


"Isn't it sad how your own family doesn't wait for you anymore?"

I should have known escaping would not have been this simple. I bite down on my lip hard, almost involuntarily and stop when I got too close to drawing blood. 

What do I do?

What am I expected to do right now?

I shut my eyes tight and open them once again, hoping that Luco would have just magically vanished. I looked over at Xavier and almost ran up to hug him when I saw his pale face. I was supposed to be the pale one in this relationship. 

Really smart, Lia. 

That annoying voice in my head retorted. 

I glanced at Luco and almost shivered when I saw him even closer to us than he was before. 

What were we going to do?

Was I even strong enough to be in this situation?

Sure, I was smart enough in school, but here? I was so close to failing.

 Deep breaths, Lia, deep breaths.