
Outside Of Time

# CALM # DECISIVEKILLS After “Renegade Immortal”, “Pursuit of the Truth”, “I Shall Seal the Heavens”, “A Will Eternal”, and “A World Worth Protecting”, this is Ergen’s sixth long-length novel, “Outside of Time”. Xu Qing’s world sank into deathly silence after the descendence of “God”. Master cultivators brought the human race and escaped the continent, and the remaining people struggled to survive. Every place that was met by “God’s” gaze had nearly all life forms wiped out. Young Xu Qing was lucky enough to survive. But in a world where ferocious beasts roamed and infighting was rampant within the human race, it was difficult to survive. “If cultivation doesn’t give me the power to fight against God, then I shall become God myself!” This is a story of how a human teenager became a god, step by step, to survive.

Er Gen · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1533 Chs

Pervert (1)

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

At this moment, Xu Qing, who had left the medicinal shop, was walking toward Port 79.

Although the job of the Homicide Department required him to report for duty every day and occasionally head out to assist in patrolling, in reality, he was mostly free when there were no missions. Hence, Xu Qing planned to return to his berth and continue cultivating.

He habitually walked along the edges of the path, trying his best to blend into the darkness as he moved forward silently.

Due to the storm, many cargo ships and the boats of the sect's disciples couldn't enter the harbor in time, and were trapped in the sea.

The storm ended today. Although it was still raining, there were still many boats entering the harbor.

Xu Qing walked at the harbor, pondering over his alchemy and cultivation.