

In the kingdom of the great dragon, people were very rich. But the human race, which was always poor, has only been suffering from oppression. Vampires and dragons were never meant to be together, but some wizards separated them, Where vampires and rich Godess lived. A place was made far away from there, when the dragon , wolf and the poor people could live. But being a great state, some hidden secret was causing problems.Similarly, the queen of fairies also had to go to the dragon's and wolf's part. In order to protect the dragon's queen from the evil kings, the queen is read to pollute her pure blood. Arora has to bear the brunt of the devil's death.

Ashu_20 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


It was 3 o'clock in the night.

All the guests had gone.Only a few servants were at work. Leftover food had to be thrown away. And at 6:00 in the morning, the breakfast for lord and the special sea flower soup for the owner were also prepared.

Ruby's mother has been a maid since her youth. Lord had also got her married. Her name is Rebecca from which Lord named his daughter Ruby. She knows about everything in the house. And Ruby was also asked to lend a hand in the work. But David's evil eyes were on her from the beginning.

Ruby was no less than a princess in seeing her mother like that. She was very fair, according to others, with long pink hair and pink shining eyes. The only thing more beautiful is her hot red lips, and rosy cheeks.

She was one of the rest of the girls for whom many marriages were arranged even at the age of 16.

"Has Ruby fallen asleep, she is nowhere to be seen."Samina, who comes in as the younger maid, speaks to Rebecca.

Rebecca was also worried about Ruby's sudden disappearance. But she says,"She never went anywhere without being told, she must have been sitting somewhere else she must have slept."

The second maid kept looking at her with suspicious eyes, but did not say anything.

Then another servant coming from outside speaks. "The mistress has said, food and room should be prepared for Prince David, he has gone out."

Samina speaks annoyed by this."Don't they have brains?, It's 3 o'clock in the night, who will eat food at this time." Rebecca starts thinking too.

But the servant was smiling looking at them.

Even before Rebecca can say anything, Samina says."I won't fix the room, because she can't handle the expensive machine kept in it."Rebecca corrects her words,"electric equipments, that's all."Samina says to her in a sweet voice,"Yes, So, if you work on laptop or PC, then even then it must be getting dirty the most, isn't it?,everthing must have been spread in the same place." Now even Rebecca believed in his words. She starts leaving from there without saying anything.

The room was spread out, Ruby was not wearing anything, she was just wrapped in a sheet, and was putting some stuff in its right place. Then David laughs at him and says."You know your real place very well."He also took her photo while laughing, and started laughing out loud.Ruby was looking at him with angry eyes. Keeping some sharp object in his hand while taking it close to him,Keeping it in him neck, she speaks angrily."You also come to your point, But believe me the same thing you have, it is better than what Edward has." David smiles at her and takes her hand and points the sharp object at her."So did you make Edward's bed warm in same way?"Ruby gets angry and heartbroken after hearing this.Ruby was not saying anything. She was just thinking of running away from him. That's why she was picking up her clothes. Then David also lifts her tunic from the bed and gives it to her.She angrily tore the sheet from her body and threw it into his mouth. David was smiling again, but the sheet lying on his face was making him angry. But Ruby sees the opportunity and wears her clothes. Ruby also had something else in her hand, which she threw back at him, and she slams the door open to leave, then slams it shut.

Devid had already removed the bed sheet from his face,But the other thing he threw was a handkerchief which was full of blood. That handkerchief had faded on his chest, David angrily picks it up with his two fingers and throws it on the floor.

He also looks at his chest and seeing some blood on his hand, gets up from the bed angrily and goes to his bathroom.

Ruby was leaving from there crying. Holding back her tears, she walks out of the corridor.

His mother was also going from there who sees her crying.Rebecca stops her when she sees him crying,Seeing her tears, she speaks in haste"What's the matter, what happened, why are you crying like this?"There was a lot of anxiety and panic in his talk, Ruby was still crying, I could not say anything. Rebecca asks her again"Tell me, my child, has someone said something to you, shall we talk to them now? Tell me something, what happened."Ruby gets irritated hearing this and starts shouting loudly."You really want this, will talk to those people, I said right.

You will never be able to say anything to them, what did they do to me."

Ruby goes back crying from there.Rebecca can't do anything even though she isn't poor so she starts walking back to her work.

Ruby had gone from there but her tears were still in her eyes, she was crying so much that her eyes which were filled with tears, she could not see anything. As soon as you come out of the palace, there is a big forest from where you can see only the houses of poor people.

She was going from there without bumping into the dry trees, but there was a place where a small wave of water was going, she sits there and starts crying."Now what will I tell you, what will you hear from my mouth.I am no longer the person I was before.I didn't listen to you and wasted my life in someone else's rest." She was saying all these words crying.

"I'm sorry, I apologize, I didn't listen to you."

On the other hand, Rebecca was inside the room, there was stuff all over the place, it looked like something happened in there, but it was probably easier for her to understand the way she was looking at things."Don't know how long he will continue to let his son do everything."Lying on the bed, she picks up the napkin which was full of blood. Rebecca grabs it with her two fingers, looks at it with a dirty mind and throws it in the trash. The girl also had some clothes. She tries to lift them too and then David comes there and says."Give it to Ruby, these very expensive clothes."David comes out of the bathroom, sits down on the couch, leaving me wrapped around his waist, and speaks. "You may have to clean this place tomorrow also, but I am hungry first, so bring me food."he says in a stern voice, Rebecca's face turns pale at the same time.She picks up the lying clothes and throws them in the dustbin.