
Our Family

Since Victor became his coach and eventual husband Yuri's life has never been the same or happier in fact he did't think that their happiness could grow beyond what it was already but he's proven wrong when he learns exactly why he's been so sick lately! and though putting his carer on hold as well as being under a continues spot light from the press draws a lot of unwanted attention and not all of it good will make this road to parent hood anything but smooth sailing it's worth it to turn their happy family of two into a happy family of three.

jessicaraidenfan · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Sharing the News Part 1.

Since taking the tablets that Doctor Suzuki had given him the sickness that he'd been suffering from for the past week eased off and he could enjoy the food's and drink's he liked again though that did't mean that there were't time's that he'd wake during the night or at some time during the day rush off for the nearest bathroom which still troubled Victor a great deal, which was why he'd follow just or step or behind him when ever it happened of course he could't be there all the time due to the demonstration that was less than a day away but he still had his mum and dad as well as his older sister at home with him though if he was being honest they were worse than, Victor with their worrying as they wanted to take him back to Doctor Suzuki in spite of the fact that he was doing a little better and since they'd be more than likely seeing her at the end of the week there was no point so, he did what she had told him to do and take it easy and before he new it the end of the week had come in a blink of an eye and they were once again sitting in Doctor Suzuki's office after getting her call that very morning who was not only looking slightly less scruffy this time around.

"So what are the results doctor Suzuki?" Victor asked while keeping a slightly painful hold on his hand.

"exactly what i was expecting them to be" she said with a smile that was boarder line of being smug.

"meaning?" Victor asked.

"that Yuri is pregnant it's why he's been so sick lately" she said.

"Y-Yuri is what Doctor Suzuki saying true?" Victor asked.

"ah yeah the tablets she gave me for the sick are known for treating morning sickness...ah i was going to tell you Victor i swear but..well i was waiting for Doctor Suzuki to confirm it right doctor Suzuki it's why you took my blood and ah well..." Yuri said blushing after a freak out while telling Victor what he had figured out on his own from the tablets she'd given him.

"your urine" Suzuki said lifting an eyebrow" yep that's exactly..."

She did't get to finish her words as Victor shot out of his chair and pulled Yuri into the most loving hug that she'd ever seen hell she'd even forgot to chuckle at their reactions then again they did't react the way countless other's had before them so she would just have to save it for next time but she had to admit the scene that was playing, out in front her was very sweet Victor who was the taller between him and Yuri embracing him in such a way and though Yuri was a little stiff at first soon melted into him.

"I figured you'd be happy" Yuri chuckled.

"Happy i'm ecstatic!!" he said still holding onto him"we'er going to be parents ..though i'm guessing there's a few thing's we need to know right?" he asked turning towards Suzuki.

"there's a few thing's yes" she said with a slight chuckle.

They both sat back down and listened to what she had to say of course she gave them a list of do's and don'ts that came with pregnancy like staying off the ice as fall's at any point during the pregnancy could be harmful to the baby as well as yourself and at time's though not always lead to a miscarriage which caused not only Yuri to go a little stiff but she got a look from Victor that said she could of put that a bit more softly instead of out right scarring him though that was't what she'd attend to do but they had to know these thing's in case something did happen after pregnancy was't an easy road it came with meany twist and turns sometime's unseen other time's not so much, so she went on about taking supplements like folic acid as it prevents spina bifida and what food's were perfectly safe during pregnancy as long as all meats were cooked through fully in other's nothing under cooked or that held raw egg she went on to say that fish was alright except for raw fish and predatory fishes such as shark, swordfish, marlin and king mackerel.

"so..i can still have pork cutlet bowels" Yuri sighed.

"huh..pork cutlet bowels?" she said wondering why he said that.

"i er..Victor are you laughing?!" Yuri said turning a shade of red that should't of be cable for a human.

"i..i'm sorry Yuri..but trust you to..worry about being able to eat pork cutlet bowels ..it's adorable" Victor said his shoulders shaking from hard he was laughing which made Yuri's impossible blush go even darker.

"..Victor.." Yuri sighed as he pulled him into a hug.

"any way..though this is rough guess from what i'v pieced together already i'd say that your due date is around the 13th of December it goes without really having to be said that you'll be having a c-section given well..you don't share the same pluming as women do as for your first scan that will take place in about 10 to 14 week's i'll go ahead and book you in" she said about to type it in.

"wait that's a problem" Yuri suddenly said making her jump a little.

"why is it a problem?" Suzuki asked.

"I can fill that one doctor Suzuki" Victor said while keeping one arm around Yuri" you see we live in Russia not japan and we'er only here for a little while longer so making those appointments will be well impossible"

"hmmm" she hummed titling her head" you would be facing one bitch of a commute and Yuri wont be allowed to fly during his third trimester due to the risk of blood clots..hmm ..ah i'v got it!" Suzuki said starting to go through her desk in till she found what she was looking for" his number has to be in here some where though he wont be happy with me calling him out of the blue like this ..what time is't over there? but there's no other choice" she more less muttered this to herself more than to either of them.

"Excited Yuri?" Victor asked while suzuki was busy with the phone.

"of course i am we'er having a baby and better yet it's going to have the same month as your birthday how call is..." Yuri's words were cut off or better yet drowned out by a very loud voice coming from the phone that Suzuki was holding away from her ear.

"WHAT THE HELL SUZUKI DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT'S YOU NUT CASE!!" a male voice with a very thick and heavy Russian accent (much more than even Victors) screamed.

"not really no" Suzuki said loudly enough so the person could hear without her having to put the phone near her ear.

"WELL IT'S EARLY WAY TO BLOODY EARLY TO BE DEALING WITH YOU!" the person on the other end screamed.

"Alexander don't you want to know why i called you?" she asked.

"ALRIGHT WHY?" he asked/shouted.

"well.."Suzuki said and went about telling him well everything and by the time she was done he had calmed down quite a bit.

"congratulations to them both and i'd be more than happy to handle thing's once they've return to Russia" Alexander said"as long as it means i wont be dealing with you beyond this point correct?" he asked.

"if you mean beyond anything apart from me sending you paper work then no"Suzuki said.

"good i'm looking forward to meeting them both and i'll contact them about when the first scan will take place once the paper work come's through" Alexander said sounding like he just laid back down on his bed or sofa" I would say that it's been talking to you but then we'd both know that i'd be lying" and with that he hung up.

"he never changes" Suzuki chuckled.

"he sounded ah well" Yuri said.

"a lot like Yurio" Victor chimed in making her chuckle more.

"Alexander maybe knew for his coldness but under it all he's got a caring heart which make's him one hell of a doctor and he'll take good care of you guy's and if he does't give me a call and i'll bug the crap out of him alright" she said hopping to ease the slight worried look's about their new doctor they'd be having from this point on.

Thanking Doctor Suzuki for all the help she had given them in the short time that she was their doctor they were soon making their way back to his parents hot spring hand in hand though if he was being honest with himself it was't the slightest bit worried about telling his parents about the baby and that, they were going to be grandparents or that his sister was going to be an aunt due to fact that they'd be just as excited as Victor and himself or even telling their friends it was telling the rest of the skating world that had him a little worried and though more than could count on one hand would be happy for them there were those's that would't be after all he had not only stolen Victor from the skating world by asking him to become his coach (though he did't know that!) and then he sort of did the same thing according to more than a few by becoming his husband so yeah he was a little anxious but could anyone really blame him?

"Yuri" Victor said.

"huh" Yuri said snapping out of his thoughts and looking round seeing that they had't head back to his parents hot's spring but had instead stopped outside a rather large shop that seemed to hold what looked like to be party supplies.

"Is everything okay your not feeling sick again are you?" Victor asked.

"ah..no it's just that" he said trailing off not really sure how to voice what he was feeling.

"your worried" Victor said.

"yeah i mean i don't want to be but after those message that were posted on line after we got married i can't help it..because what if they" he said placing a hand against where the baby was growing inside of him only for Victor to take a hold of said hand and lift it to his lips and give his fingers a light kiss making him blush.

"they'd have to get through me first" he said protectively.

"Victor" Yuri said feeling tears prick at the corner of his eye's

"so please leave sharing our happy news with skating world to me..alright" he said with that smile that he could always make him smile right back.

"alright" Yuri said with a slight nod.

"Good!" Victor beamed taking a firm hold of his hand an began leading him into the shop" now that's settled let's get some thing's so we can celebrate with family and friends first don't you think Yuri?" he asked.

".yeah" he replied with a smile just as large as his.

Going around the shop and picking up different kind of party bits from banners, streamers and a whole host of other thing's that he really did't think that they needed but did't voice that since well it was more than a little fun in fact to make sharing their happy news with everyone he got the idea of getting a couple of medium sized gift boxes to put a few baby thing's inside of which they got from an other shop as they'd seemed to of chosen to spend the rest of the day walking around town which was why when they finally did get back it was pitch black and given that his parents and sister were busy with tending to guest that gave them the chance to set thing's up in one of the room's that was't being used which he left to Victor or rather he did't have a choice as he did't want him over doing thing's guess he was going to have to get used to that but that left him with sorting out the boxes which was rather fun and by the time he was done two boxes now sat on the table with multi coloured ribbon tied around each one since well they had no idea if the baby was a boy or girl yet given that they would't find that out for a quite bit of time yet it made seance plus well they'd been the nicest one's the store had, though as Victor vanished for a few seconds to get his parents and sister he could't help but dig his nails into the palm of his hands not enough to hurt himself but enough to leave a mark due to his nerves.

"Okay Yuri what's all this ab.."Mari said appearing at the door.

Unlike how she normally looked which was normally fairly neat and tidy she looked well rather scruffy much like Doctor Suzuki did when they first met her in other words his sister looked dog tired her short brown hair which was partially bleached and tied back with a purple headband which had been removed giving her hair that just been pulled through a hedge backwards look also the dark marks under her brown eye's were rather noticeable as for her samue and apron (their mum more or less wears the same thing when working) looked twisted in places clearly it had been a very long day which also explained why their mother and father looked much the same as she did when they appeared behind her.

"what is all this?" she asked as he smiled back at them.

Instead of saying anything he just waved his hand in a motion for them all to sit and upon them doing so he pushed one of the boxes across the table to them and sort of nodded down at it as if telling them to open it (his voice seemed to of stopped working at this point no matter how hard he'd tried to get to work even with Victor standing at the door) as they slowly opened it he watched their faces switch from confusion while they pieced the bit's that were contained within the box together of course mum got it before anyone else and beamed from ear to ear.

"Oh yuri is this for real?" she asked excitedly.

"yeah it's for real" he said blushing.

"congratulations!" she shouted shooting up onto her feet and hugging victor around the waist of course he hugged her back while chuckling.

"wait..you saying you knocked Victor up?" Mari asked causing the room to go dead quite for what felt like far longer than a few seconds.

"it's the other way around" Victor said slightly amused.

"what Yuri your?!" she said shooting round to look at her brother after tearing her eye's off Victor.

"ah yeah" he said shifting a little on the spot.

"Like your mother just said congratulations" their dad said beaming like their mother.

"huh guess that make's me auntie Mari" she said with a smile which matched both of their parents" happy for you little bro"

"thanks" Yuri said blushing even harder now.

After the cat was out of the bag at least with his parents and sister they chowed down on some pork cutlet bowels along with a drink or two ( fruit juice for Yuri) as they chatted about the little one that would be joining this rather happy family in about nine months time that by the time their small celebration drew Yuri started to doze off against Victor's shoulder making a very sweet scene as they watched him shift ever so slightly and pick Yuri up in a bridle style and carry him back towards their bedroom with such love and care that their hearts just melted at the sight though they would of truly exploded at what followed as he laid Yuri carefully down on the bed and settled himself down next to him though not like he normally did no since he shifted a little further down the bed so that he could nuzzle against stomach.

sorry this chapter took so long to get done and up but i'v been dealing with a really bad cold for the last few day's and was unable to think clearly enough to put anything up but i hope this chapter lives up to the first one and hope you enjoy the next chapter two hopefully i'll get it done a little faster now that i'm over my cold more or less.

jessicaraidenfancreators' thoughts