
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Thành thị
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22 Chs

Chapter 12.

I pressed the button in the speaker.

Hi I am the new Caregiver for the children, I said, releasing the button. It was 6:30, I was told to be here by 7:00 but I beat the system in my head and came earlier, I have been up and ready since four, to be honest I didn't get much sleep, I was too excited, like I child who would be going to Disney Land the next day.

After some minutes, the gate slowly opened up and I gradually walked in, this place was even more pretty with the morning dew. A man walked up to me, Good morning and welcome Miss Willow, I'll take you in he said and turned around.

Good morning. I greeted back.

He seemed focused on getting me into the house.

Once we reach the door, he gestured and bowed, then turned around and walked into the dew.

Doesn't he know I am an employee Aswell?.

I rang the doorbell.

a short middle aged woman on a uniform answered the door.

well, Good morning miss Willow, welcome, come in, come in.

She said quite excited.

oh. Good morning.

was everyone expecting me?, how'd they already know my name?

I am will but, I guess you already know that, don't you?.

I asked her.

Oh yes I do, she said in her British accent I am Mrs Templeton, the head chef here and the head of maids, it's so nice to meet you dear.

She smiled looking up at me.

the pleasure is mine, I smiled back.

well the children, are up in their room, they'll be down soon for breakfast, then you'll get to meet them, they are wonderful children a bit too much at times but wonderful I tell you, they leave for school by 7:30, the ride there is about 20 minutes, So you'll have to ride with them, to make sure they arrive safely and by 3:00 their school ends so you'll also ride back with them to make sure they come home on time, take them to any appointments they have daily and ensure their safety, you are like there body guard, She gave a small chuckle, Mrs Anthony isn't with us at them moment but when she comes around she'll add other instructions.

Thank you I nodded erm, what are their names?.

Oh silly me I completely forgot to mention that didn't I?, Larry and Lory, I guess their schedules has been forwarded to you?.

Yes it has thank you.

Oh, a small room was prepared for you, just above us, if you'll just follow me I'll show you, she added

I followed her up the stairs and into the big hallway, there was probably about 7 doors in total 3 on my left 3 on my right, and one in between.

She walked to the third one in-between and opened it with it's key.

This is it, your own little room, It's okay, feel at home Mrs Willow, and i hope we'll get along well, she smiled and walked away.

Wow, she was awfully cheer.

Little? she called this little? I asked as I observed the square, it was huge, even bigger than my actual room, it had a soft bed, a desk and chair, a bathroom, A T.v with steady internet, too bad I wouldn't get to enjoy it tho, yunno work and all. I dropped my bag on the bed as I sat on it, it was even softer.

It was past 7:00 the kids were probably awake, I wondered what they where like, maybe they were like anayice my 12 year old sister, who loved school and taking barley class, she has had her tantrums in the past but she was my perfect little girl, also one of the reasons why i worked so hard, I want to be able to provide for here, I sighed, I was suddenly sad, I missed her.

I heard laughter, from outside my door,

Okay, it's go time, I checked myself and walked out my door and down the stairs.

I walked past the living room towards the dinning hall i saw them eating breakfast in their uniforms.

Good morning! I greeted. as I stood away from them.

They both lifted their heads up from their phones and slowly looked at me.

Who are you?. the girl asked.

You must be Lory? I said with a smile, I am Miss Willow Freeman your new Caregiver, but you can just call me Willow.

She rolled her eyes.

Hi Willow. The boy answered with a small smile.

Hello Larry I answered.

you know my name already? he asked excitedly.

Yeah I do actua...

Don't get your hopes up Larry, this, she said and gave me a look, is the fifth caregiver we've had this year, so DON'T get too attached. the little girl warned.

ermm rude much I thought, well I'm not going anywhere, I added with a smile.

So eat up and let's head out, we don't wanna be late for school now do we? I asked.

No, Larry answered and started eating.

You can't tell us what to do, we she said motioning with her finger, we are your bosses.

Uhmm, I don't think so, I countered, I knew how to deal with mean girls, I used to be a mean girl.

i was employed by your Dad so HE is my boss and he out in charge of you so that makes ME YOUR BOSS. I said boldly.

Our dad is dead Genius, she flared.

Lory, Larry called.

oh shite, I thought as much, why did I say that? I knew that man was too young to be their dad.

I was interviewed by the assistant of the boss here so I just assumed he was your dad, I'm sorry about that I apologised.

Oh do you mean Chris?. Larry asked. He's our older brother, he's like a dad so there's nothing to apologise for. he added.

Thanks.I smiled

Don't explain anything to her she supposed to know these things, do you live under a rock? who doesn't know that our dad died years ago she continued.

I just can't with this little brat.

eat up children, we'll leave in five minutes I announced and walked out.

That wasn't the first impression I was hoping for, at least Larry seamed to like me, I am likable aren't I? she just needs time she'll warm up to me, I told myself.