become flooded.

There is no way, this thing is a nest of more than a dozen. It grows fast and is fierce. It is difficult to deal with. Some time ago, government specially set up a hunting team and issued hunting permits to some people in the village to eliminate the problem of wild boars.

That year, Ning Fei's junior year, came back from the summer vacation just in time for this incident. He loved to play bows and arrows since he was little, so he also joined the hunting team and obtained a hunting license.

Taoist priests on the mountain, to eliminate harm to the people well.

"Village chief, do I need to go over." Ning Fei also asked a concerned question.

"It's okay, old Liu said Li hunter past, just three heads, it is estimated that all have been cleaned up. I'm going to see the loss of old Liu." Qin Zheng said.

Qin Zheng is a good village chief, the village people all believe him. When Ning Fei saw him say that, he didn't say anything more.

Then, Ning Fei continued on his way.

This time, his destination was the deepest mountain in the middle of the Qin Mountain Range!

Ancient China was a vast country with rivers and mountains towering over it. And one of the most important mountain ranges is the Qinshan Mountain Range!

The Qinshan Mountain Range is the dividing line between the north and the south of China, and is respected as the "Dragon's Vein" of China.

There is a rumour that "800 miles of Qin River, 100,000 ancient tombs", from the emperor's tomb to the tomb of Jing, from the emperor's son and noblemen to princes and ministers, it seems that everyone believes in the legend of the "Dragon Vein of China".

Many places around the Qinshan Mountain Range have been developed by humans and have a footprint of human activity.

But that is only less than one percent of the area.

The Qinshan Mountain Range is much more extensive and is truly a purely natural forest.

And what Ning Fei was going to do this time was to go deep into the great mountains from Qinshan village toward the mile.

"Friends and audience, starting today, I want to hike up that high mountain alone."

"That place, which is off the beaten path all year round, I want to go up there and have a look."

Hearing Ning Fei's words, the netizens were excited.

"Master Ning Guan, you're finally going into the mountain."

"I especially like to see you go into the mountain."

"This time there won't be such things as Ganoderma lucidum and Dendrobium again this time."

"Master Ning, it's a no man's land, you must be careful."

"Yes, the forest is too dangerous."

The netizens were still very concerned about Ning Fei.

Ning Fei, on the other hand, was very confident. Not to mention that he grew up in the mountains, and in his hands, he also had props like animal friend cards, so the danger was not very high.

In this way, Ning Fei took the little falcon and slowly walked deeper into the mountains.

The little falcon is now able to fly, along the way, constantly flying to the side of the woods, very active.

Ning Fei was initially worried about the falcon being carried away by wild cats and the like, but then thought that falcons are the natural kings of the sky, but also relaxed some.

Drones are also hovering behind, the system sent out live drones quality is really good, and the sound is extremely small, is a rare treasure.

Want to ascend the highest that mountain, does not need a mountain a mountain to conquer, just follow the foot of other mountains forward.

Halfway up the hill there was a small river, and Ning Fei found that the river was left precisely from the direction of the highest one, so he planned to follow the river forward.

"Friends and audience, if you keep speeding up the road, you can reach the top of that mountain in almost two days."

"But being too purposeful is not the point of the journey."

"The important thing about the journey is the scenery on the road, just like life, we should have goals to strive for and enjoy life at the same time."

Ning Fei said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

His words also made the audience sigh in admiration.

"Let's settle here tonight, let's settle the dinner problem first."

Ning Fei found a suitable clearing, not far from the river, just right for setting up a tent.

The tent must be set up earlier, the mountain is not like outside, waiting for darkness to come down, what to do is very inconvenient.

Ning Fei is busy at the same time, Duoniao Live superintendent in contact with the management staff.

It didn't take long for a Duo management staff to make a phone call to Ning Fei.

"Hello, Master Ning? This is Duoniao Live's superintendent." A very crisp girl's voice came from the other end of the phone, with a few soft touches in her voice.

"It's like this, I contacted the management and want to arrange a column recommendation for you, so I'm informing you."

"Column recommendation?" A trace of consternation surged through Ning Fei's expression, and then he said, "Okay, thank you."

"Your live broadcast is very nice, keep up the good work!"

"Okay, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Fei opened the main interface of Douniao Live.

Just as she said, there was a cover at the top of Douniao Live, and it was the photo of Ning Fei climbing a rock with his bare hands.

This photo of Ning Fei was both handsome and masculine, very eye-catching.

"It seems to be a little more handsome." Ning Fei rubbed his chin and thought secretly in his heart.

The cover also had an accompanying text, which read.

Master Ning Guan challenged to summit a rare and deep mountain alone!

This line, with the photo, was very attractive.

The official bird fighter is very good at the whole job.

Good job.

Ning Fei secretly sighed in admiration.

The tent was already set up, Ning Fei took a look at the forest, which was already somewhat dark, and did not rashly go in.

He has always been in awe of nature.

Then, Ning Fei's gaze fell on the nearby stream, shook his head, and said.

"We're in a hurry tonight, so we'll have to eat fish."