
She was not even worthy to lay on the ground

Kaia gripped and bunched up the cloths she was wearing, she was gripping her broken heart.

"It hurts so much." She still laid on the ground, completely ignoring passing strangers.

"Why does it hurt so much, when love is not a physical emotion?" She still had tears dripping to the ground, soaking the ground.

"Why is she laying on the ground like a homeless person? Does she have no dignity?" Kaia heard strangers whispering to themselves and their company.

"I wonder what made her like that. The poor thing." Another whisper chimed in.

"Tch, she probably deserved what came to her to become that thing on the ground." This time, it wasn't a whisper.

As Kaia heard each and every comment, her eyes grew so dull, she looked like a doll, with no life existent in her eyes. Kaia laid on the cold hard ground, wondering if her life was worth living.

When Kaia met him, she felt she was born to be with him. The blinding smile he always gave her, was as dazzling as the sun. It was warm, it was bright. Kaia basked in his warmth for a while, feeling as if she had won life.

"But I didn't win life at all." Tears still came out of her full eyes.

Kaia didn't find the energy to sit up and walk towards her apartment, so she just laid there and thought. She thought about the beautiful days filled with sunshine and an abundance of happiness. Even if days were gloomy, his smile, his face lit up every moment of her life.

She stuck with him through thick and thin, she was his manager after all. Kaia worked harder and harder to be noticed, to be worthy of him. She had never realized how much she gave up until now. She gave up friendships, familial relationships, weddings of her closest friends and loved ones. She didn't even attend her grandpa's funeral. She had also missed the birth of multiple babies of multiple friends, she missed banquets and parties.

Kaia was blinded by her love for him. She was too star-struck to bother with unnecessary things, which included her own family.

But did Kaia regret loving him?

She doesn't know, she doesn't harbor any harsh feelings towards him even though she was just humiliated by him. After all, he had never treated her harshly. Until now, that is.

"I guess, I never had a chance at all."

Now that Kaia actually thought things through, she realized he had never shown interest in her at all. He was only being superficially nice.

"I was the delusional one."

"I'm so stupid."

Tears started to slip from her eyes. Kaia used up the remaining strength she had to get up. She stumbled a bit, her legs were numb from being on the ground for so long. Kaia started to walk without any care for the chatter and sounds around her.

"She actually got up."

One person commented.

"Finally, she was blocking the sidewalk. She's just a waste of space."

Another person spoke with her friend.

Kaia didn't feel anything. Not only were her legs numb, but also her emotions. But just then she asked the commenters,

"Why do you say rude things to me, when I've done nothing to you?"

One person was flustered,

"Because you're a crazy lady laying down on the street blocking everyone's way."

The person was flushed.

"Oh, I see." Kaia responded dully.

"I'll move out of the way now. Thank you for reminding me." Kaia then continued walking towards the destination she had in mind.

What was her destination? A cliff.

His name was Aaron. Just Aaron, she had never known his last name.

When days were much happier, Aaron would take her to see his favorite secret at night. The stars were shining and was focused on the pair, as if they were the last two humans in the world. The scenery was paired with beautiful flowers of pure white lilies , speckled tulips, and clear calm irises. It was like a fantasy world on that cliff. When Aaron had taken her on the cliff he said,

"I've never taken anyone else up here but my brother."

And she had asked, "Why is that? This place is so magical and ethereal."

And he had answered with a sunshiny smile, "Because you are important to me."

Recalling her younger days, Kaia smiled. But that smile soon disappeared as if it never had shown on her face.

The same scenery she had recalled a little while ago, soon came into sight. Kaia found a clean log to sit on, and stared at the familiar beautiful scenery.

Please enjoy these few chapters! Even though it’s only one new chapter. Thanks for giving it a try! :)

lilialina425creators' thoughts