
An Unexpected Tragedy

"No." He said.

"S-sorry?" Kaia asked.

He said and repeated himself.

"I said no."

"But I just wanted to say that I've like you for five years, I was the closest person to you. I-"

He interrupted her.

"Kaia, I don't know where you got this preposterous idea from."

Kaia heard her heart stop. Her world cracked, her fragile world. She held in her almost unleashed tears and said, her voice trembling.

"I-I didn't get the idea from a-anywhere."

Kaia felt something warm on her cheeks, it was tears. She turned away from his face.

"I've never liked you in that way at all." He said emotionlessly.

'At all?' She thought.

'I was the only one imagining the feelings we shared?'

She turned towards him and looked down, not wanting to look in his eyes directly.

"I'm sorry f-for b-bothering you."

Then she ran away, she ran past cars, past shops. Kaia felt a pain, called reality pierce her heart.

Her footsteps rang and echoed in her ears, each step was a way for her to escape the pain. As she ran she didn't dare to look back, afraid of what she would do if she saw his expression of mockery, of disappointment. She kept sounds from escaping her mouth as she silently cried.

She ran and ran, until she was forcefully stopped from running by a hand gripping her wrist.

"Whaa!" She looked back. Her eyes widened. It was him?

"Wait. I didn't mean to be so blunt. I was just caught off guard."

He said, even his face was a bit red. His burning eyes were filled with passion and regret.

Kaia slowly felt the pain fly away as if it were leaking out of her. She felt an emotion called hope. Her body felt light, no longer weighing tons.

"When I heard what you said I, I was just so speechless."

He continued speaking, his cheeks flushed red.

Kaia looked confused. Is this a dream? If it was, she never wanted to wake up.

'Then, is he going to accept me?" This question weighed in her heart.

'Does he actually, like me back?" Kaia kept thinking. Her tears stopped.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I'll show you I can be there for you." He looked at her with hope.

"Y-Yes!" She hugged him. And he hugged her tight before he loosened his grip of her and said.

"Is that what you wanted to hear?" He asked.

Kaia stopped smiling and turned to look at his side profile.


This time, Kaia couldn't hear anything.

"Is that what you wanted to hear, hear, hear, hear?" Those words circled around in her mind, taunting her, mocking her.

'Why? Why? What did I do? Does he hate me this much?' Kaia felt her heart pound. It pounded until it sounded like drums.

He pushed her to the ground and laughed.

"You actually fell for that petty trick. I pity you. You poor soul. You can't even amount to me."

He sighed and kicked her once before he walked away.

Kaia stared at his back until it disappeared.

'Why is he walking away from me? What just happened? How? How?'

Kaia's eyes grew dim and this time, the light truly disappeared. Even though she didn't make any sounds, tears came out of her lifeless eyes. She laid in the same position in the way she fell. The moon was glaringly bright. Too bright.

'Why was I brought to this world of hate, and envy?'


Hello Reader!

' ' means that she's thinking, not speaking

Please let me know if my writing is good!

lilialina425creators' thoughts