
Rosangel Orphanage Part 2

"Okay, Hiro be ready because our enemy is-"...

"Is what?"



"They can use stealth. That means we can't see them."

"Your kidding right?"

"Sorry to say this but no."

*This is not good at all.*

"Be ready."


I grab my knives and ready myself for upcoming attacks. Lulu is still at the back of Sister Evangeline.

"Sister, how can we even fight a creature that we don't see?"

"I wish I have an answer to that question."


"Lulu be ready."


We waited for few seconds but no one attacks us.

"Hey sister it could be-"


Before I finish my word, someone attempts to slash my chest but sister Evangeline immediately pulls me.

"That was close. I told you to be ready."

"Sorry, my bad."

*I shouldn't let my guard down.*

"Here comes the other one."


Sister Evangeline pulls her one sword and swings it at her left side.

*How can she see that coming?*

"Sister Evangeline what now?"

"Stay at my back."

"That's all?"


I run towards her back.

"You might see something inappropriate but this is the only option."

"Wait don't tell me."

She grabs the other sword with a hexagon-shaped amulet on its handle. The amulet light up and after that, sister Evangeline cracks her neck.

"Let's do this"

With her wide smile, her aura is dark and terrifying. Sister Evangeline dashes out randomly and swings her sword and it looks like she hit someone although I can't see anything from her front. After that, the invincible Outsider begins to appear. Its appearance is similar to a mantis but bigger, it's larger than normal people's size. It also has gray-skinned with a blue line on its feet and night sky eye. It drops down on the ground, without any sign of being alive.

"Who's next?"

Sister Evangeline starts running and slashes her two swords randomly. In every slash she does, many Outsider mantis appears and drop down dead. She runs further and left us behind.

"I think she's getting too far."

"Yeah, Lulu let's follow her."


Lulu nodded.

We follow her track and we spotted her slashing off more Outsider. The Outsider mantis is not invincible now, maybe they decide to fight back since sister Evangeline can spot them.

"Sister! That's enough. We're getting too far to the orphanage."

We didn't listen at all. She continues slashing them one by one.

*She can't control herself now.*

The Outsider mantis stop attacking instead, they walk away, maybe they retreating for now.

"Where are you going?"

Sister Evangeline planning to run further to chase them.


Lulu and I run towards her and try to stop her. I shake her shoulder.

"Hey, sister! Stop it already."

*Just how powerful her amulet can be?*

Her amulet totally changes her personality.

"Lulu use your amulet."


"Just do it."

I run away to Lulu and sister Evangeline.

"Sorry sister Evangeline."

Lulu activates her amulet and sister Evangeline drops down on the ground. After that, I carry her to the orphanage. To be honest, she's too light just like Ernesta.

After 5 minutes of sleeping, sister Evangeline finally woke up.

"Hey, what happen?"

Her sweet voice went back.

"You shouldn't ask that."

"I see. I did terrible things again."

"Eh? No, of course. You actually did amazing. To think that you can spot an Outsider that we can't see."

"Well, it's not that I can see them. I can feel their movements."

"Feel their movements?"

"Yes, it's like that you know their movements or something like that."

"I see."

*Well, I'm not a good and experienced fighter like them so I don't think I can do that.*

"You already eliminated so much Outsider mantis, that means they are only a few of them. We need a plan to totally wipe out them all."

"Do we have any plan at all?"

"Don't worry, I got one."


"Just how long we gonna walk?", Rick complained.

Rick, Darius, and I assigned to eliminate the Outsiders lurking around before they attack other villages or people. Our location is further than usual, we walked for one and a half hours to reach our destination.

"Don't worry, we're already here."


Our location of full of trees and grasses, and behind those, there's the Outsider looking at us. They keeping eye on us and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Be ready."

Darius holds tight his staff and Rick pulls his two guns while I draw my katana.

The Outsider appears to be a dog, but three times larger than its original size. It has gray-skinned with a blue line on its four legs and jaws and night sky eye. It's the same Outsider that I encounter when I first met Hiro and Vinna. Its mouth is drooling and shaking like they want to devour us.

"Here it goes."

The Outsiders jump one by one to us. Darius smashes them using his staff while Rick shoots them with an accurate shot. I activate my amulet and slash every Outsider that comes near me.

The Outsiders keep multiplying unstop.

"They keep appearing guys! If this continues, we will eat alive!", Rick shouted.

"Let's run.", Darius suggested.

We run away from the Outsiders.

"Why are we running?"

"To think some strategies."

We continue running while we're being chased by Outsiders.

"Woah! They're faster than us."

The Outsider is already catching up to us.

"Darius! Have you already think a plan?"

"Yeah. Hey Greg, can you act as bait?"

*Acting as bait is dangerous but we have no choice.*

"Rick follow me."

"Aye aye captain."

Darius and Rick change course and left me behind.

*What now?*

I keep running but the Outsiders is keeping up. I try to run faster but it's useless.



Someone shouted. After that, I barrier surrounded me, and the Outsiders.

*Did he just lock me up with this Outsiders?*

Even though there's a barrier in front of me, I keep running. When I reach the end of the barrier someone shouts again.

"Continue running Greg!"

It's Rick. I continue running and instead of hitting myself against the barrier, I actually pass through it.

Darius appears before me.



Rick pulls his two guns and starts shooting the Outsiders that imprisoned by Darius's barrier.

Rick perfectly shoots the Outsiders in their head. It seems like Darius plans to lock up the Outsiders inside the barrier and let Rick finish them off.

After few seconds of shooting, Rick already kills all of the Outsider inside the barrier.

"Oh! That was cool!"

"Yeah. I guess that's all of them."

"Yeah, I want to take a bath and sleep already."

"Come on, let's go back and report this."

These two. Even though is not look like but they really good at fighting. With Darius's strategies and Rick's shooting skills, they might become perfect partners.


"Ahh ahh"

In the middle of the forest. I was running, chased by mantis Outsider. This is part of my plan but I never thought that this is hard. Acting as bait is the most dangerous part of the plan but we have no choice.

"Just a little more run."

All of the remaining Outsider is chasing me, of course, they faster than me, even though I can't see them, I can hear their loud steps. The reason why they can't keep up on me is I asked sister Evangeline to set different kinds of traps in any place that I will pass so that it will slow down this creature for me to keep up to this plan.

As I run, I see a big tree from my left side, I change my course to went there. When I pass to that tree, I jump. The first Outsider who steps from where I jump falls to a pit that full of sharp things.

*There's another one.*

I pass to a tree that has a rope tie on it. I cut the tie when I pass using my knife. The Outsider who passes to that spot is hit by huge woods from above.

*Just a little more*

I already see the clear spot that has a huge tree in its center. I run faster and when I already pass-through it.

"Lulu, now!"

After activating her amulet, all the invincible Outsiders appear and fall down to the ground, they all sleeping.

"It's my turn."

Sister Evangeline jumps from the tree while holding Lulu and slashes the sleeping Outsiders one by one, she didn't have to activate that amulet since the Outsider is defenseless.

"It looks like your plan work."


Since Lulu's amulet can reach up to a five-meter radius on all sides, that means, it can also affect someone who is her in the bottom and upside.

We went back to the orphanage after that. I just notice something.

"Hey, sister Evangeline."


"Why we didn't see any children here? Isn't this an orphanage?"

"Oh, that? Follow me."

We went to the door at the back of the orphanage. When sister Evangeline opens the door, so many children appear before us.

"Sister!", children shout.

They most likely the same age as Lulu.

"Wait...Someone is missing."

*Wait, how did she even know that someone is missing?*

There are so many kids that you wouldn't notice that someone is not there but sister Evangeline manages to do that.

"Sister, there she is."

The other child pointed something at our back. Someone is hiding behind the poll.

"Rein, get out there now."

Even with her sweet voice, I know that sister is angry.


A giggle came from a girl with tanned skin and blonde hair that tie in a twin tail.

"Where did you go?"

"I just...You know, look around."

"You know it's dangerous right?"

"Sorry, I just want to see sister fight again."

"Wait, did you said "again"?"


The girl named Rein covers her mouth.

"Sorry, again."

"Jeez, you kid. You should follow what I said. It's really dangerous you know?"

"Yeah, but sister, you look cool and amazing when you fight those things!"

*I agree with that.*

"Also, this guy plan is really amazing. He is a genius."

"Yeah, thanks."

*She even knows about the plan? Just how long is she watching us?*

"Lastly, this girl is really amazing too. How did you do that?"



"Hmm, Reinm let me ask you something."


"Did you just go outside the orphanage?"



"Hehe, my bad."


"Sister! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Sister pinches her cheek.


Sister Evangeline couldn't do anything but sigh.

"Hey, Lulu, want to go back?"


*It looks like she didn't want to.*

"Okay, we can stay here longer."

*Maybe she wants to play with other kids, after all, she still one.*


It's been an hour when we went back from our mission. I notice that Hiro didn't appear everywhere. I and Ernesta try to find him in every corner of the headquarters but we didn't see any sign of him. We saw Commander and asked her.

"Wait did you said orphanage? The place where there are many children?"


"Lisa you idiot!"


Ernesta smacks the Commander's shoulder. I was shocked. I thought she gonna punch her back but Commander didn't do it, she remains calm.

"Well, you not here. You in a mission at that time so I have no choice but to send the remaining member here."

"But still!"

Ernesta looks like a child who's going to cry at any moment.

"What done is done, Ernesta. Both Lulu and Hiro will be back at any moment."

"Lulu and Hiro huh"

"Don't worry about them. They'll be fine.

"I hope so."

*Hiro is still inexperienced and Lulu is still a child. I can't help but worry about them, but I hope they fine.*


It's been an hour when we finished our mission but we're still here because Lulu wants to play with them.

*I hope Commander wouldn't get mad.*

The sun is still up so it's still okay.

Lulu and the children from the orphanage are playing except for Rein who sitting beside me. Both she and I watched kids playing like adults.

"Hey, Rein."


"Why don't you play with them?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Eh? Why?"

"I feel like I want to watch them than playing with them."

"What's that even mean?"

"Hey, mister."

"Just call me Hiro."

"Okay, Mr.Hiro"


"you know, both you and Lulu don't look like a fighter you know that?"

"Yeah, I know that."

I didn't deny it.

"But, when I'm watching you both with sister Evangeline. I just thought about something."

"What is it?"

"There are some things that unexpected but it will amaze you."

"What that even mean?"

"What I mean is, you both look cool and amazing even though you don't like a member of A-1 Headquarter."

"You also know about that?"


"Don't tell me...You're watching us from the start?"

"Pssst. Don't be so loud, sister might hear you."


"Sorry, bad habits of mine."

"Forget about that. You should really join them."

"C'mon, I'm not a kid anymore."

"Yes, you are."

* She looks like an adult when talking. I wish I don't like a child when talking to her too.*

"Hey, Lulu, it's getting darker."


"Awww mean."

"One more hour Mr.Hiro!"

"I wish I could do that."

"Come on kids. It's dangerous outside especially when it's dark."

"Don't worry, we will back if we have some time."

"Really Mr.Hiro?"

"Of course Lulu. Shall we?"

"Babye Lulu!"

We say our goodbye to the children and to sister Evangeline and went back to headquarters.