

Concerning Outlandria

Outlandria is one of the largest islands in the fantasy world 'Magord'. It is situated in the southeast of the Luminaria continents and the west of the Sylphoria continents. They are the closest continents to the island which is around at most 300 Km. On the west of the island, the Woodhaven continents lie but it is the farthest.

In the realm of Magord, there exist seven continents. In the past, these lands were under the rule of the supreme regime until they were fragmented into smaller kingdoms. During the period when seven supreme regimes held sway, there was a widely held belief that Outlandria Island didn't exist. Consequently, the inhabitants of Magord held the belief that this island was brought into existence by the supreme regime following the conclusion of a significant conflict against demonic forces.

All the kingdoms have their own rule and their King to rule over their kingdom but Outlandria doesn't have any king but has only a landlord. So, the people of Magord called this land a 'Kingless Kingdom'. Not only that some people from the northwest called as a 'Cursed Island' believing that this island was cursed by the seven supreme regimes. Yet, a large portion of individuals of Magord called this Island 'The Place where there is a Foreigner', as the vague occasions occur at which obscure individuals show up.

Anything that individuals of the Magord say, this island is the only one around the Magord which has remarkable topography. All the dirt surface, environment, vegetation, and so on are outstanding among different spots of Magord. Outlandria has a cold and white snowfield and high mountains on the southwest of it very much like Artlanopia( ice mainlands). An enormous evergreen backwoods covered from the center of Outlandria toward its west. The backwoods are green and delightful very much like that of Woodhaven and Landora. The timberland has immense assets, however, are risky too as beasts additionally prowl there. It isn't just the natural surroundings of a few normal creatures but also beasts, legendary monsters, and so forth. From the west of Outlandria, a long unicornile stream streams from west to southeast. It's crossed the timberland as well as the land where humans live.

Similarly, in the north of Outlandria climate is as hot as that of the Blazepeak continents. The land on the northern side is full of sand and molten lava as it has a volcanic mountain. The land is hot there and not so green. It is the desert of the Outlandria.

Concerning about Human city

Outlander City is only the human city on the Outlandria, nestled in the southeast corner of the island, boasts a unique charm that sets it apart from the rest of the region. Surrounded by lush forests and crystal-clear waters, this picturesque city is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Its rich cultural heritage and friendly community make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking both tranquility and adventure.

Outlander City, often referred to as the "Adventurer's Paradise," is a hub for thrill-seekers and explorers. With its strategic location near rugged terrain, dense jungles, and uncharted caves, the city has become a gathering point for those in search of adrenaline-pumping activities.

The city's bustling streets are lined with shops offering outdoor gear, guides, and equipment, catering to hikers, climbers, and explorers. It's also home to numerous expedition companies, ready to lead daring treks into the untamed wilderness that surrounds the city.

Adventure festivals and competitions are a common sight in Outlander City, drawing adventurers from far and wide to showcase their skills in rock climbing, wilderness survival, and more. The vibrant nightlife features taverns filled with tales of conquests and discoveries, making it a perfect place for like-minded thrill-seekers to share their stories and plan their next daring escapades.

Outlander City's motto could be summed up as, "Where the brave find their haven," and it's an ideal destination for those with a passion for exploration and adventure.

Concerning Roseheart family

The Roseheart family has a long history of ruling the island as the tenants of Outlander City. Despite not being kings, they play a special role in the political system of the area because they are the only lords of the island.

The Roseheart family has been given the duty of governing the affairs of the city, managing its resources, and safeguarding the welfare of its citizens over the years. They have remained in their position for many generations, and their legacy is intricately tied to the island's growth.

Residents of the island revere and admire the Roseheart for their just and fair administration. They play a crucial part in perpetuating long-standing traditions and rituals while preserving the island's peace, stability, and prosperity.

The colorful rose and heart that make up the family's crest stand for their dedication to protecting the island and its residents. The Roseheart family continues to play a significant role in shaping Outlander City as both its protectors and leaders.

Concerning the appearance of a mysterious group of people

Over a millennium has gone by, and a puzzling phenomenon in the land of Outlandria remains unresolved. The reason behind this ongoing mystery is still unknown. What the inhabitants do understand is that, like clockwork, a collection of enigmatic teenagers materializes out of thin air every three months, following that initial event. Adding to the intrigue, none of these newcomers have any memory of their past or a clue about their sudden arrival in this strange realm. Their sole companion is a pervasive sense of confusion. The people of Magord have come to term this enigmatic incident the 'Orion Appearance.'

Concerning the Orion

Orion, much like adventurers, are wanderers who engage in similar activities, but the key distinction lies in their origins. While both groups share similar actions, adventurers are native to this world, whereas Orion are not. The Orion, on the other hand, are people who have arrived from a mysterious event known as the 'Orion Appearance.' They are not driven by a desire to undertake perilous tasks like hunting monsters and beasts but rather to secure their livelihood in this unfamiliar world, with its distinct culture, and ethnicity.

Upon their arrival in this land, they were presented to the ruler, the lord of Outlandria Island. The lord offered them a choice between becoming Orion while maintaining their freedom or living as slaves. It not an offer at all. So who in the world chooses to be a slave? These newcomers have no choice but to choose to be a hunter.

At first, these newcomers received training and a bit of information about this world from the lord's people, which lasted for a maximum of two months. Throughout this training period, they were provided with meals, clothing, and accommodation. However, once the initial two months were over, they had to become self-sufficient in terms of their sustenance, attire, and shelter by engaging in hunting, taking quest from the guild and other means.