
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Thành thị
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22 Chs

Chapter 7.

Willow shrieked as she dashed to the kitchen with her laptop in her hands, Look. she ordered Emily, placing the laptop on the wooden surface of the kitchen counter.

what am I looking at? Emily asked peering through her glasses.

I just got a job, the pay is about a thousand dollars a month. Willow said clicking on her mouse.

oh my gosh Lo, that's awesome.

yeah, I saw their link a week ago, something about baby sitting some rich kid, yeah I turned in my application letter and boom they want to see me, isn't it great?. all I just have to do is watch over some kid and i get a free thousand bucks that's half our monthly rent already.

This is great news Lo, with this, I don't think you need that old factory job anymore, Emily teased.

I love my job, I like working there, and remember am trying to climb to the highest food chain, so yeah. the factory job stays Willow defended.

Emily rolled her eyes as she continued cutting up fruits on her cutting board.

Wait a minute , you're not a professional baby sitter, that site looks legit how did you even get them to book an appointment with you, She asked curious.

ohh I lied, Willow answered.

What? is that legal, these people are rich, what if they find out and get you arrested? She asked again.

Willow groaned, it's just a little embellishing, come-on it's no big deal, people do it all the time, like in your tinder profile you added great cook when all you do is make fruits salad, and sometimes they are bland, she said as she picked a small cut of watermelon from the cutting board and drop it back down.

what do you mean by that, I can cook,She defended.

yeah, sure you can. Willow laughed as she walked out the kitchen.



I had a job interview by 12, I'll have to call in sick or something, oh I know, maybe I'll say I have to go check up on my best friend who just had a accident, I said to Emily has I quickly got ready for work.

What? that's a terrible idea, I was not in an accident, would you pass me the lotion? she asked as she put on her brassiere.

ugh Here, then what am I gonna do? I asked fustrated.

just be like a NORMAL human being and think of an excuse, Emily taunted.

I rolled my eyes at her.

I walked into the factory, it was kind of empty only a few people where present, they call us the early birds, because we came on time, except Mr Calvary, He's here before everyone, I am an hundred percent sure he sleeps here.

I found my way to his office and knocked directly on the door.

Come in his answered after awhile.

I opened the door and I saw him buttoning up his sleeve there was coffee on his table.

Did you sleep here? I asked before I could stop myself.

yeah I had tons of documents to go over, I worked late and by the time I knew it was two in the morning, he said and gave a small smile.

yeah right, nobody is buying that I thought.

Anyways, I said trying to cut the awkwardness, I just came in here to tell you that I'll going out for my doctor's appointment by 10:30, do I need to have a slip or something? I asked him.

He walked closer to me till he stood towering over me.

Didn't you read the code of conducts?. He asked in a smug manner.

I sucked my teeth and breathed out my frustration.

He went to his desk and leaned on it with his baige tie dangling, He looked at me for awhile.

What's the point of coming to work if your just gonna spend half and hour, you are not gonna get your full pay today, whatever, You're excused he waved me off, then turned around to the direction of his seat.

Thank you sir, I faked a smile.

Tskss smug bastard, I cursed as I walked out his office door.

It doesn't matter anyways once I get to the TOP, I'll make sure you're FIRED! I thought and gave home a side eye.

I had to run home to get changed in a more cooperate wear, if I wanted to woo my soon to be boss, I would have to appear like I know what I'm doing.

what's so hard about it? I have a little sister and am basically her second mom, this is gonna be a breeze. I thought.

I didn't own a luxury suit but, I do own this blazer that looks luxurious I got it for 50% off at Amazon on Black Friday it was so worth it.

it was white and clean, that signify's how neat of a person I am, anyways I brought out a knee length black skirt to match my black covered flats, they had black roses on them, I wore my deodorant then carried my small hand bag.

looking at my own reflexion I breathed out, your gonna do great I assured myself.

The address they gave me was about thirty minutes from my apartment.

it was an estate home, I was searched vigorously before I could go in, 9 East 64th Street, Manhattan, NY 10065 was the address.

I had never seen anything like it before, the environment, and the buildings.

It was a gated community with gated houses, my mind is shutting down completely, I get work here?.

I walked into the automatic gates of my soon to be work, It was a long trek from the gate to the actual house.

There were so many animalistic grass statue's, they are so huge, a fountain not just a small one, a toddler could literally swim in it.

Jesus!.how many cars are parked here?. i asked myself

I'm walking in not paying attention to my surroundings and I almost bumped into a worker here, I think he's Gardener, he's dressed like a gardener so.

My legs were shaking, I was nervous, what if am not sophisticated enough?.

I breathed out, I looked ahead and there was a car parked, close enough to the entrance of the house. I quickly walked to the dark car, with tinted glass and slightly brushed myself up, I adjusted my bra, because it felt out of place, and it was restricting my airflow, or maybe it was because I'm so nervous, that I find it hard to breath, I touched up my lip gloss and nodded, that's about right.

I walked through the small steps and paused it the doorstep before ringing the bell of the huge golden door.

I stood there patiently waiting for an answer

Standing there something caught my eye, then I turned around, and the car door opened, The car which I just used as a mirror had people in it?.

A man placed his leg out first before coming out of the car fully, soon after another came out, and then the driver who wasn't has dressed as them.

Oh no, did they see me adjust my bra? I asked my self, praying the ground open up and swallow me.

The two men where walking towards me now, and with every step my grace and dignity dropped.