

It takes one crown to become the persona of death. It takes two to be the destroyer of worlds. One mission. A series of deaths. A discovery of secrets. One end. In a world where power is symbolized by crowns, an individual can transcend mortality and become the embodiment of death itself with just one crown. But for those who seek to wield the might to shatter worlds and realms, two crowns are imperative. Amidst this dominion of dual crowns, unfolds a singular quest — a relentless pursuit punctuated by a string of enigmatic demises, an unearthing of arcane truths, and an ultimate reckoning. Orphaned at an early age, Kiera finds refuge under the wing of the enigmatic Dr. Roberts. Under his tutelage, she is initiated into the harrowing game of survival, where danger lurks at every turn. Yet, Kiera is no ordinary ward. Unbeknownst to her, she is a scion of light, a being known as "urion," with an identity intricately tied to cosmic forces. Fueled by an unquenchable thirst for justice in the face of her parents' baffling demise, Kiera resolves to infiltrate a clandestine order of specially anointed "crowned urions." Their sworn mission: to obliterate the "human-outcross," a nefarious faction blamed for extinguishing the radiance of her lineage. As Kiera plunges deeper into the labyrinthine enigmas surrounding her parents' tragedy, she begins to grasp the chilling intricacies of reality itself. Unveiling veiled secrets becomes her obsession, and with each revelation, the threads of an even vaster conspiracy unravel. A conspiracy that promises to unveil the truth she seeks — a truth that could shatter her very essence and sow seeds of doubt about the significance of her coveted status as one who is CROWNED. Embark on a spellbinding odyssey in this tale of high fantasy and ceaseless action. A realm where crowns harbor not just dominion, but untold mysteries and unimaginable power. Will Kiera's unrelenting determination lead her to the ultimate answers, or plunge her into an abyss of uncertainty, forever altering the course of her fate?

Ruru_Mont · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs


The heavens bear witness to the interplay of the sun and the moon, a celestial dance that ushers in a force destined to give birth to a formidable human-outcross or a being endowed with the extraordinary prowess of a monster.

With each reunion of the moon and the sun, another entity is brought forth, possessing an equivalent strength to the born human-outcross. They are known as "urion," heralds of light ordained to redeem the lives of the outcross. They are the chosen ones tasked with extinguishing those born as half-human, half-beast.

Four or more eclipses occur each year, often comprising two lunar eclipses followed by a solar eclipse. In every lunar eclipse, a human-outcross is born, believed to be a harbinger of chaos across the cosmos. This is succeeded by the birth of an urion, the servants of light, during each solar eclipse.

But what if a lunar eclipse coincided with a rare blue moon? What manner of outcross would be born then? Will they stand as an ally of the light, or a threat to the human race? Who is the designated urion destined to vanquish the mightiest of outcross?

In the midst of such cosmic questions, the universe holds its breath, anticipating the unfolding saga that will shape the destiny of worlds and beings alike.