
Outside Of Time

# CALM # DECISIVEKILLS After “Renegade Immortal”, “Pursuit of the Truth”, “I Shall Seal the Heavens”, “A Will Eternal”, and “A World Worth Protecting”, this is Ergen’s sixth long-length novel, “Outside of Time”. Xu Qing’s world sank into deathly silence after the descendence of “God”. Master cultivators brought the human race and escaped the continent, and the remaining people struggled to survive. Every place that was met by “God’s” gaze had nearly all life forms wiped out. Young Xu Qing was lucky enough to survive. But in a world where ferocious beasts roamed and infighting was rampant within the human race, it was difficult to survive. “If cultivation doesn’t give me the power to fight against God, then I shall become God myself!” This is a story of how a human teenager became a god, step by step, to survive.

Er Gen · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1533 Chs

Nervous, Regretful, Weary (3)

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Moreover, this place was very far from the depths…

It was near the coast of the outer sea.

'I brought them here to fish, but this… how can I fish randomly!'

Jade Flowing Dust sighed helplessly inwardly. He waved His hand, taking out a cup of tea and sending it over.

"Please have some tea."

Those grape-like eyes all squinted, releasing tendril-like appendages that wrapped around the teacup. Then, They slowly sank into the sea, disappearing into the depths.

Jade Flowing Dust was weary.

Sensing that Xu Qing and Erniu were leaving, He hesitated for a moment but ultimately didn't stop them.

"I just hope the next period will be peaceful enough to successfully lure out the returning true god. I can feel that… It is already stirring."

"Also, It's very weak…"

Anticipation rose in Jade Flowing Dust's heart.