
Our Last Memories

Tells the story of a male student at a high school in tokyo who has fallen in love with a famous girl at his school. Yet many setbacks had occurred after he told his feelings to the girl so that one moment everything had changed.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

First Meeting

In a house in the city of Tokyo. A teenage boy is sleeping soundly without knowing that it is morning. Footsteps were heard running from the stairs towards one of the bedrooms in the house.

"Minami! Minami! Get up. It's morning now, I've prepared breakfast for you" (Minami Mother)

"Ermmm .. eh ?! What! It's morning already?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier" (Minami)

Minami Takeo is a high school student at one of the schools located in Tokyo. Minami then rushes to clean his face and brush his teeth and get ready to go to school.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me earlier?" (Minami)

"I called your name from below. You who did not hear" ( Minami Mother)

Minami then proceeded to take a loaf of bread that had been cooked by her mother and put it in her mouth. Minami then kept running to put on his shoes and kept coming out of his house.

"Mom! I'll go first! It's too late" (Minami)

"Eh .. eat your breakfast that I have prepared first" ( Minami Mother)

"It's okay mom! I'm full" (Minami)

Minami kept running fast to go to school. The sun was shining very brightly with such beautiful weather. Several students were seen walking to go to the same school.

"There's still time. Arhh!" (Minami)

"Ehhhh" (another student)

Minami got to school on time.

"Fuhh .. finally" (Minami)

One of Minami's best friends greeted him from behind. Yurichi Masame. A football team athlete at his school. A very smart and very energetic teenager.

"Yo Minami. Slow to wake up again?" (Yurichi)

"Pfft. You're the same" (Minami)

"At least I didn't run" (Yurichi)

"Haha" (Minami)

Minami and Yurichi continued on to their classes. Minami sat in the back once while Yurichi was in front of him. Minami looked sleepy after the learning session lasted only 30 minutes.

"Ouch!" (Minami)

"Minami! How many times did the teacher say, don't sleep while the learning session is in progress" (Class Teacher)

All of Minami's classmates laughed as the teacher scolded him. Their class teacher then restarts the learning session. Suddenly a teacher knocked on their classroom door.

"Mrs. Hitori. There are new students who will be in this class" (Ms. Yamaguchi)

"Oh .. tell her to come in" (Mrs. Hitori)

Ms. Yamaguchi then asked the new student to enter the classroom. Apparently she was a female student who had just moved to Tokyo. The female student is very beautiful and cute. All the male students felt very happy.

"Please introduce yourself to your classmates" (Mrs. Hitori)

"Greetings. My name is Katsumi Minako. I hope you all can guide me" (Minako)

All the male students cheered with joy because there was a new female student who was in their class. Minami fell asleep in the back until he didn't realize that there were new students in his class. Ms. Hitori saw Minami sleeping and felt angry and went towards Minami's table.

"Minami! How many times does the teacher want to tell you not to sleep in the teacher's class!" (Mrs. Hitori)

"Ouch! It hurts" (Minami)

"I want you to show around our school to Minako" (Mrs. Hitori)

"All right hmm" (Minami)

The bell has rung to signal break time at school. Minami felt embarrassed to greet Minako. Minako saw Minami who was trying to greet her.

"Minami. Let's show me around the school" (Minako)

Minako smiled at Minami and caused a feeling that was very difficult for Minami to explain was spinning in his head. Minami shows the whole area around the school to Minako. School was over and Minami put all the books into the bag he was carrying. Yurichi was waiting for Minami outside their classroom.

"You're so slow" (Yurichi)

"Hehe" (Minami)

"Let's go back. I want to go see a movie with my family after this" (Yurichi)

They both started walking out of school. Minami then heard someone calling his name.

"Minami. Minami. Wait" (Minako)

"Minako? What's wrong?" (Minami)

"Thank you for showing me all the areas around the school. I hope we will be friends" (Minako)

Minami just fell silent as the same feeling started to resurface. Yurichi looked at Minami and smiled. Minako then walks back to the car that picked her up.

"Yo Minami. Don't say that you start falling in love with Minako" (Yurichi)

"Eh? Why? Let's go back home" (Minami)

Yurichi chuckled at Minami's demeanor trying to hide his feelings. They both continued to walk home to their respective homes.

"I'm back" (Minami)

"Welcome home. Take a shower first. i already prepared dinner for us. Your father came home late today because of a lot of work" (Mother Minami)

Minami then went straight to the bathroom. Once ready and putting on his clothes, Minami continued to go to the kitchen table to eat.

"I heard there is a new student in your class, what's her name?" (Minami Mother)

"You mean Minako?" (Minami)

"Oh that's her name. That's a beautiful name. I hope my daughter -in -law has a beautiful name like that" (Minami's mother)

Minami just kept eating. Minami's mother just smiled at her son's behavior. Once ready, Minami continued to wash the dishes he was using and continued to go to his bedroom. Minami lay on the bed thinking about the feeling that was running through his head.

"What's this feeling? Hmm !! Arhh !! Well I slept from thinking about it but why do I feel so happy when she smiles at me?" (Minami)